A Day to Relax; Night and Haru's Bonding

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Night and Elise couldn't think about anything else other than the old lady that held them captive.

Night saw an opportunity to ask Yuuri a question, and took it. "Yuuri, while we were held captive, an old lady trapped us in the basement. Elise also said that she was the one who attacked Ymir. Do you know who she is? Very wrinkled skin, and had extremely long fingernails, you know who she is?"

Yuuri thought for a minute, and remembered something very familiar.

"Divine Punishments..!"

That was the voice he heard in his head, as he remembered the old lady. After remembering her, Yuuri answered. "That old lady was a prophet who constantly preached about the end of the worlds. Her name is Camilla, and she was from the Land of Sin, but I don't know why she is consorting with demons." Yuuri continued on with his answer.

Phoena saw something very vague in her head, but it was very familiar. She heard a voice saying something about the heavens getting angry with the humans, and the world ending soon. "I went to one of her preachings, but I didn't expect her to consort with demons. Her preaches are very creepy if you have to ask me." She responded.

Rean looked out the window, and he saw something in the sky split. "Yuuri, I think something is about to hit us. I think we have to warn everybody."

The object Rean saw in the sky continued splitting, as it appeared to be a volley of rockets raining down upon the penthouse.

Without time to think, Drake, Phoena, and Emma lined up their Chronicles at the rockets as the window opened.

They twirled their books in the air in unison, and threw them at the window, a large laser flying towards the rockets, destroying them. A loud rumble was heard and felt, as everybody fell.

Smoke filled the air as many citizens went outside to see what was wrong.

Emma went outside, and casted a barrier on top of the city. She didn't know why the city was being attacked all of a sudden, and Rem decided to seek the Abyssal Vortex for help.

"I'm going to the Abyssal Vortex to ask Zeffar what happened, I'll be right back. Keep the portal open for me."

Rem went through the portal, and she saw only one Demon there. "Zeffar? What happened?" She asked.

Zeffar stood there, her eyes closed and at the verge of tears. "The other Demons went back into the three worlds, wreaking havoc. I managed to get out of the Black Element through Cuniali and Baglis' help, but they fell to darkness." She told her.

Rem picked up Zeffar. "Let's get back to the penthouse. I don't think the Abyssal Vortex is safe anymore." She told her, and the two went through the portal.

Yuuri walked by, and saw the portal to the Abyssal Vortex close. "Rem, what is Zeffar doing here and why is she not in the Abyssal Vortex?" He asked her.

Zeffar got up, and ascended into the air. "It seems like fate has bestowed upon us. Time to fulfill the prophecy to defeat the Demons who attacked Yggdra. Oh, the other Abyssal Demons fell to complete darkness."

Night and Haru walked into the elevator, preparing to go shopping. "Let's hope that nobody tries to stop us while we shop."

The two of them went down the elevator, as they went into the shopping district. They looked to get Haru a new set of clothes, trying to further hide her missing arm. "Haru, I want to know. How did you lose your arm?" The Awakener asked the one armed Mercenary.

Haru took a bit of time to remember before saying her answer. "I lost my arm in the war, my arm being badly poisoned. I would have died if the doctor didn't slice it off. I still have the bandage on."

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