Witch Hunt; Aki's Body

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Skye opens the door to the next room. "Either another challenge or another Demon has got to be on the other side of this gate."

The door opened all the way, and weapons were there.

"You must find the Demon of Witchcraft, and then kill her." Skye read a sign.

Bushes were everywhere, and Rem remembered a recent Demon attack.

"Watch out for the Demon of Witchcraft. She can make illusions and throw them at you." Phoebe warned, remembering the incident where she almost got hit by a castle.

The party split up, looking for the Demon of Witchcraft. "Remember, the Demon has bright pink hair." Zeffar reminded.

A golden apple was forming above each of the party. After three seconds, the apples disappeared. "I'm going to kill you all now." A voice echoed through minds.

"Aki, get ready."

Gusts of wind began blowing at high speeds. After taking cover behind Phoebe, rocks began flying at them.

Phoena protected the party with barriers, while Emma was reinforcing them. Leo and Agmel changed their forms to walls to protect from the gusts of wind, and Aki was waiting for his next order.

"Aki, make sure nobody is out there."

Aki ran out of the barrier. He looked around, looking for others. He started flying in the wind, and a woman with pink hair looked dead at him. "I will kill you, Sprite!"

Aki soon was overpowered by the wind. He flew quickly towards the wall, hoping to not crash.

"Say, why do you think Aki has a bandage on his left eye?" Night asked his brother.

Drake did not know. "I don't really know... is he hiding something?"

Haru and Jade did not know what to do. "I think he is hiding something. Maybe he is an Awakener?"

"Then how does he get into the Chronicle? Only sprites can get into chronicles, Haru." Phoena asked.

Everybody looked at Phoena.

"Don't you have a sprite?"

Phoena nodded. "I do, but she is keeping the will of Yggdra alive right now."

Arius shot at the Demon with ice magic.

Leo and Agmel kept the barrier up, hoping that the Demon would use this as bait.

"My name is Bucaphi."

Bucaphi summoned more golden apples, which exploded on the barrier.

Alicia and Aster helped Arius shoot the Demon, cornering her.

A bandage flew away, hitting Arius in the eye.
Drake looked at Aki. He knew Aki was a hybrid, but did not know what species.

Aki's right eye was covered in twelve magic seals. He broke three seals, throwing ice, rock, and fire at Bucaphi.

"The seals are broken, Trismegistus."

Yuuri and Jade looked at Aki in shock. His seals were going to be useful in their battle against Camilla, so they took note.

Aki broke seal number four, turning his wings into swords, dashing through Bucaphi.

Six seconds later, Aki's wings turned back to regular angel wings, and the sprite fell unconscious.


Drake put Aki back into the Chronicle after covering his seals. After Agmel made sure Aki was resting, they advanced into the next room.

There was nothing, and Leo sensed a sanctuary nearby. Black Element was near, so the party had no choice but to retreat.

After getting to the sanctuary, Yuuri rolled up his sleeve. "We should use this to heal up before we fight Hatifas and Razanil."

"So, Drake, how much do you know about Aki?" Phoena asked, changing the subject.

Bertha did a detailed analysis. "Aki is a hybrid of a human and a sprite. His human side died thousands of years ago, so now he lives as a high class sprite. Trismegistus was the Sage of Might at his time, so he used himself as a guinea pig for twelve seals on his eye. He- a-ah!"

Bertha collapsed.

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