The Girl from Yggdra and the Demon

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Arius, Rean, Night, and Light ran to the penthouse. Arius saw a girl with purple hair falling down to the ground, and Night flew into the sky to keep her from falling to the ground too hard.

Once Night and the girl landed, Night returned to his human form, the woman woke up.

"Ugh. M-Melchior, where is this place?" The girl asked when she opened her eyes.

"Melchior isn't here. Let's get you inside."

After they got inside the penthouse, Rem looked at the girl. "Rem, do you know the girl?" Light asked. She nodded. She recognized her from the Sage's Tower. "The girl is a Sealer with magic seals on her eyes. She is not an Awakener, but she can help us track Demons in Yggdra. This girl is Bertha. She is from the Sage's Tower. Her seals on her eyes give us heavy intel on Yggdra, though it saps her energy really quick." Rem told them.

Bertha got up, and looked out the window into the sky. "So, where am I?" She asked.

"Bertha, you are in Erebonia, a completely parallel world from Yggdra. You just fell from the sky at complete randomness." Night told the Sealer.

Drake and the others entered the room, hoping Grahdens got some info. Instead, they all saw Bertha.

Bertha used her magic as a Sealer, and she remembered something.

"Demon, white hair, horns, Sage's Tower." She said before passing out.

Amatsu and Ren gasped.

"That's Beryl!" Amatsu yelled.

Bertha was unconscious by the time Amatsu and Ren gasped.

"We need to make preparations, NOW."

After a few minutes, it was decided that Light, Amatsu, Rem, and Phoena will fight Beryl.

They got into Yggdra, with Skye opening the portal.

They found themselves at the gate to the Sage's Tower, and they looked for Beryl.

A statue that looked exactly like Melchior had stared at them, giving Phoena the chills.

The young Chronicler put her Chronicle out, releasing a purifying light. The Black Element was too thick to purify, so they kept walking.

Light looked above the towers, and saw the source of the Black Element. "Looks like we need to get to the top of one of the towers. I have a bad feeling it is Dilma's Tower.

They went into the Tower of Life, and they saw a piece of stone, which attracted other fragments, materializing into a stone dragon.

Light, Rem, and Amatsu pulled out their weapons. Phoena kept her book out, and the dragon attacked Light by whacking him with its tail.

They kept fighting the dragon, while Phoena was healing everybody.

Phoena started using her offensive magic, and the stone dragon started cracking.

As soon as Rem impaled it, the dragon exploded into a million shards. "Let's find Beryl now. We gotta kill her."

The four of them continued walking around the towers, and the darkness continued spreading. Pretty soon, monsters were everywhere. They managed to sneak around all of them, and they got to the top of the Tower of Life.

Beryl looked at them, and summoned a bridge made of stone. "Cross this bridge to get to me!"

The four of them crossed the bridge, and they saw a large arena made of stone. Beryl had a sword out, and she started to use magic to expand their battlefield, and to collapse on random times.

Light, Rem, and Amatsu took out their weapons. "Prepare to die, Demon of Gargoyles."

Light attempted a slash at Beryl, and she dodged, summoning a gargoyle to attack.

Light guarded against the gargoyle, as Beryl kept summoning more gargoyles. She back away, constantly summoning monsters.

After the monsters were destroyed, Beryl panicked and hid in the rubble, as the extended arena started to get destroyed.

Beryl took out her scythe, and charged towards Amatsu. She prepared to take her former friend's life, and as soon as she got to him, Amatsu impaled her with his katana.

The stone collapsed, and they began to start falling.

Light sprouted his wings, and he picked up the three of them.

The portal opened above Light, as they went into the penthouse, blood in Amatsu's face.

Bertha was recovered, and decided that using her for an oracle's work was not a good idea because it saps her energy. She pulled out her wand and cast a spell to try to open a portal. She tried to look through to see the Sage's Tower. When Amatsu described what happened, Bertha tried not to think that one of her classmates was dead.

Skye went to the bar down the street, and bought several bottles of wine. "Anybody want any wine? It's on me!" She asked before leaving. Everybody asked for some wine, as she left the building to go to the bar. "One box of wine bottles please."

She returned carrying the box, and she set it in the table.

Rean sighed, making an awkward face. "This reminds me of my teacher's bedroom, so much wine."

Pretty soon, they were all drunk, and they eventually recovered the next day.

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