Two 🐚

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Even if Tyler was extremely tired he couldn't sleep at all. He woke up after three hours of sleep and just laid in his bed staring at the shadows on his ceiling. The boy had a dream that he was drowning. He had dreams like these very often but this time instead of dying Tyler was saved by someone. The boy couldn't remember who it was but two strong arms wrapped around his waist pulling him out of the water felt very real. Tyler could still the water splashing around him as he gasped for air desperately. Tyler woke up seconds after he rose out of the water in his dream.

The boy tossed and turned for a half an hour and then h gave up. No matter how many times he flipped his pillow over it didn't get cooler. Tyler wiped the sweat off of his forehead and rose from his bed. He always kept his window closed because she hated the sound of the ocean but the temperature in his room rose gradually so he had to let in some fresh air before he suffocated. Tyler would normally just turn on a fan and put some ice in front of it but this time the thought of the light ocean breeze sounded more appealing than sweating his eyes off. Tyler opened the window and immediately felt the cool night air hit his naked body. Tyler quickly put on his pajamas and sat near the open window looking at the stars. The ocean was calm, too calm even. Tyler didn't feel calm at all. When he looked at the waves all he could imagine was his doom on the ocean floor.

Tyler sat looking at the dark velvet sky for too long, he began to feel a tad chilly in his toes. Even with fresh air in his room, Tyler couldn't sleep at all. The boy kept thinking about his dream and the strange fish that he almost caught. Tyler wondered if it was the same fish that tore their net. Tyler poked his head out the window. Slowly he climbed out whole, of course, he got dressed first. Tyler knew that his dad would kill him if he got anywhere near his boat, especially when he snuck out at night. Tyler didn't know what he was doing, his feet brought him to the docks on themselves. Tyler had the keys in his hand. He looked at the old rust bucket that looked ghastly in the moonlight. Tyler would' never do this normally but he wasn't normal. The ocean called him, he had this itch in the back of his brain that told him to do things he would never do. It's like the ocean was the fisherman and Tyler was an unsuspecting fish.

The boy climbed into the old "Bait Me" and listened to the sound of the ocean. It was calling him. Something, somewhere there far in the horizon was calling him. Tyler turned the ship wheel and the rusty bucket started slowly turning. Tyler cringed at the sound of the engine, it sounded so loud in the night. Tyler didn't even know where he was going, he randomly turned the wheel, he came back to the docks a few times before going into the open waters. Tyler felt a slight ache in his stomach, he was still scared shitless but some invisible force held him by his guts and didn't let him throw up. Tyler looked straight, his eyes scanned the ocean like he knew what he was looking for. The ocean was so calm, it was unsettling.

The starts above Tyler blinked sheepishly like they knew where the boy was heading, what kind of things he's about to uncover. Of course, starts cannot speak. Tyler was alone. He has never been so far into the ocean alone before. The route Tyler was taking dangerous, Tyler swam into the shallow waters where rocks poked out of the water and coral reefs threatened to graze the bottom of Tyler's boat. Tyler felt like he was enchanted, he felt some kind of desire, a desire he never felt before. Tyler didn't know what he was lusting after but it was interesting and creepy at the same time. The boy swallowed thickly, he almost smashed into a bunch of rocks.

Tyler lost the track of time but he had been swimming circles for a long time because he saw the horizon turning red. Tyler let out a heavy sigh and looked up ahead where dark shadows loomed threateningly. The rocks had a lot of caves in them. Chris never let Tyler go near them for some unknown reasons. The boy listened to the calming sound of the waves and then he heard it. The same singing that he heard during the day but this time the melody was so incredibly sad, so full of sorrow. The voice was incredibly beautiful but drenched with grief, it made Tyler miss a lost lover he never had.

Put on ur headphones

The singing was coming out of one of the caves. Tyler jumped out of the ship and made sure that the boat wouldn't float away. He was pretty good with knots. Tyler placed his foot carefully, the rocks were sharp and slippy. The boy quickly made his way to the cave entrance and slowly poked his head inside. Tyler's eyes widened. The cave was dark but he could see someone sitting on the rocks. The person was humming a sad melody, his hands were bloody, Tyler recognized thair net wrapped around the person. The person was struggling, the net had wrapped around the sharp rocks and now the person was stuck there unable to get out. Tyler squinted his eyes trying to see better in the dimly lit environment.

The person as not a human at all. In the moonlight Tyler could see something glistening the same colour as the scales he had seen before. Tyler's breath got caught in his throat when the moon stopped hiding from under the clouds. The person sitting on the rocks was not human at all. He had a fishtail.

Hi there! I'm writing a book over at @valeriatraivazi, I'd greatly appreciate it if you checked it out. It has everything you need: wlw, mlm, angst, everyone fucking dying but first I make you attached-
I mean what... A-anyway, go check it out :))

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