Thirty seven 🐚

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I wrote Tyler referring to "William" as Josh out of habit in the previous chapter but it's all fixy-doodles now


"This is it. " Alex stopped his car and turned to Tyler grinning

The boy glanced out the window for a brief second before answering.

"Who's house is this? "

"Mine. " Alex chuckled "Come on, let's go. "

"Okay... " Tyler climbed out of the car

Alex did a weird half jog to his front door and opened it for Tyler. The boy didn't know if the gesture was mocking or kind. He swore he heard Alex whisper "ladies first " under his breath. The boy just shrugged it off and decided to focus on something else like, how big the house was and how stunning Josh looked in the bright light of the crystal chandelier. Josh was wearing a black button-up shirt with a black tie, paired with black jeans. Josh looked a little bit nervous, he rocked back and forth on his heels, a deep wrinkle carved his forehead but as soon as he laid his eyes on Tyler his face lit up with pure joy.

"Hey, Ty! " Josh chuckled and wrapped his arms around Tyler's skinny frame for a short hug

"Uh, hi, William." Tyler murmured, his body stiffened up when he felt Josh's strong arms envelop him into a warm hug. It was hard for him calling the man he knew as Josh the whole time William.

He wanted to hug back, wrap his arms around Josh's waist, squeeze tight and never let go. Instead, Tyler patted Josh's back lightly in a friendly way and pulled away from the embrace. Josh had a puzzled look on his face for a few seconds, he looked hurt that Tyler didn't hug him back but he brushed it off and smiled again.

"Friends call me Will. "

"Okay.  " Tyler murmured and looked down on the floor, he did not know how not to be awkward

"Tyler? " Josh lifted Tyler's head up by placing his index finger under the boy's chin

"Y-yes? " Tyler stuttered feeling his cheeks heat up

Josh's warm mismatched eyes looked into his sparkly ones for a few seconds that felt like eternity. Tyler's heart beat rose and his breath got slightly heavier.

"That means that you can call me Will. " Josh flashed a friendly smile to Tyler before pulling away

Their chests were dangerously close to each other's and Tyler feared that the man could feel his uneven heart beat that was beating harder than any drum.

Josh bit his lip lightly and turned around. He waved Tyler to come before disappearing into the other room.

"Come, Tyler. "

The boy nodded weakly and wanted to follow the man but noticed the expression on Alex's face. His mouth gaped open, the half-smoked cigarette barely hung from his bottom lip. He blinked rapidly and got his confused gaze back at Tyler.

"Whoa...  " he managed to utter out

"Is... Is he always this touchy? " Tyler asked shyly rubbing his upper arm

"No. " Alex extinguished his cigarette in a crystal ash tray "That's why I'm saying whoa. Like, damn.  "

"What? " Tyler bit his lip

Alex waved it off and gently pushed past Tyler smirking. Tyler stood alone in one place for a few seconds and then decided to follow Josh and Alex. He ended up in a hallway with like a thousand doors. Tyler looked around amazed, confused and a little bit scared. He rubbed his forehead trying to decide which door he should go through. He noticed one door being slightly ajar and Tyler decided to check it. Fortunately, he was right, Alex, Josh and some other guys were sitting around a table, some guys were playing football on the huge TV hung on the wall. Tyler stood gripping at the edges of his shirt anxiously not knowing what to do. There were far too many dudes there for him to feel comfortable. Not that he felt uncomfortable in all male company, he felt uncomfortable in any company, whether it was all male or all female.

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