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Arius looked through the town for some info on the fragments. He eventually found a piece of a fragment inside a house, and picked it up. He went back to the streets to find some info on the rocks.

Phoena looked through the docks for any info from Mega or any pirates about where to find the fragments. She found Stya, the Elemental Hero of Water, and asked her about the Black Fragments.

"No, I never saw one, but I did see something fall from the sky into the sea. It looked like a Demon. The Demon was a male with blonde hair and had some earrings.

Phoena took the description of the Demon. "From what Rem told me, you may have described her dead brother." Phoena told him.

Mega looked inside the ocean. "I will go try to look for him in the ocean. Phoena, wait here."

A bubble surrounded Mega as he started to descend into the ocean.

Minutes later, a man with the description he pirate gave was in Mega's arms. The Blackening was starting to swarm through the oceans, and the ships started turning back to the kingdom.

Rem walked by the port and saw Phoena talking to somebody. She noticed a familiar face when she walked by, and stopped. She thought she saw her demon brother in the arms of the Chronicler, and decided to go check.

A gasp for air was heard in Phoena's arms. She panicked, and dropped the boy onto the ground. The boy woke up, and looked around.

Rem recognized the boy at the look of the face. It was her brother.

The man's eyes opened, and Rem gasped. It was the living body of her brother. "Ren!" She yelled, and ran to him.

A large field of Black Element struck the three of them, and Ren put his sword into the ground, slowly bringing Black Element from Yggdra into the kingdom.

Skye looked through the files, and then she looked through a book that resembles Drake's Chronicle.  She read through  it, and found a quote in the middle.

"In order for one to utilize the Star Cannon, one must unite the Chronicles, and resonate with the Keepers."

Selena went to the kitchen, and did some cleaning. She washed the dishes, but when she turned off the water, for some reason it didn't drain. She looked into the pipes, and noticed a rock got stuck in there. She tried to pry it out, but she didn't have any luck. She decided to take out the pipe, and have it replaced. She managed to get the rock out, and she picked it up with a napkin. She put it with the rest of the fragments they found, and she looked around for any more fragments.

Arius went into the castle, and looked for something to eat. He eventually found a hot plate of beef, and decided to eat it. Little did he know, it was from a Demon. He started choking on the food, and managed to use some magic to get the food out of his mouth. "If I had to guess, a Demon struck."

Rean looked around for a fragment, and he went to look in the hot springs when he was suddenly hit by something. He fell to the ground, and he saw a shadow of a Demon which was extremely familiar.

Night walked around, and found the jar of Fragments had been destroyed. He panicked, and saw a familiar girl walk by the room. He noticed the small shirt and pigtails. He immediately recognized the demon as Demon Sapras. He pulled out a scythe, and threw it at the Demon, attempting to attack her, but did not have enough strength, because of the wound a while ago.

Selena saw Arius get attacked by a Demon, and managed to stop the attack using her ice magic on the Demon, Rasphia. "Arius, what are the Demons doing here?"

Arius shrugged. "I dunno. Try asking my mother." He asked, when he suddenly saw a familiar brown-haired face. "Selena, I think I just saw Ark behind you.

Selena turned around. "Where is that Oracle bastard anyway?!? He will pay for killing me."

Vargas was in the hot springs. "Zephu, when was the last time we relaxed like this? We are living like kings right now!" He yelled, clearly drunk.

Zephu nodded. "This is the life." He opened his eyes, and he saw somebody within the steam. The person was really familiar, and he immediately saw it as one of the Demons. "Vargas, behind you!"

The two got a towel, and wrapped themselves. They started to rush into their clothes, not caring if they were still wet, and they got their weapons. They looked for the demon, and found Rean unconscious on the floor.

Minutes later, Rean was woken up by Emma. "Rean! The Demons are alive again, every single one of them! We gotta kill them!" She yelled.

Rean immediately got up, and got out out his sword.

Vargas and Zephu managed to get out using an alternate exit, and then they looked for the rocks, but couldn't find it. They saw a Demon, and they ran out the castle.

Night and the others got their weapons from the blacksmith, and they went into the castle. They split into groups, and one of the groups saw a monster cornering the queen.

Skye summoned her axe, which was emitting a dark aura, and then walked towards the monster. Alice managed to get her bow out, and was prepared to shoot.

"Get your hands away from my mother."

Skye jumped above the monster, and then chopped it in half.

Alice looked around. "Huge problem, the demons took complete control of the kingdom."

Trails of Cold Brave Sky Chronicle 4: Wrath of the DemonsWhere stories live. Discover now