47: Beautiful

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Lynn's P.O.V. 

"So you are still looking really healthy. You have gained enough weight and the baby is looking great. You are at 30 weeks and should start getting everything ready and planned because if everything goes as planned, your due date is August 16th," the doctor says.

Grayson hold his hand in mine, "Really?" he says.

"Yes," the doctor smiles, "Since the baby is looking really healthy, that is the expected due date."

"So what things should I get ready for?" I ask.

"First of all, you should have the essentials for the baby: crib, car seat, clothes, diapers, bottles, things like that," he says, "Second, you should pack a bag and keep it ready for the hospital visit when you stay after the baby's delivery."

"What things should I bring?" I ask.

"Bathrobe, slippers, change of clothes for you and the baby, things that you need like toothbrush and hairbrush," he answers, "I am glad you are asking these things so if you have any other questions fire away."

"Ok uh. When will I know that I am going into labor? Because I heard that some women's waters don't break while others do," I say.

"You will have contractions, which are basically your muscles tightening and relaxing. They won't be bad at first, some aren't even noticeable. They will gradually get closer together and last longer and that is when some women's waters break. You shouldn't have to worry, though, most women have their water break," he says.

"Okay," I say, taking all the information in. 

"Any other questions?" he says.

"I will be able to be there while she is giving birth, right?" Grayson asks.

"You should be able to, yes," he answers. 

"Okay, thank you," Grayson says.

The room goes quiet.

"Any other questions?" he asks.

"I don't think so," I say.

"So, just so you know, babies can be early or they can be late. You can't prevent labor from coming. She could come a week early or two weeks late. She could be a month early or a week late. She could be right on time or a couple days off. Just make sure that you guys are prepared," he explains.

"Okay, thank you," I say.

"Okay, well, if you guys don't have any other questions, you guys are free to leave," the doctor says.

"Thank you," Grayson and I say at the same time.

We walk out and leave. My stomach has gotten huge. At 30 weeks pregnant, that means I am 7 and a half months pregnant. 

I sigh as the car rolls down the highway towards home.

"Whats wrong," Grayson asks, setting his hand on my stomach.

"I'm just nervous, I guess," I say.

"Me too," he says.

"And we need to get a car seat," I say.

"Yeah," he smiles, "About that."

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing. I didn't say anything," he laughs.

"Oh my god, Grayson," I laugh.

"What?" he says.

"Nothing. You are just annoying sometimes," I say.

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