Forty Five 🐚

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Tyler trembled in Josh's arms. He listened to the man's unsteady beating still unsure if it was a dream or not. Tyler could feel the tears seeping out of his eyes but they immediately got mixed up with the ocean water. Tyler's long claw-like hands softly caressed Josh's face tracing over his most remarkable features.

Josh smiled sweetly, his smile could've put any star to shame. It was brighter and warmer than anything Tyler ever witnessed. That smile filled his mushy insides with warmth.

"Is t-this heaven?" Tyler raised his eyebrows and softly ran his thumb across Josh's cheek "I'm dreaming, right?"

"Tyler, you're not..." Josh pulled the boy closer

Air bubbles rose to the surface as Josh spoke.

"I'm dead, aren't I?" Tyler whispered so softly that Josh barely heard that "Josh, I'm so sorry."

"Tyler, you're not dreaming." Josh caressed Tyler's shoulder "I'm here, I'm real. "

Tyler slowly caressed Josh's arm. His fingertips glided across the man's forearm without hurting him because the second Tyler lifted his hands to touch Josh, his sharp nails retracted leaving him with his claw-less hands. He ran his arms up Josh's bicep, feeling each and every little scar on his skin, feeling the warmth of his presence. Tyler was happy. Josh smiled as well. He cupped Tyler's jaw and lifted his head up.

"Soft..." a quiet whimpered left Tyler's lips "So soft..."

He nudged his face into Josh's hand wanting to feel the softness on his skin again. Josh slowly moved his thumb caressing Tyler's pale cheek. Both of their eyes met, they reflected the light like two pairs of shiny moons. Tyler knew what Josh wanted to do and didn't hesitate. He wanted to do that for so long.

Josh quickly leaned in and covered Tyler's mouth with his in a hungry kiss. He responded immediately, surprising Josh with his eagerness. His mouth was so warm, the caress of his lips softer than Tyler could have imagined. He tasted tentatively with his tongue, and Tyler opened his mouth to set a low moan free. Tyler flicked his tongue against Josh's and breathed heavily against his mouth. As Josh's hands wrapped around his torso, Tyler felt a wave of pleasure ripple through his entire body. A sensation he never experienced, it was different from what he was used to feeling. Tyler latched his mouth to the side of Josh's neck where he was the most sensitive and gently kissed feeling his gills tremble against the boy's lips. Josh let out a shaky breath feeling Tyler's lips in the crook of his neck, kissing softly.

Josh yelped feeling something soft hit his back. He opened his eyes to see only darkness surrounding him. Something quietly clicked, like the sound of fingers snapping but softer. Josh's face was illuminated by a bright light that came off of Tyler. Josh looked around and found himself laying on the ocean floor, surrounded by pale sand.

"I'm... sorry... " Tyler murmured between Josh's hungry kisses "I'm sorry... Josh... "

"I forgive you." Josh smiled softly

Tyler pressed his lips against Josh's once again, tasting his sweetness. One kiss was enough to leave Tyler intoxicated and wanting more and more. Josh tangled his finger's in Tyler's hair as he straddled him.

Every kiss was a raw intensity. Both men were breathing fast, heart rates faster. Then before they knew how it happened Tyler was naked and their skin was moving softly together, like the finest of silk. Josh felt Tyler's hands wrap around him from below, tongues entwined in a kiss, and then Tyler pushed inside, changing Josh breathing with every thrust. Then all at once he stopped to kiss Josh's stomach. Tyler smiled seeing Josh writhe under him desperate for his touch.

And once again, Tyler was moving in a steady rhythm, his hands on Josh's hips as the man let his palms roam all over the brunette's chest. Both of them were like two puzzle pieces, their lips fitted perfectly. Moving against each other, feeling each other. Josh grabbed the back of Tyler's s neck, growling in the kiss as the boy whimpered in overwhelming pleasure.

Tyler had never felt such peace before. The darkness surrounding them made everything ten times more intimate, their bodies tangled in the pulsating light. The light that Tyler's body gave off was the only source of light in that bottomless pit. With each thrust Tyler felt his lungs get heavier and heavier and the light suddenly disappeared. Tyler felt Josh's lips on him giving the boy oxygen as he dragged Tyler to the surface.

Tyler felt the calm breeze on his face and finally opened his eyes. Josh stared at him scared but after a few seconds his worry disappeared from his face. Tyler looked at his hands seeing that they turned back to normal. Unlike Josh, Tyler could be in his fish form for only a certain amount of time. Josh helped Tyler to the shore and let go of him only when the boy felt ground under his feet.

"Josh... " Tyler looked at the merman

"I... " He bit his lip "I don't know if I can. "

"I won't leave you here. " Tyler stepped back into the water

"You need to dry off, you're gonna get sick... "

"I'm not leaving you here. " Tyler crossed his arms over his chest

"D-don't look. " Josh murmured and backed away into the water

Tyler turned around. He heard the water softly splashing and when he was about to turn around he was tackled onto the ground. Josh laid on him laughing, his legs rubbing softly against Tyler's.

"I forgot how to walk again. " Josh giggled

Tyler smiled at him, still surprised of how fast Josh shed his tail. They laid on the sand as waves hit their naked bodies over and over again.

"I love you. " Josh whispered and let out a soft giggle

Tyler reached for Josh's face and caressed his stubbly cheek. Josh closed his eyes at the touch and let out a deep sigh.

"I love you too, fishy. " Tyler smiled

 " Tyler smiled

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I Saw You In The Water [Joshler]Where stories live. Discover now