Nineteen 🐚

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Tyler had to drag Josh back into the house because the man forgot to put on shoes. Tyler had to explain to Josh why he needs shoes and why he can't take his shirt off in public. Josh thought that the human rules are stupid and also clothes were stupid too. Tyler managed to convince Josh to keep his shirt on. He promised that Josh will be able to walk without a shirt on or even naked once they got back home. The thought of Josh being naked was far too inviting for Tyler that the boy didn't even want to go to the carnival anymore. He managed to shake his lewd thoughts off and head to the fair.

Brendon said that he and his boyfriend are going to meet them there and the boy was worried about Josh. He had never been around so many people, and even if the man was human, he still was weird and out of ordinary. First of all, Josh was too damn beautiful and Tyler knew that. Josh didn't have a perfect Da Vinci approved facial structure but he had an inner glow that attracted people to Josh like a magnet no matter gender or sexuality. Tyler noticed that because as they were walking to the fair, Josh got a lot of looks and Tyler did not appreciate it. Josh was his. The boy almost got into a fight with a little girl who wanted to touch Josh's ocean coloured hair. The man chuckled as the little girl told Josh how she always wanted to be a mermaid and have blue hair. 

"My mommy says that mermaids are not real. " the girl pouted

"What's your name? " Josh got on one knee

"D-Deborah. " the girl sniffled

"Well, Deborah. " Josh ruffled the girl's hair "Your mom is wrong because mermaids do exist. "

"Really? " the girl's eyes widened "How do you know? "

Josh leaned up to the girl's ear.

"Because I am one. "

The girl's eyes widened even more. Josh stood up and flashed her a friendly smile before Tyler dragged him away

"What the heck, Josh? " Tyler murmured

"What? " Josh stumbled after the boy

"Why did you tell that you were a merman? " Tyler sighed

"Is that wrong? "

Tyler stopped abruptly and Josh smashed his forehead against Tyler's shoulder.

"Owie... " Josh whined rubbing his forehead

"Josh, you can't just tell people who you are. " Tyler said before kissing the man's forehead

"Why not?" the man pouted "My momma said to always tell the truth. "

"Josh, we are humans. " Tyler let out a deep sigh "And when we find something beautiful we destroy it.  "

"B-but why? " Josh's eyes filled with tears

"Because we are not capable of appreciating something different. " Tyler caressed Josh's cheek with his thumb "Joshie, humans are bad, you know that already. That's why you should never, ever tell anyone who you really are. "

Josh sniffled quietly and nodded his head.

"Okay. " he whispered "I won't tell anyone. "

"Good boy. " Tyler murmured before pressing his lips against the man's

After five seconds into the kiss, Tyler heard whistling behind him. He rolled his eyes mentally and turned around. He let out an annoyed sigh seeing a wide grin on the brunettes face. He wiggled his eyebrows and stepped forward.

"I thought you two got lost or something so we decided to search for you. " Brendon chuckled stuffing his hands in the pockets of his jeans "I was worried but now I see that I shouldn't have.  "

I Saw You In The Water [Joshler]Where stories live. Discover now