Land of Sin

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The day after the vigil had came, and it was time to sing for disaster relief. Zoe and Zeffar woke up everybody in the castle, and remembered the start of the new adventure.

"According to Night, this all started over a meteor shower, and the souls of the Demons were inside of them. They started from a meteor shower, all the way to a charity to rebuild the world."

Zeffar nodded, and remembered all the downsides. "According to Night, he had to turn two people because he didn't want them to die. One of them was Arius, and the other one was one of the princesses of Bariura."

Night and Arius were sparring in the fields, as Rean was trying to get them to stop. "You two do know that we have to raise money today, right? Shouldn't we be getting ready to go to Trista?"

Night and Arius stopped clashing. "Oh yeah, today was the day."

After finding everybody, they began getting ready.

Alice decided to stay behind and watch Oriphiel.

Selena called for Emma. "Night, I want to check the status of the Land of Sin. What time do we have to be there?"

Night thought for a moment. "You have until when it gets dark in Yggdra to get to Trista, since we will be there at night."

Selena nodded. "Zoe, I need navigation around the prisons. Can you guide me there?"

Zoe nodded. "Time to go to the Land of Sin!"

Emma opened the portal. "Selena, Zoe, let's get going then."

After arriving at the Land of Sin, the three began looking around the ruined Prison of Ignorance. "Hello? Chokororo? Betsy? Anybody here?" Zoe asked.

The destroyed Prison was silent. "Maybe there are people in the Prison of Avarice." Zoe wondered.

After Emma and Selena followed Zoe to the Prison of Avarice, the three of them saw the insides ruined, but the outer Prison was still perfectly in tact. The three of them could hear screaming, and they decided to go up. "I'm back! Hello? Betsy? Chokororo? Madam Powerless? Anybody home?"

Zoe saw a dying woman with a red dress. "Betsy!"

The dying killer opened her eyes, and looked at Zoe. "Zoe, find Vallie, and stop her. Black Element is still inside of her. She is rampaging in the upper levels."

Zoe and Selena ran to the higher areas, and saw a woman with gray hair, about to kill a prisoner.

Zoe dashed towards Vallie making a low amount of noise, and stabbed her in the neck.

Black Element poured out of Vallie, and Selena saw Black Element return to the ground.

After going to the higher levels, they saw nobody in the Prison of Avarice. Zoe saw a ladder to the roof, and climbed up.

After going to the roof, the two saw a hospital bed.

The two of them went back to Emma, and the three of them checked the Prison of Wrath.

"Halt. State your business here." A warden asked while guarding the door.

Emma thought of something. "We're here to look at what happened with the Land of Sin after my second prince attacked the Prison."

The warden looked at Zoe. "I assume your sentence is over?"

Zoe nodded. "I'm just here to help them navigate.

"I assume Vallie's rampage had stopped now?"

Zoe nodded. "There was Black Element controlling her."

"I'll let you three in. If you came to check on Leon, he is in the Surveillance Tower. Things have been pretty hectic lately with only one guard being able to calm down the prisoners. I'm Amelie. I'm a new warden here."

"Hm? What about Rosemarie?"

Amelie looked away. "Well... she can't calm down prisoners. She has been trying to work in Leon's stead, but couldn't do so."

Emma thought. "And why are you being the gatekeeper instead of controlling the prisoners?"


A yawning guard with yellow hair went to the door as the three went in. "You may enter, just don't try to anger the prisoners, I saw Amelie entering the Prison taking over my shift."

"Hello? Anybody here?" Zoe yelled.

Selena saw a group of prisoners looking at them through a cell. "Who are they?" She asked Zoe, who didn't know. "I lived in the Torture Chamber, so I don't really know."

After seeing a rabbit running away from them, Zoe recognized her immediately. "Chokororo!"

The rabbit turned around, and then ran away quickly.

"Well that was strange."

After seeing the entrance to the Surveillance Tower, they saw Leon resting in the watchtower.

"Hello? Amelie? Rosemarie? Who are you people?"

"We are just people visiting. We came to look at the damage to the Prison. Maybe we could help heal you?"

Leon rejected the offer. "Elisha is still healing me right now."

As soon as Leon said that, the three of them left the room, where they soon went to the Abyssal Vortex, and then left towards Trista through Cuniali's domain.

Trails of Cold Brave Sky Chronicle 4: Wrath of the DemonsWhere stories live. Discover now