For Mature audiences only! Dirty!!!
This is the sequel to Friends. Please read Friends first because if you don't you might be confused.
Now married, Lynn and Grayson encounter some problems. Trying to get through it, they both ignore the obvious pr...
I don't know where to go as soon as I run out of the door. I want to leave but where would I go. I don't have anywhere. Monica was my only friend besides Grayson and Ethan.
I look over at Ethan's apartment and run that way. I open the door and close it quietly. I don't mean to wake Ethan as I walk through the kitchen and try walking past him silently. He jerks awake and looks at me.
He looks at his wrapped present next to him.
"What's this?" he asks.
I turn around and face him, "It's your birthday present. Happy Birthday."
"What's wrong?" he asks, getting up and walking over to me, "Why are you crying? Talk to me, Lynn."
When I don't say anything, he pulls me into a hug. My phone starts to ring in my purse and I look at it. It's Grayson. I ignore it and put my phone on silent.
"You want to talk about it?" he asks.
I chuckle, "This is supposed to be your day. I am not going to ruin it for you just because --" I stop talking.
"Just because what?" he asks.
"Nothing," I tell him.
"Promise you will tell me when you are ready then," he says.
"How about you just ask your brother," I say, "You might want to hear it from him and not me."
"What?" he asks confused.
"Nothing," I say, "Can I stay in your spare bedroom for a little while?"
"Yeah," he says.
"If Grayson or Monica comes over, can you tell them I am not here?" I ask.
"Yeah. Does Grayson know, you know, about you," Ethan asks pointing to my stomach.
I put my hand on my stomach and a feel another tear slip out of my eye, remembering Grayson's face after I threw the picture at him. His eyes were tearing up. More tears slip out of my eyes.
"Yeah, he knows. I wish I could have told him another way, though," I say. I completely break down after that and Ethan embraces me in his huge arms, hugging me tightly.
"What happened?" Ethan whispers.
I let the silence draw out, only my sobs being heard.
"I can't--" I sob, "I can't feel my anything. I feel broken. I feel alone even though you are here. I feel hate. Mostly I just feel numb. I don't know what happened, Ethan. I don't understand."
"Keep talking, Lynn," Ethan says.
"I don't know what to say," I sob.
"Ask me anything you want. Tell me everything you can," he says.
"Can I ask you a personal question?" I ask.
"Shoot," he says.
"Okay. What were you and Monica's small argument about the other day?" I ask.
He pulls back from the hug and looks at me quizzically, "What do you mean? We haven't argued at all in the last week or two weeks since we have been trying to get better."
"Oh," I say, "Well she came over the other night crying and I asked Grayson about it and he said that you guys got into an argument."
"No. We have been perfectly fine," he explains.
"Oh," I say.
"That's weird," he says.
"Yeah. Hey, I am going to go lay down. Don't let anyone know that I am here," I say.
"Okay. Talk to me later, okay?" he says.
"Yeah," I say. I walk away from Ethan.
Why would Grayson and Monica lie about them getting into an argument? Were they messing around and I came out there so they had to come up with an excuse? Why would they do anything anyway? It doesn't make any sense.
I go into the spare bedroom and lock the door. I put my purse on the bed and sit down next to it. I look down at my stomach and rub my small stomach.
How am I going to fix me and Grayson? Can I even fix us? Is there any hope? My mind returns to me walking in on their lips almost touching.
It was almost as they were frozen in a pose. But their lips moved slowly towards their each other. Then right before their lips touched, I yelled.
I can't stand to think of this anymore. I don't want to do anything. I need to eat something, for the baby but I start to fall asleep. I want to sleep dreamlessly. I don't want to dream the same dream I have been dreaming.
My wishes don't come true as I hear Grayson's voice again, "She is going to be beautiful, just like her mother"
I wake up in tears. I don't know how long I slept but I know I kept hearing Grayson's voice saying the same thing over and over. The first time I dreamt that I felt guilt. Then, over time, it made me happy because I had a chance at being pregnant. Now, I feel an anger/depressing feeling in the deepest part of my stomach.
I also hear yelling now.
"I don't give a damn about your stupid ass plan, Grayson. You forced Monica into a situation that she didn't want to be in anymore and hurt your wife. Your fucking wife that has cried more now than after her mother died. She fucking loves you and is fucking pregnant, now. How the hell are you going to make this up to her?" I hear Ethan scream
"I know I fucked up, Ethan! That is all I have done since we got back," Grayson yells, "I just want a chance to talk to her. I just want to talk to her and tell her what happened. I need to talk to her. I know she is here because she can't be here anywhere else. Ethan, as your twin brother, please let me talk to her. Please," Grayson begs.
"She isn't here, Grayson. I don't know where she is at," Ethan says simply, "And don't you dare pull the brother card. If you wanted to pull the brother card so could I. As your twin brother, what made you think it was okay to use Monica, after she said she didn't want to do your stupid plan anymore?"
"It was her plan in the first place!" Grayson exclaims.
"But she didn't want to carry it out and for some reason you did," Ethan says.
"Please, Ethan. Please let me talk to her," Grayson says.
"She isn't here, Grayson!" Ethan says.
"Bullshit!" Grayson yells.
"You are going to have to go look for her somewhere else," Ethan says.
"I will tear down this whole building just to find her," Grayson says.
"You can try," Ethan says, "But just because you might find her doesn't mean she wants to see you or speak to you. I think its best if you leave,"
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