Twenty nine 🐚

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"Tyler? "

The boy sat slouching over his desk, Tyler's forehead pressing against his textbook that he didn't even bother to open even though the lesson had started twenty minutes ago. Tyler didn't even twitch. He didn't flinch at the mention of his name like he used to do before. The boy used to bite his nails anxiously afraid that he might get an answer wrong. He tried to stop at the top of his class. Not anymore, though. He just didn't care.

"What's the point of living if you're gonna die anyway? "

Tyler quoted that way too often and it became weird. He became that weird emo guy who's always gloomy and depressed, hates the world and everyone around him. And what happens to those weird kids that don't fit in anymore? They get picked on. A lot. For no apparent reason. Tyler got picked on just because he wore black. He got picked on just because he wore a feminine looking necklace all the time. The boy got bullied by the people he used to call friends. Later Tyler realized that they weren't his friends in the first place just another group of assholes.

"Tyler? "

The voice was familiar, it echoed in his mind.

"Tyler? " the voice was harsher "Tyler,   are you sleeping in class? "

The boy lifted his head up slowly and looked around. Yeah, he was sleeping in class but the boy couldn't give less fucks. He sat straight in his seat but soon lowered his head, sitting straight was too much effort. Tyler felt everyone staring every time he lifted his head up, he could see everyone glancing at him so the boy kept his low profile.

"Yeah. " the boy answered in a groggy voice

"Why?" the teacher put her book down "Is everything okay?"

"No." Tyler let out a sleepy groan and placed his head on the desk

The teacher looked concerned. She fixed her glasses and walked up to Tyler. He didn't move. The teacher stood next to him hoping that the boy would lift his head up but Tyler had more important stuff to do than talk to teachers. Stuff like... Sleeping. He was tired. Tired all the time. Tired of everything. Each day was a torture, he couldn't wait to come back home so he could go back to sleep. It felt like the whole universe was collapsing on him, putting a cruel weight on his shoulders and telling Tyler to carry it but it was just too heavy.

"Tyler, you're falling behind, if you don't-"

"-Get a grip I'm afraid I'll have to call your parents." Tyler finished the teacher's sentence and lifted his head up "Yeah, I know, you told me that a hundred times."

"I'm just trying-"

"Well maybe you should just stop? " Tyler cut the teacher off again

"You're my student and-"

"Exactly. " Tyler's voice grew in volume "So you should keep your nose out of my business because i don't need your help. "

"Tyler If you don't fix your attitude... "

Tyler stood up quickly making the desk slide a little bit. The whole class turned around to look at him. Tyler stood towering over the teacher, gritting his teeth.

"I'm already gone. " the boy murmured and grabbed his backpack

"I'm gonna mark you absent! " The teacher yelled after Tyler

"I'm already gone. " Tyler murmured as he walked away from the classroom he was in

The library was locked. Tyler rolled his eyes and walked to the school cafeteria. The worst place for an emo kid who always got picked on. Tyler didn't care that he was being bullied, he couldn't give a shit about his reputation an didn't try to hit back but this time the bullies had stepped over the line Tyler had drawn.

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