Forty 🐚

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Wassup hoes the trash queen is back

Also, ya'll should listen to Starset because their songs are vv good and they're vv underrated

Start with "Die for you"
This is an order sweaty

Tyler had the best sleep in two years. He couldn't remember the last time he slept through the whole night and the whole morning up to twelve. He was knocked out for good thirteen hours and woke up without feeling hazy and his head didn't hurt like it usually did when he overslept. Tyler just needed one good night sleep to cure his throbbing headache. Tyler smiled feeling someone's nose pressed up against his neck, the warm breath on Tyler's skin sent pleasant shivers down his spine. Josh stirred in his sleep and the brunette realized that the man had drooled all over him. Tyler didn't mind. As long as Josh was by his side he didn't want anything else. Tyler was happy to have a second chance after he fucked up that badly. It's like the world got tired of his daily weeping and decided to let Tyler correct himself. 

Hunger made Tyler's stomach churn painfully. It was so loud that Josh opened his eyes and stared at Tyler wide-eyed. 

"I heard gunshots."

"What?" Tyler chuckled

Josh closed his eyes and let out a small whimper.

"Don't let them take the watermelon." Josh murmured before falling back to sleep

Tyler raised an eyebrow and made a mental note to himself to not let them take Josh's watermelon. Tyler laid still not wanting to wake Josh up. His stomach started growling even louder and making all sorts of other noises. Tyler shifted uncomfortably, his arm had fallen asleep. The brunette had two options: die or wake Josh up. Tyler let out a sigh and prepared himself for the impending doom. Luckily, Tyler didn't have to die from starvation because after a few minutes Josh woke up. He slowly lifted his head and looked around the room trying to remember why he wasn't in his own bed. Then Josh's eyes wandered to Tyler's face and the man gave him the warmest sleepy smile that a person could possibly give. 

"G'morning." Josh mumbled as he cuddled closer to Tyler

"Good morning, sunshine." Tyler kissed Josh's messy curls and smiled

"I'm hungry." Josh yawned 

"Me too." Tyler sighed "Should we..."

"No." Josh grumbled "I wanna lay here for a little..."

Josh let out a light shaky breath before speaking again.

"With you." 

Josh brought the covers up completely enveloping them both in them. They laid there, not saying anything, sharing warmth. Josh sighed several times and shifted even closer to Tyler each time. Tyler felt like something was wrong and he needed to know.

"Jo-Will, what's wrong?" Tyler covered his slip-up with a light cough 

"I..." Josh let out his hundredth sigh "I have this ring and..."

"And?" Tyler listened to Josh's ragged breathing

"It looks expensive." 

"Because it was." Tyler said quietly

"And I don't remember anything..."

"The Ferris wheel." Tyler continued

"I really want you to-"

"I still wear mine." Tyler lifted his hand up to his face and stared at the black plastic ring on his finger

"Tyler." Josh's voice sounded almost pleading

"And you were scared of the fireworks at first..."

"Tyler..." Josh lifted his head up and stared the boy into his eyes

"But then you wanted to leave because..." Tyler's chin trembled "B-because..."

"Were we married?" Josh asked quietly like he was unsure of his voice

Tyler sniffed and pressed his lips together, he turned his gaze to the side so Josh wouldn't see his watery eyes.

"I wish we were. " Tyler's voice faltered "I wish we were much more, Josh. I wish I didn't waste my life trying to make you love me because you already did and I was stupid enough to believe that you would actually leave me. I was stupid enough to make you prove your love to me. I was cruel and indifferent, I hurt you but you still said that you loved me and then you died! You died, Josh! "

Tyler sprung up from the bed and walked over to the window. It was a nice day but Tyler couldn't feel the sunshine on his skin. He closed his eyes and let his tears seep through his lashes freely. His breath hitched with every breath and his chest was on fire. Once again, he was falling down that black hole. Once again he was clawing his way out, gripping onto that last ray of light before he fell into the dark void. He was dying, trying to make everyone else believe that he was fine but he wasn't fine at all. He was lying. Lying to himself and everyone else around him. 

Tyler felt scared and relieved at the same time when Josh wrapped his arms around his waist and placed his cheek against Tyler's shoulder. 

"I love you." Josh murmured 

"No, you don't." Tyler shook his head "You don't even remember me."

"Then help me." Josh turned Tyler around and grabbed his hands "Help me remember you." 

"How?" Tyler shook his head, tears were still streaming down his face 

"Take me to the Ferris wheel. " Josh leaned in "Take me where we first met, take me to your house, take me to the beach. Take me where we had our most precious memories and help me remember. Help me love you."

"I can't make you love me." Tyler swallowed thickly "I can't make you feel what I want you to feel."

"Please." Josh whispered "Believe in love. " 

Josh bit his lip and nodded slowly while looking down. He didn't want Josh to see his tears. 

"It's Josh, right?" the man let out a quiet chuckle "It's always been Josh..."

"Yeah..." Tyler nodded and lifted his head up "Joshua."

"I like it more than William." Josh whispered slowly leaning in

"Me too." Tyler let out a shaky breath before connecting his lips with Josh's

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