Twenty two 🐚

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"Tomorrow my dad is coming home." Tyler murmured and put his phone down

"Mhm... " Josh murmured as he ran his fingers through Tyler's fluffy locks

"What should we do?" Tyler asked

Josh murmured something short but Tyler didn't quite catch it. He just shrugged it off because Josh wasn't that interested to repeat it.

Tyler sighed and turned to his side do now he was facing the man. His gaze caressed every inch of Josh's perfect features. From his azurite blue eye to the corners of Josh's mouth. A weak smile was curving the man's lips, Tyler noticed that it was always there. Josh's resting face was a soft side smirk and the boy found it adorable. His eyes glittered with childish joy as he looked at Tyler, the love of his life.

"Joshie?" Tyler scooted closer to the man

"Yes?" he placed his big hand on the small of Tyler's back. The boy finally realized how much bigger Josh was than him but still, Josh was still a little boy at his heart.

"How old are you?" Tyler bit his lip nervously not sure what he was nervous about

"Twenty five." Josh hummed and ran his hand up and down Tyler's back

The boy bit down on his lip harder, if his dad knew how old his boyfriend was he would certainly not approve so Tyler decided to keep that a secret from him. He wasn't sure how his dad was gonna react when Tyler tells him that Josh will be living with them from now. A boyfriend who's seven years older than him. Tyler kissed Josh's neck feeling his little stubble prickle his lips. He smiled against the man's skin. It didn't matter how old Josh was, all it mattered that they loved each other. Tyler was an adult... Technically. His dad still made his doctor appointments for him. Tyler suddenly remembered that he hadn't called mom in two weeks. He decided to do it later.

It was a hot summer day. Tyler didn't want to do anything because being outside in such heat would cause his death. So the two of them decided to have a lazy uneventful day. They laid on Tyler's bed not doing much just exchanging a word or two. Tyler placed his cheek against Josh's stomach and felt how it rose up and moved down. Josh's eyes were partially closed, he laid still, slowly moving his right feet left and right. Tyler reached for Josh's face and gently caressed the man's stubbly jaw. He giggled softly and closed his eyes.

"I'm too hot." he murmured

Tyler sat up allowing Josh to take off his shirt. He laid back down. Tyler suddenly felt hot too and slipped out of his shirt as well. He hesitantly laid down, feeling his head suddenly spin. He could've pulled the thin blanket off of him but decided to keep it. The boy bit his lip realizing that he was in a very uncomfortable and probably embarrassing situation.

"Cuddle me... " Josh murmured and turned his back to Tyler

"Do you want me to be the big spoon?" Tyler sighed that he could finally pull the damn blanket off of his lap

"Mhm... " Josh hummed

Tyler wrapped his arm around Josh's waist, his fingertips traced over the defined muscles on his stomach. Tyler kept his hips as far away from the man's back as he could. It was uncomfortable for Tyler but Josh couldn't know about his little(not) problem.

"Hug me closer." Josh pouted feeling the lack of skin contact

Tyler sighed and pressed his chest against Josh's still keeping his hips away from Josh's butt. They tangled their legs together and couldn't help but feel like a woolly mammoth with his hairy legs and three chest hairs as Josh's smooth legs rubbed against his. Tyler bit his lip, Josh was hairless like a dolphin, he didn't have hair anywhere except his head. Tyler sighed, he caressed Josh's firm chest feeling the smooth skin under his fingertips. Tyler planted light kisses on Josh's freckled shoulder earning a few giggles from the man. Tyler's fingers continued drawing patterns on Josh's chest till his finger grazed over a bump. Josh inhaled sharply, Tyler moved his finger back making the man gasp again. Tyler smirked and snaked his other arm around Josh to feel the second bump under his finger.

"Tyler... " Josh murmured

Tyler nipped at Josh's skin not sure where he was going with that but Josh let out a low groan and backed his bottom up. Tyler inhaled sharply and scooted away from the man. Josh turned around, confusion in his face.

"Tyler..." Josh trailed off when he looked down at Tyler's lap

"I'm going to the bathroom." Tyler murmured, he was beet red at this point

He didn't have a chance to rise off the bed because Josh climbed on Tyler's lap and started kissing him. Tyler didn't respond immediately, he was surprised by Josh's behaviour. It was him who would start kissing, not Josh. Tyler didn't mind that tho. Things were different from when they were kissing casually. Josh's lips were pressing more firmly against Tyler's, his breath was a little bit heavier than usual and the boy could also feel Josh's excitement very well.

Josh disconnected his lips from Tyler's and latched onto his neck without an intention to make a hickey. Josh sucked on Tyler's skin gently, without breaking the blood vessels. Josh's hands roamed on Tyler's shoulders, gently pressing his fingertips into the boy's tanned skin. Tyler gripped Josh's waist and threw him on his back with a dark growl knowing that he won't be as gentle as Josh was with him. He wanted to mark every part of Josh's body with his lips and don't leave an inch of his skin without a kiss.

Josh let out a soft whimper, Tyler ground his hips aggressively, feeling the heat pooling inside his gut rise tremendously. Their lips connected again for a slow passionate kiss, Josh's hands never leaving Tyler's body as they made out in a sloppy manner. Their lips broke apart, only a string of saliva connecting them. Tyler looked into Josh's eyes that were now filled with lust and need. Need for connection. Tyler planted chase kisses down Josh's collarbone whispering sweet things that made Josh's face turn rose pink.

"Josh. I want you" Tyler placed his hands on the man's shoulders "If I go too far It will be hard for me to stop."

"Then don't." Josh responded immediately, his eyes dark with lust "Don't stop."

Tyler inhaled sharply, he felt the scent of Josh in his nostrils. The scent that intoxicated him just from even the thought of him.

"I want you to be mine." Tyler's breath became more ragged and uneven, it was hard for him to contain himself "All mine. "

"Then take me." Josh whispered leaning into the kiss "Make me yours."

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