Training and Destruction

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Yuuri had woke everybody up early in the morning, and had opened a portal to Yggdra.

"Yuuri, why are you waking us up very early in the morning? I haven't even got my coffee yet." Phoena complained.

"Coffee can wait, we need to get training so we can defeat Camilla." Yuuri told them, and they ended up going through the portal to the Titan's Cave in their thinnest clothing without time to change.

Everybody summoned their weapons, and they began clearing the cave of the monsters.

They were at the depths of the cave, and they waited for the last wave.

Five minutes passed, and the party still waited.

"Watch out, the Demon of Vengeance lives in this cave." Yuuri warned.

"Zaren, where are you? Perhaps I have to shed some light." Phoena said out loud, and released a bright light, revealing seven Black Troops and the Demon of Vengeance.

"So, are you training to defeat Camilla? Sorry, but you're going to have to get through me first. I only do battles against five." He told the party.

Zeffar, Yuuri, Phoena, Joshua, and Leo stepped forward.

"We're ready. Prepare to face defeat!"

Immediately, Joshua dashed through Zaren. Yuuri and Zeffar held off the Black Troops, leaving openings for Phoena and Leo.

Leo hit Zaren with his fist, then changed the structure of his arm to form blades. He began slashing at him, working on breaking his armor, and then set up an attack for Joshua by locking Zaren's arms.

Yuuri and Zeffar took out the Black Troops, and they backed away, not risking defeat.

Zaren spun around, knocking away Joshua and Leo. Leo hit a wall hard, injuring his back, and Joshua hit the ground, but did not hurt as much as Leo did.

He got back up with Phoena's help, and began gaining speed.

Zeffar granted Joshua a reflective barrier, and he dashed through Zaren, dealing more damage.

Magic bullets were summoned, and Phoena started to attack the now frozen Zaren.

Black Element was released at a critical level, and knocked everybody away.

Yuuri's arm began reacting to the Black Element, and took it all in. Yuuri screamed, as his body was returning to the form of the Black Knight.

Phoena got in front of Yuuri, and released the Chronicle's Purifying Light at him. Yuuri's body began changing back to his regular form, and left Zeffar to finish the battle.

Zeffar threw her spear at Zaren, hitting him in the head, killing him instantly.

Everybody returned to the Abyssal Vortex, and they saw Alice shooting at a target from a large distance away.

They left Alice training, and they went to check on Oriphiel.

The baby was sound asleep in Alice's room, and the party left the room.

They felt a loud rumble from Mizgitari's domain.

"Everyone, get up to Mizgitari's domain, and then see what's going on!" Zeffar yelled.

As soon as Zeffar arrived at Mizgitari's domain, they saw a girl with an animal growing from her back.

"Mizkun! So it was you who was causing the earthquakes?" Rem asked.

Mizkun nodded.

"I am the evil-crushing goddess!" Mizkun yelled, and took out her spear.
"Help." A voice said from the other side of Mizkun's body.

"She's insane." Yuuri said out loud.

"Defeat me!" Mizkun yelled, and summoned her spear.

Yuuri and Emma took out their weapons, and Emma started the battle.

Mizkun started attacking Yuuri, who countered by guarding with his right arm.

Mizkun attacked both of them, and attempted to dash through Yuuri, but was stopped by Phoebe.

"Welcome to the sky!"

Phoebe threw Mizkun into the air, and then threw her back down.

Yuuri waited for Mizkun to take impact on the ground.


The Demon of Amulets began to pray, and she knocked everybody back.

Zephu rushed towards Mizkun, and punched her in the stomach. "Time for you to drown."

Zephu summoned a large amount of water, threw his spear at her, and then watched as Mizkun drowned.

After Mizkun was killed, she fell to the ground. The Demon of Amulets began to fall, and the portal back to the Abyssal Vortex opened once again.

"Close the portal, Zeffar. I want to see what's going on back home." Zephu told the Demon.

Zeffar closed the portal, and Zephu turned into a dragon. Everybody got on top of him, and they began looking around.

"Let's go home first, I want to see if the kingdom is still under Hahab's influence." Night had told Zephu.

Zephu flew to the Sama Kingdom, and looked around. Not many people were outside, and the town was in ruins. The castle was still in tact, but it was covered in the Black Element.

Arius looked around, and he saw a familiar person standing at the docks, looking at the sea.

Drake went to the castle, and attempted to get rid of the Black Element.

"We need to get rid of the Black Element, to save Grand Gaia!" Phoena said out of the blue, as Yuuri threw her down.


Night nodded, and pushed everybody down to the ground.

A ray of Black Element hit the ground, knocking them back.

The smoke cleared, and everybody was coughing.

"Joshua! Is everybody here?" Arius asked.

Joshua looked around, but could not find Drake.

"Where's Drake? I don't see him anywhere!"

Zeffar used her power to try to guess what happened.

"I predict Drake being kidnapped, brought to the Tower of the Gods, and turned into a Demon there! It may be Aelle Gloon or Rasphia who took him!"

Phoena saw the Grand Gaia Chronicle on the ground. She picked it up, and gave it to Arius. "Take this, for we do not know what will happen to Drake."

Trails of Cold Brave Sky Chronicle 4: Wrath of the DemonsWhere stories live. Discover now