Protecting the Tree

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It was only a few hours after Drake was purified that another sighting was spotted. They had heard that three demons were attacking the Land of Ephemerality, specifically the Tree of Birth. "Night, Alicia, Zoe, Amatsu, come with me to the Land of Ephemerality." Phoena had told the four people she called, and opened the portal.

After the five of them left, Skye had called Zeffar to the Royal Capital.

"Princess, what are we doing in the ruined Capital? What significance does this place have?" Zeffar asked. Skye looked for the place the party fell down the hole quite long ago. "Here!"

Skye used black magic to open a portal to the forgotten Realm of the Demons, and looked through. She found herself looking into Grand Gaia. "Maybe the Realm was what caused the meteor shower..."

Night, Zoe, Alicia, Amatsu, and Phoena arrived at the Land of Ephemerality, and immediately rushed towards the Tree of Birth. They found Sapras, Eirenus, and  a third Demon who Phoena recognized as the Demon of Forests Zuphlas.

Zoe took out Papa and a hook, and laughed. "I'll drown in your blood before I become a Demon!" She yelled, and threw the hook at Sapras. "Acelia, come out!"

Alicia surrendered her will to her other personality, and out came Acelia. The two killers attacked Sapras, but were countered by an arrow, knocking Papa out of Zoe's hands, landing next to the Tree of Birth.

Night grabbed Papa, and fought off Eirenus.

Phoena healed Zoe and Acelia, and Amatsu began to fight off Zuphlas. "Die, Demon!"

Night's wings released, and he picked up Zoe, and gave her Papa. "Take out Mama, and kill Eirenus!"

Night hit Eirenus with chains, restraining her. Zoe threw herself at Eirenus, but was intercepted by Sapras, killing her instead.

Eirenus broke free from the chains and returned them to Night, restraining he Awakener to the ground. She hit him continuously with Black Element, and then got countered by a mysterious force.

From in front of Night, a god with a woman's face and rainbow wings had materialized.

(Lucius does not have a gender, but it will be portrayed as a male.)

"You won't hurt this Awakener!"

Night's chains were broken, and he took a long look at the God. "L-Lucius?"

The God nodded. "Yes, I am Lord Lucius, Creator of the World. Now help me, defeat these Demons!"

Night took out his scythe and Lucius summoned an Orb, preparing to face off against Eirenus.

"Defend me, I'm going to use my Gate right away!"

A layout of a large gate appeared in front of Night, and the battle began. He had to help Lucius charge his Gate, and had started attacking Eirenus.

"Halfway charged..."

Eirenus knocked Night aside and got away.

"Not this time!" Night threw chains at Eirenus and pulled her towards him.

"I got a feeling this might hurt!"

Eirenus laughed. "Your gate is fully charged, but it won't have any effect if I turn myself."

The Demon took off Night's left glove and attempted to touch his bare hand, but was too late. The Demon of Destruction was incinerated by a bright light from the Gate. "Night, I'm falling."

Lucius fell to the ground. Night rushed to the God's attention, and set his scythe down. He healed the God, and sent him to the Abyssal Vortex, leaving Zoe, Alicia, Phoena, and Amatsu to fight Zuphlas.

"Lucius, the Demon of Rebirth will heal you." He told the God, and escorted him to Ren's room.

Night returned to the battle, and put on another pair of gloves. "How is Zuphlas doing?" He asked, waiting for Zoe.

Zoe and Acelia were struggling to defeat the Black Troops sent in.

"Everything will be green."

Zuphlas fired an arrow at Amatsu, piercing through, hitting Phoena and Acelia.

Phoena healed everybody, and used the Chronicle's power to subdue Zuphlas.

Zuphlas' control on the terrain shattered, returning to the Tree of Birth.

"N-No, I failed. The forests will die."

Zoe was ready to drink the Demon's blood. "Mama and Papa are thirsty!" Zoe yelled, inserting Papa and Mama through Zuphlas, killing her instantly.

"I'll take a look at the Tree of Birth. Everybody, return to Hizarbin's domain." Night told the four of them, and walked towards the Tree.

"Will I really turn an entire race, or will I increase their lifespan?"

Night took a deep breath.

"Hey, what are you trying to do to the tree?" A child's voice was heard.

Night reasoned with the boy, telling him he was going to try to increase the Ephemeral's lifespans.

Night took off his gloves, and put his hand to the tree.

The Tree released a very bright light, and a red trail circled the boy Night saw, and faded away. "I think I managed to extend your lifespan. Are there any Nine year old children here?"

The boy nodded. "I'm turning ten tomorrow, so I don't know if I will die. What do you think the lifespan was extended to now?"

Night thought for a second. "I think my current age."

Night returned to the Abyssal Vortex, and was tackled by Light.

"Night, you fool! What did you do to that Tree?" His father asked, with an unimpressed face.

Night closed his eyes. "I extended their lifespan."

Zeffar waited for a second. "I don't think many Demons are left, so let's spend our time for that concert Rean booked."

Trails of Cold Brave Sky Chronicle 4: Wrath of the DemonsWhere stories live. Discover now