40: Parking Lot

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Lynn's P.O.V. 

"So, the baby is looking healthy, for what we can see right now," the doctor says, "You are almost at 12 weeks meaning that you are basically in the second trimester of your pregnancy. Usually, a pregnancy lasts anywhere from 36 to 40 weeks."

"So are a lot of the dangers of, like, miscarriage gone?" Grayson asks.

The doctor sighs and then smiles slightly, "Some of the dangers are gone. The first trimester is really the most dangerous and where most miscarriages happen but it can still happen throughout the pregnancy."

"Oh. Okay," Grayson says, "So when is the safest part of the pregnancy."

"There really isn't the safest week. The first trimester is usually when the most miscarriages happen," the doctor explains. 

"Okay," Grayson smiles at me.

"As long as you continue to take your vitamins, then you should deliver a healthy baby. Let me show you the heartbeat," the doctor says.

He sets the ultrasound gel on my stomach and rubs around until he finds the baby. He does some tapping on his monitor and then points to a little part.

"That's the heart. The baby is looking pretty healthy. He had one, two, three, and all four chambers of the heart. Look like he has a pretty strong heartbeat, too," the doctor says.

"He?" I ask.

"What?" the doctor says.

"You said he. The baby is a he?" I ask.

"Oh, oops. No, I must have accidentally said he. I won't be able to tell the gender for another 4 to 8 weeks. I am so sorry," he apologizes. 

"Oh, it's fine. Thank you," I say.

"So, here you go," he hands me a towel to wipe the gel off, "Have you considered your options about your delivery?"

"I haven't decided fully, yet. I want to be able to give a natural birth but I also want to dull the pain, too. I am not sure yet," I explain.

"Well, I suggest you take a class. It is for expecting mothers and it teaches them how to breathe through the pregnancy and how to try to remain calm," he suggests. 

"Okay," I say.

"That is if you are up to doing that," he says.

"Yeah, I am up to doing that," I say. 

"Okay, then. You can pick up the paper with the information before you leave. Do either of you have any questions before you leave?" the doctors ask.

We both shake our heads and he nods.

"Okay, so I am going to have you come back in another two weeks," he says.

"Okay, thank you," I say. 

"Thank you," Grayson says.

We walk out of the room and I grab the paper at the desk and we walk out. We walk out of the office and into the car. I look down at my stomach. I started showing. I don't know when it started but I noticed about a week ago. 

Ethan has been distant and Grayson and I have left him alone. We try to give him space but we also like to make sure that he is doing okay. He seems to be spending a lot of time alone or with some random girl that disappears and none of us ever see again.

Grayson and I also decided to wait to tell his mom and dad until we see them in person. So Grayson got them airplane tickets. 

They are coming here today. We got the appointment scheduled for a little bit before they were supposed to show up so we are going straight to the airport now. Grayson drives down the highway and then grabs my hand in the middle of us. 

"I love you," he says.

"Love you too," I say.

"Whats going on inside that mind," he asks.

"I'm nervous for tonight," I say.

"Me too," he says.

After we pick up Grayson's mom and dad, I am making dinner and we are all going to eat together and that is where we are going to tell them about the pregnancy. 

We pull up to the parking lot and Grayson parks the car and shuts it off. 

"Hey, its gonna be okay," he says, turning to me. 

"I know, it's just hard. What if they freak out? What if they say we aren't ready? What if they don't accept it? What happens then?" I question.

"Calm down, Lynn. They are going to accept it. They are going to support us like they always have. They are going to love this baby like we are going to," Grayson says.

"What if I am not a good mother?" I say. I look up at Grayson with tears in my eyes.

"You are such an emotional mess. I love you. I know you are going to be a good mother. You are asking what-if questions. That's not going to get you anywhere. It isn't going to get us anywhere," he says.

I sigh, "I'm sorry. I am just stressing out."

"I know. I am too. Just calm down and breathe," he says. He leans his head in and sets his lips on mine, moving slowly. His tongue slips inside of my mouth for a couple seconds and then he pulls away. 

I grab the back of his neck and pull him back to my lips, craving him. He lets out a sexy grunt as his lips hit mine again. 

Instead of setting his hand on my hip, like he usually does, he sets his hand lightly on my stomach as he continues to move his lips against mine.

I soft moan slips through my lips.

"God, you drive me crazy," Grayson whispers. He slowly pulls away, "We have to go get my parents." He smiles. 

"What? Why are you smiling?" I ask.

"I guess I can't keep it a secret forever," Grayson says.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"I invited one extra person for this weekend that everyone is staying," Grayson says.

"Who?!" I ask, starting to freak out and I smile. 

"I hope you don't mind," Grayson says and he smiles.

"Who?" I ask again. He smiles again. 

Besides the twins, who are other YouTubers you are interested in?
(I like watching shane) 




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