A Letter

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Drake couldn't think about what happened at home. He was worried that someday, he would succumb to the Blackening since he had direct relations to the Black King. "Phoena, have you ever got hit with the Blackening at all, being his daughter?" He asked.

Phoena looked at Drake. "Well, its complicated. In a fight to save Yuuri from the Blackening, I had to succumb to the Blackening, by this mark." She had told him, showing the mark Melchior gave her that was placed on her chest. Drake looked at the mark, and Phoena slapped him. "Were you trying to look at my chest?" She asked while covering his chest.

Drake didn't realize what face he was making, and looked away. He continued following the group as they were looking for a place to set as their hideout.

"How about back home?" Jade had suggested. Arius thought about her suggestion. "No, the Demons still know too much about the location of the Agni Empire. How about in one of the other worlds?" He suggested.

"Anywhere that's not Ymir. I have a feeling the Jaegers are going to attack anytime soon." Rean had told them. "I don't Laura would be so happy seeing me at Legram, considering I almost destroyed the town." Night had added.

"Wait, that was you?" Emma had asked. Night nodded. "I think Crow turned into a demon before we fought him the second time."

"How about Roer?" Emma suggested.

Rean stood there, very nervous. He didn't want to deal with a loud tsundere who would shoot without thinking. "I guess so..?" He answered, mainly trying to avoid the wrath of Alisa Reinford, the head of the RF Corps.

"I guess we are going to Roer." Haru had said, and Emma opened the portal to Erebonia. They found themselves at a mine, and Rean immediately remembered the routes.

"Follow me. I was here before, so I know the route to Roer."

They followed Rean through the route, and they found themselves standing before a girl with blonde hair.

Rean stood there, looking at the girl to the eyes.

"Hello, Rean. Nice of you to drop in." The girl told him.

"Nice to see you too, Alisa." Rean responded.

Alisa turned around, and went into her company's building. "Go to my penthouse. Here are the keys." She told them, and handed them a duplicate of the keys. "There aren't enough beds for each of you, so three of you will have to be on a bed." She told them, knowing the beds were quite big.

The party walks towards the building, as Light was questioning their technology. "Rean, was it? What is this technology even?"

Rean got on the escalator. "Everything here is manufactured by Alisa's company. We use orbal technology, which creates this escalator."

They got to the second floor, and they looked around. There were weapon shops, item shops, and some taverns.

Rean opened the door, and went to the elevator.

A maid was in the elevator with them. She looked at Rean and Emma like she knew them, and then spoke. "Hello, Rean, hello Emma." She greeted them.

"Hello to you too, Sharon." Rean greeted back.

Sharon pressed the button to go to the penthouse, so they had time to talk.

"Rean, just who exactly are these people with you?" She asked him.

Night felt the floor stop elevating, and the door opened. "Why don't we talk when we have some space?" He suggested.

They all left the elevator, and sat on the couch.

"So, who are these people and why are they dressed so weird?" Sharon asked again.

"Sharon, these are people from another world. They dress weirdly because of their culture at their respective homes. Like this ogre, I'm sorry, I haven't learned your name yet."

"I'm Amatsu, an ogre from the now destroyed Nine Territories of Fire." He introduced himself."

Sharon looked around. "Rean, do you remember what happened over five years ago?" She asked.

Rean remained silent, but had the courage to speak. "Yes, a group of terrorists attacked and killed most of he people targeted on a hit list, Alisa's mother being one of them."

Phoena got up, and left the room. She looked at herself in the mirror, and then saw a shadow. Thinking it was just Leo, she left the bathroom.

The door closed on her before she left. She then saw a ghost. It was the ghost of Alisa's dead mother.

Sharon immediately went to the bathroom, and looked at the ghost. "Yep, that's Alisa's dead mother. Let's just call an exorcist." She told her and they left the bathroom.

Sharon went into the elevator to give the party some adjustment time. The maid went to the first floor, when Alisa walked in. "Alisa, Phoena encountered the ghost of your mother in he bathroom. Should we call an exorcist?" She asked.

Alisa nodded. "Yes. Get that ghost out as soon as possible. People don't want to go to the bathroom and risk suffocation."

Sharon picked up her ARCUS and called an exorcist. "Hello? Yeah, I would like to have an exorcist at the RF Corps penthouse to have a ghost removed. Price? I'll give 750 mira."

"The exorcist will come tonight. Get everybody in the penthouse prepared for evacuation, due to the exorcist coming." Alisa told Sharon.

Night looked outside the window, and saw the whole city. "Rean, do you think Grand Gaia is being destroyed by the demons as we speak?" He asked. Rean looked into the sky, and nodded. "With nobody defending, it's going to be hard to keep Grand Gaia at peace."

The exorcist came into the room and everyone left the room. "Let's just leave her be. She probably knows what she's doing." Rean told Night as he was glaring at the exorcist. The girl had a small mouth and huge cheeks, making the woman more suspicious, Yuuri knowing exactly what she looks like.

"Light, can you spy on the exorcist from the window? I think our exorcist is Hahab." Yuuri asked the father.

"On it." Light said and flew to the side of the penthouse as soon as they went outside.

The exorcist went into the bathroom, but not before pulling out a card with a familiar icon on it. The woman put some candles on the bathroom floor as a light was being emitted. "What the hell? What is that light that's turning into darkness?" Light asked as the door started to wither away, as the exorcist was a demon. He saw a drape over the door, and the demon left the room. Light reported back to Yuuri. "It looks like Miss Exorcist is a demon."

Yuuri saw the exorcist leave the elevator, but the exorcist had a traditional garb on. He didn't get any suspicious, since he had no evidence.

They all got into the elevator, as the air was getting thicker.

"Something is interfering with the air here, it might be from the Exorcist."

The elevator opened, and smoke was in the bathroom. After using water magic, they were able to get rid of the candles. "Yuuri, what does this symbol represent?" Light asked, and handed Yuuri the card he had in his hand.

Yuuri looked at the card, and gasped. The whole group got an invitation to the Ultimate Feast, along with Sharon and Alisa. "This could be a trap, maybe from the exorcist."

Drake took a look at both sides of the card, and saw the handwriting. "It looks rushed and it doesn't seem legit." He saw the demon symbol, not one, but two. The symbol of a dragon, and the symbol saying "XII".

"Should we take our chances?" Aster asked Yuuri. Yuuri nodded. "I'm not sure why not. It may or may not be a trap."

"Let's make preparations. Let's have only a few of us go while we take the Blackening out of the penthouse."

Trails of Cold Brave Sky Chronicle 4: Wrath of the DemonsWhere stories live. Discover now