Meteor Shower

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Four years after Ren's death had taken a toll on his sister's thoughts. She almost got over her brother's death, and she felt like she had to do something about it.

Phoena looked into the sky, and saw a light. It wasn't the light of the other worlds, but it looked like a meteor.

Drake walked outside, and saw the meteor. "That looks like it's about to split into fragments. Prepare for impact!" He yelled.

The meteor exploded, and split into 15 fragments.

After Haru and Leo took a closer look, she eventually identified it as a meteor of Black Aura. "We gotta alert everyone." She told Leo, and they started running to the barracks.

Selena got the memo from the two guards, and she went to Light's room. "The meteors aren't actual rock. Haru and Leo started looking, and it turned out to be Black Aura." She warned the Awakener. Alice left her closet. "Wait, the meteors have split and are breaking into Grand Gaia?" She asked. Selena nodded. "We need to stop the meteors from landing, but they might be something else."

Light gasped. "Might it be a demon?"

Two seconds later, an explosion was heard. The window shattered as a meteor fragment started to roll on the floor.

Night came into the room. "What was the explosion?!?" He yelled.

He walked over to the fragment, and his wings started to sprout. He had no control over it, and all of the Black Aura started to come out like wildfire and into Night's wings. Night screamed in pain, and his body lost control. He collapsed, and his wings disappeared.

"It might be possible that Night has a key to stop the blackening once and for all." Selena had suggested.

Light sighed. "He might have the power to, but I have no clue. Should I make contact with Lucius?" He asked. Alice and Selena nodded. Light knocked himself out, and soon awoke in his mind.

"Lucius, what is in the meteors?" Light asked.

Lucius was thinking. "Inside those meteors, are dangerous levels of Black Element. Your son took in a dangerous level of it, and is at the risk of dying."

Light woke up, and started to use healing magic on Night. After Selena splashed holy water on Night, the healing magic started to remove the Black Element from his body.

The Fallen Gods came out of Night's body. "Watch out for us. Our bodies are in four of the fragments, which is causing Night to lose control." Maxwell had told them.

The Gods went back into Night's body, as Light stood there confused. "Was that real? Was he born like that?"

Skye shook her head. "No. He was born a human, but a kidnapping incident turned him into what you are." Skye had told him.

"So Night is the complete opposite of Leo?"

Skye nodded.

She went to sharpen her axe, and Haru had walked in. "Skye, what are you doing? You sharpening your axe so it will break the souls of your enemies?" She joked around.

Skye nodded. "Well, breaking the souls of our enemies is Night's job. So, how did you find Light?" Skye asked.

Haru remembered the past four years. "He found his way here, and we followed him before we went to the Nine Territories."

Drake looked through his Chronicle, and flipped to a page which seems incomplete. There was part of a triangle, and part of a circle. He called for Phoena and Emma, and the two females looked through for a similar page.

"For one to master the power of the stars, one must unite the three Chronicles to complete the Star Cannon."

Drake looked at the quote in the middle of the triangle.

Emma grabbed her Chronicle after taking note of it, and she looked for Arius.

Arius was in front of the castle, as he saw some meteors fall on the ground. "Zephu, what could this be?" He asked the guard.

Zephu poked the rock fragment with his trident. "It is hard as a brick, but the features have some extremely dark qualities." He told Arius. Arius gasped. It looked like it must have came from Yggdra, since Erebonia had no signs of any Black Element. He also remembered his times with the Black Element. Those were not really good times, since he was being held captive by his own brother when that incident happened.

Skye heard a window shatter as a rock landed on her bed. It was dark, and it looked like a Black Fragment. She grabbed a paper towel, and put the rock by pulling the towels to safely pick it up. She put it on her desk, and she left her room.

Night had a fragment of the meteor on his scythe, and he turned it into a mace. He put the fragment into the air, and destroyed it by whacking it. He then turned it back into a scythe. "These fragments must be destroyed. Anything to eliminate the Blackening once and for all."

Rem looked closer at the meteor. It was really dark, and she picked it up safely. A burst of Black Aura came out of the rock, and Rem immediately realized it was the Black Element.

She put it in a paper towel, and she walked to the thrones. She found Alice looking at a similar fragment, and a voice was heard.


Rem and Alice heard the voice, and they looked at the rock. "You heard that too, Your Majesty?" She asked. Alice nodded. She looked for a jar, and she found one, and then she put the rocks in the jar. "Find all the fragments, and bring them to me. We need to contain these fragments."

Rem saluted. "On it." She told her and left the room

Drake looked around the fields for a fragment, and he found a body. The body had white hair, an orb of light, a spear, and a halo on her forehead. He backed away. He managed to come across the body of Maxwell, and saw a fragment under Maxwell's foot. Fallen God or not, it was his duty to make sure people are brought to safety. He grabbed a wheelbarrow and picked up Maxwell's body. He pushed her into the castle, and brought her to Alice.

Alice spit out her drink at the sight of the God. "Where did you find her?!?" She asked her son.

"Well, I was looking through the fields, and found her unconscious on the ground. I also found this." He said, and pulled out a fragment. He used magic to return the wheelbarrow to its proper place in the garden.

Suddenly, a scream and a loud punch was heard.

"Have you seen Night? I want to ask him about his father and why he went into hiding for such a long time."

Alice tried to remember where Night went. "I believe he went to his room after the incident with the fragments."

Drake walked out of the audience chamber, and went to Night's room. He hears a grunt in pain, and he knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Drake walked into his brother's room, and found Night putting bandages on his stomach area. "Shit, Cardes and can really pack a punch. Gotta make sure I don't open this wound up."

"Here, lemme help you with that."

Night stood up and gave Drake the roll of bandages. He started tightening the bandages,and used some gauze to stick the bandages tighter.

Night put his shirt back on, and was about to leave his room. "You know, I haven't seen you cry so much since that time you got kidnapped." Drake told Night. "So do you know anything about Light?" He asked.

Night turned around. "I don't know a thing. All I know is that he's an Awakener like me." He answered his brother. He left his room, and went to the kitchen to look for something to eat.

A Black Fragment landed in the kitchen,  dealing a window, and clogging up the sink, but nobody knew it at all.

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