2: In the Ocean

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Lynn's P.O.V. 

I watch as Grayson lays next to me on the blankets, sweat still on his body. I look out at the water as he slides his hand up and down my bare body, leaving goosebumps. The moon shines down on the dark-looking water. 

"You look so beautiful, Lynn," I hear Grayson whisper. 

I turn my face to him, "And you are so so SO handsome, Grayson. But that isn't why I love you." I stand up and stick my feet in the sand. I walk along the beach, naked. I head towards the water. 

"Hey! Where are you going?" Grayson calls out. 

"In the water," I state plainly. I stick my feet in the water. The water is cold but it feels nice and it cools my body off. My calves slide into the water, then my thighs. I shiver at the coolness of the water. 

I turn around and look at Grayson, still sitting on the blanket, but now he is sitting up, staring at me. "Are you gonna sit there or come in the water with me," I ask. 

"I'd rather just look at you," he says as his eyes scan my body, never lingering on one part of my body. 

"Come on, Gray!" I quietly shout. The water is now up to my belly button. Grayson gets up and walks over. Now I admire his body as he walks to me and into the water. He presses his body close to mine. He leans down to kiss my lips and I let him. 

I feel that oxygen between us and the heat radiating off of both of our bodies. I feel the cool water on my body as my hands, wet from the water, slide up Grayson's back, on his neck, and into his hair. His lips glide against mine. 

"I seriously love you," Grayson says in between kisses.

We pull away but keep our heads close to each other, breathing each other's air. I smile at him and he smiles at me. He slides behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, leaning down a bit. I face the horizon and we look out where the ocean meets the dark night sky. I relax in this moment. 

I feel the occasional light kiss on my hair or my neck but everything stays quiet for a little while. Apparently, we were gone longer than we thought because they send out a search party for us. I hear multiple people yelling our names. Grayson sighs against my back. 

"I guess we can't hide out forever," he says. 

"No, but we can stay here until they find us," I say. 

"What if it's my mom or dad? Don't you think it would be a little awkward for them to find us naked in the ocean, groping on each other?" Grayson asks. 

"First of all, we are married. We aren't going to be innocent forever. And second, we aren't groping on each other," I state. 

"We weren't 'innocent' before we got married, though," he says. 

"They don't need to know that!" I say, "Seriously, though, who cares if they find us like this. Oh, well if they do, is my opinion. Unless you want to get out, then we can. Doesn't matter to me. I'm not shy," I say to him. 

"No, we can stay here. Doesn't matter. You're right, though. We shouldn't have to hide away or stuff like that," he says. He holds onto me tighter as the voices get closer and closer. 

His mom and dad come into view along with Monica and Ethan. 

"Grayson? Lynn? Is that you guys?" I hear Lisa yell out to us. 

"Yeah!" I yell back. 

"Well, what are you guys doing in the water? Isn't it cold?" she asks. 

"Kinda but not really," I say.

Grayson stands behind me and we aren't facing them. I feel Grayson's dick pressed up against ass as he gets hard in the water. He moves around and positions himself. 

I whisper to Grayson, making sure only he can hear me, "Don't you dare. Your parents are right there and I am having a conversation with them. Don't, Grayson." 

I can feel him smile as he leans close to me and whispers in my ear, "Weren't you the one that said you didn't care because we weren't going to be innocent forever." He slowly pushes himself inside of my ass making me suck my breath in. 

"Well, you guys have been missing for almost an hour and a half. We were just wondering if you guys were alright. Everyone wants to get to say goodbye to you guys before they leave or you guys leave tonight," Lisa says, clearly clueless that he son is screwing me right in front of her. 

Grayson whispers in my ear, "She needs an answer. Hurry before she becomes suspicious."

"Yeah! Uhh. Umm. I didn't think we were gone that long. We'll be back in a little bit. Promise," I struggle as I let out long, heavy breaths. 

"Okay. Well, we'll leave you guys but make sure you guys are back pretty soon," Ethan yells and then quietly, but still audible, "Guys lets go. Let them have some alone time." 

Their voices disappear and I lay my head back on Grayson as he moves inside of me. I struggle with my breaths and they are uneven. Grayson reaches around my body and sticks his fingers inside of me, rubbing my swollen clit causing me to moan. 

I feel Grayson's hot breath on my neck as he breathes harshly. He contains himself until I finish and then he lets himself go. 

We walk together back to the blanket. He gets dressed and so do I. He grabs my hand and we walk down the dark beach together, back to our party. 


We say goodbye to the crowd of people. Ethan and Grayson hug and talk as I say goodbye to Lisa, Sean, Cameron (their sister, not Dallas), and Monica. After Grayson and Ethan are done talking I say bye to Ethan. 

We say one final, huge good bye to everyone and get in the car. Grayson grabs my hand and kisses it while looking at me.

"Ready for our honeymoon?" he asks. 

"I've been ready for a while now," I say and Grayson laughs. 

"Me too, Lynn. Me too." 

(that's how I determine whether I'm gonna update or not.... you guys should know this)



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