Lynn's P.O.V.
"So, how have your classes been going?" the doctor asks.
"Pretty well, actually. The class has taught me so much about the basic importance of just breathing. Breathing through the pain and everything. I think it is amazing," I say.
"That is great!" the doctor says, "So, I do have some things to ask you and some things to tell you."
"Okay," I say.
"So, in going to this class, have you made a decision on what kind of birth you plan on going through?" he asks.
I look at Grayson. He looks at me and squeezes my hand.
"Its whatever you want, babe," he says.
"I am pretty sure I want to go through a natural birth," I say.
"Okay. So a natural birth is a delivery of the baby with no medications. When you go to your next class, I would advise you to tell them that you plan on giving a natural birth so they can help you further with knowing how to relax and how to breathe during your labor," he states.
"Okay," I say.
"Secondly, since you are now at 16 weeks, you are almost halfway through your pregnancy, which means that soon we are going to be able to see the gender of your baby when we do the ultrasound in a couple minutes. My question for you is this: Do you want to know the gender or keep it a secret?" he asks.
I look at Grayson and he looks at me. We haven't really talked about names and my stomach continues to grow. I swear it felt like I woke up and my stomach looked bigger. I am at a stage where you can see that I am pregnant but my stomach doesn't protrude that much, it is just kinda half-ass sticking out.
I want to know the gender but I also don't.
"If we choose to not know the gender this time, would we be able to ask to know the next time we come in?" I ask.
"Of course," the doctor says.
Grayson looks at me and I ask, "What do you want to do."
"It is all up to you. If you want to wait until next time, then we can," he says. He lightly squeezes my hand.
"I don't know," I say.
"We can know the next time we come in," Grayson says to the doctor. The doctor looks at me for approval.
"As long as its okay with him," I say.
"Okay. So, next up is telling you that you aren't gaining enough weight to make sure that the baby is getting all the possible nutrients that he or she should be getting," the doctor says, "You should try to eat more foods, making sure that they are healthy and provide nutrients. Eat a lot more throughout the day."
"Okay," I say.
"If you continue to not gain weight by the next time you come back, then I am going to have to put you on an eating plan to make sure that you gain some weight," he explains.
"Okay. Sounds good," I say.
"Lastly, we are going to do the ultrasound. Same thing as always. I'm gonna have you lift up your shirt a little bit and I am going to put the gel on your stomach so we can see the baby and make sure that he or she is doing alright," he says.
I do what he says as he sets the monitor on my stomach and rubs it around.
"Ahh. I see. So, like I said, you need to try to be eating a lot more than you usually do. Because you aren't eating enough, the baby is a bit smaller than average but I wouldn't stress. The baby will grow as long as you start eating more," he says.

"Friends" 2 || G.D. ||
FanfictionFor Mature audiences only! Dirty!!! This is the sequel to Friends. Please read Friends first because if you don't you might be confused. Now married, Lynn and Grayson encounter some problems. Trying to get through it, they both ignore the obvious pr...