For Mature audiences only! Dirty!!!
This is the sequel to Friends. Please read Friends first because if you don't you might be confused.
Now married, Lynn and Grayson encounter some problems. Trying to get through it, they both ignore the obvious pr...
After Meadow had her two week check up with her pediatrician, Dr. Edwin, we got a ticket for Grayson's parents to come up and see the babies. Cameron couldn't make it, sadly.
They are supposed to be here later today and Ethan is going to go pick them up while Scarlett watches Carter. Scarlett has become obsessed with Carter. She loves him almost like a mother and it is the cutest thing ever. Monica still hasn't shown up.
The first week was pretty easy with Meadow but she has started getting fussier lately and wanting more things. I don't mind but she mostly wants things in the night so Grayson and I have changed most of our sleep schedules where we sleep in the day when Meadow likes to sleep and staying up in the night when Meadow wants the most attention.
It has been hard adjusting to the weird sleeping times and we are always tired. Whenever we try to get sexual, Meadow cries or one/both of us is entirely too tired.
I get out of the shower and hear Meadow crying and I reluctantly wrap a towel around myself, walking to Meadow's room. I walk to her room and Grayson is already there holding her, rocking her in his arms.
He doesn't see me walk in and he is whispering to her, "Shhhh. It's okay. Daddy is here. Shhhhh. Shhhhh. It's okay. Shhhhhh. You are gonna wake mommy up. She needs her beauty rest, it's okay, Meadow. Shhh."
I smile and shake my head at him and lean against the door frame.
"Please tell me you aren't hungry," Grayson says, "Because then I will have to go get mommy up. Here let me change your diaper, baby. It's okay, shhhhh."
He sets her down on her changing table and unbuttons her onesie and unstraps the diaper.
"Yeah, you kinda needed to be changed," he says, "Didn't you? Yes. Yes, you did. Now you have to be quiet, Meadow. Don't wake momma up, please. It's okay, baby. You are all cleaned up now. Shhhhh."
She continues to cry as Grayson throws away the yucky diaper and picks her back up. She starts crying louder and louder and Grayson still doesn't notice me. I walk in the room the rest of the way and sit in the rocking chair.
"Let me see her. She's hungry," I say.
Grayson jumps slightly and then looks at me, "You didn't have to get up, Lynn."
"Well, are you going to feed her?" I say, smiling.
"Uhh," he says.
"Because last I knew, I was the one the was breastfeeding and not you. I mean you can give it a shot if you want," I laugh.
"Here," Grayson hands me Meadow and she starts to drink the milk. He looks at me and smiles.
"Does that hurt?" he asks.
"What? Breastfeeding?" I ask.
"Yeah," he says.
"It makes my boobs sore and sensitive," I answer.
"Oh," he says. He bends down and gives me a kiss on my forehead, "I am going to go make you some breakfast. Be right back."
"Okay, thank you," I say as he leaves the room. Meadow continues to drink for about ten minutes and then I switch her to my other boob. Grayson walks it and sets a plate next to me. I look and see some scrambled eggs and some bacon and toast will strawberry jelly on it.
I eat the toast as Meadow continues to eat and then she pulls away and coos and babbles at me.
"What?" I laugh. She babbles more. I set her on my shoulder so I can burp her. I do that as I eat my second piece of toast and eat some of the bacon. She burps and then I set her in my arms again. She closes her greenish eyes and starts falling asleep.
"Are you going to eat the eggs," Grayson asks.
"No, my stomach hurts. Thank you for making breakfast, Gray," I say.
"No problem, babe," Grayson says and then picks up the plates and takes them to the kitchen and comes back as I am setting Meadow back in her crib.
"I am going to go get dressed," I say, holding the towel to my body.
"Okay," Grayson says, "Or another thought is you could just--maybe not."
"Maybe not what? Get dressed?" I ask.
"Yeah," he says. He walks up to me and pulls the towel from my hands, dropping it to the floor and then staring at my bare body.
"You are such a beauty," he whispers. He bends his head down and kisses my lips passionately and then slowly picks me up. He carries me to the bedroom and puts me on the bed.
"God, I want you," I whisper, pulling him closer. He groans as he gets closer to me. I am craving him so much that it is impossible to hear anything but my heart beating out of my chest and my uneven breath.
I tug on the bottom of his shirt and pull it above his head. He yanks it off and then hovers over me again. I move my legs and open them and then wrap them around his waist. I pull his waist closer to me with my legs and he groans.
I rotate my hips and grind against his pants. "God, Lynn," he grunts.
He thrusts against me making me throw my head back. He continues to dry hump me until I release my legs and tug on his pants, trying to pull them down.
"Condom?" he asks.
"Uh, yeah," I say shyly. He smiles at me and then leans down and kisses me. His lips move with mine harshly. He starts reaching for his dresser, going to get the condom.
We hear a quiet knock on the door and then it opens.
I forget for a couple seconds that I am naked and that Grayson is basically naked. I forget that we were getting ready to fuck. The first thing that comes to my mind is Meadow and if she is okay. Lisa walks into the room and smiles for about a second. I hurry and cover myself with a sheet and Grayson stands from the bed in his boxers.
"Mom!" he screams.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry," she says and runs out of the room, closing it behind her. I slap my forehead.
"There goes that," Grayson sighs. He walks over to me and kisses me on the forehead, "I swear if this keeps happening, I am going to end up going crazy."
I laugh, "You aren't the only one that is sex deprived, you know."
"Let's go show off our little girl," he laughs, holding a hand out to me. I get up and get dressed, Grayson doing the same.
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