News of Drake

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News had spread about Drake's turning, as far as the Bracer Guild of the Liberl Kingdom.

Joshua was in Cuniali's domain, and she had been conveniently placed in the Liberl Kingdom. He had left the Vortex, and went to spy on Drake's actions. He hid in a maid costume, and followed Drake around, hiding his actions by holding a swimsuit magazine.

After Joshua followed Drake around, he eventually gave up, and walked back to the Vortex. He happened to see two familiar women walk by, and saw them go to the Bracer's Guild.

He followed the two women to the Guild, and saw them pull out their weapons. One of them had a whip, and the other had a very large staff.

Joshua walked back to the portal, but he was grabbed by the wrist by somebody. He turned around, and saw Drake, showing no signs of Black Element, and he prepared to grab his swords.

Joshua lured the Blackened Chronicler to the Vortex, and closed the gate.

"Drake, he's in Liberl!"

Zeffar gasped. "Who's domain?"

Joshua answered. "Cuniali's domain is in Liberl! He was walking around, but showed no signs of the Black Element. Strange, isn't it?"

Light prepared to leave. "Make sure the Chronicler does not turn or kill people. Joshua, guide us there."

The two guys left the Vortex, and they looked around for traces of Drake.

The two guys left the Vortex, and they looked around for traces of Drake

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(Drake's Demon Form)

Light and Joshua walked around, and saw a man with wings, dressed as a priest in all black, and looked very familiar.

"Did Night ever turn anybody here?" Light asked.

"No, then that must mean that it was Drake!"

Aki came through the Abyssal Vortex, and saw Drake's Demon form. "Shoot, we were too late!"

Drake backed away, not wanting to be killed by his family or his sprite.

"Light, surround him! Aki, prepare your purification!" Joshua ordered.

Light quickly circled around Drake, with Joshua preparing to attack.

Drake took his chances, and fired a Black Elemental magic bolt at Light. He managed to hit Light and Joshua, and grabbed Aki. Drake started squeezing Aki, slowly infecting him with Demonblight.

"Prepare to fall to darkness, Sprite."

Aki gained a burst of power. The Sprite managed to form a weapon, and had materialized an ancient mace.

Aki knocked Drake back, and almost hit him in the head, but Drake defended.

Joshua and Light were both unconscious, and Aki began to lure Drake to the Bracer's Guild. Drake ran towards the guild, and was tripped by a woman.

"Guess that you won't be able to get away from me." A woman with purple hair had taunted. "Turns out that you became a Demon. Estelle, Scherazard, come help us!"

Two women, one with a giant staff and pigtails, and one with a whip had walked out of the Guild. "Defeat the Chronicler!"

Aki tried to hit Drake once more, and failed. He waited for the girl with pigtails to knock back Drake, and used that opening to hit Drake and knock him away.

"Keep him in critical condition, so I can purify him."

The woman the purple haired Bracer called Scherazard pulled out her whip, and started to attack Drake. "Sara, knock him out!"

The purple haired Bracer nodded, and charged her gun. She fired, releasing a low voltage purple bolt aimed at Drake, who defended, reflecting the attack. He began firing Black Element at the four of them, and was countered by Aki.

"Not this time, Chronicler!"

"Defend me while I power up my purification!"

Joshua managed to recover, and grabbed his swords. "Es-Estelle...?" He gasped, not having enough strength to stay up after attacking Drake with his remaining strength.

"Die!" Drake yelled, and fired a dark bolt of Black Element at Aki, but was reflected by the girl with pigtails. She then hit Drake in the chest with her staff, shattering Aelle Gloon's Pendant.

"Former Demon, face the light of my purity with this spell! I call the Chronicle's power, Purifying Light!"

Aki grabbed the Chronicle, and purified it with the touch of his hand. "Purify!"

Aki purified everything in a large radius, restoring everything alive. He removed the Black Element from Drake, and lost a lot of strength.

"I'm going to the Abyssal Vortex. Can you bring Joshua and Light with you?" Drake asked, with no intent of killing them. He has returned to a mere human, unable to go into his Demon form.

Aki went into the Chronicle, and Scherazard brought Joshua and Light into the Abyssal Vortex.

Joshua and Light returned with the three women who Rean and Joshua recognized by looking at them.

Drake suddenly collapsed. He had a high fever, and was immediately taken in to heal by Ren. He still had the pendant so he could still use his power as the Demon of Rebirth.

"I'll heal them, just remain calm." Rem told them after taking Drake, Joshua, and Light.

Rean turned to the three women, and saw the one with purple hair.

"Instructor Sara, did you see any new wines to try out yet?" Rean asked without thinking.

The instructor nodded, and let Rean pick out a bottle of wine for her to drink. Immediately, Sara was drunk, and she looked at the destruction of Rolance. The town was in tact, all except the Bracer's Guild.

"I can't travel to Legram or Heimdallr now, the transport got destroyed!" Sara complained, and decided to stay with the party. Estelle and Scherazard decided to stay as well.

"We're finally together again, Joshua."

Trails of Cold Brave Sky Chronicle 4: Wrath of the DemonsWhere stories live. Discover now