Seventeen 🐚

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Josh laid in the bath quietly sobbing, his face was barely above the water. The man snorted and started coughing and spiting water. Tyler gently rubbed Josh's back as the man was making weird wheezing noises followed by soft sobs. Tyler tried to keep his eyes above Josh's waist but they kept trailing back at the man's lower half. It was impossible not to look and the boy tried as hard as he could to keep his gaze from wandering off.

Tyler grabbed a towel and grabbed Josh's hand.

"Try standing up. " Tyler whispered softly

"I d-don't know how... " Josh whispered

Tyler wrapped the towel around Josh's shoulders not caring if it got wet. Tyler threw Josh's arm over his shoulders and slowly dragged Josh out of the bath. Josh's new feet dragged across the floor as Tyler carried the man to his bedroom.

Tyler let out loud groan and pushed Josh down on the bed. The boy had already changed the sheets. The man let out a squeal and dragged Tyler down with him. The boy gritted his teeth as his crotch collided with Josh's knee. Tyler whimpered in pain and blinked away the tears. He felt his life flash behind his eyes as the pain shook his whole body.

"Sweet mother of Jesus... " Tyler sobbed against the sheets while cupping his crotch with his palms

Josh laid on his side as Tyler rolled around in the sheets in agony. The merman didn't understand what hurt Tyler so much but it still made him sad. He hated seeing his friend sad in any way and wanted to comfort the boy. Josh slowly snaked his arms around Tyler's waist and sat the boy on his lap. Tyler tensed up immediately. Not that he didn't like hugs. Josh hugged him all the time and it wasn't weird because they were friends. The weird part was that Josh was naked and moist and Tyler was wearing boxers and nothing else.
Tyler squirmed trying to get out of Josh's grip. His dewy skin slid out of Tyler's grasp making the boy fall back onto Josh's lap where the man hugged him even tighter.

"There, there... " Josh placed his head against Tyler's back

Josh didn't know how to make someone feel better but the man was trying his best so no one could blame him. Josh was calm meanwhile Tyler was fighting for his freedom. The boy gave up, Josh was twice as strong and stubborn, if he wanted to hug Tyler he did that for as long as he wanted to.

"Josh, I'm okay now." Tyler murmured

Josh rubbed his stubbly cheek against Tyler's bare back. The boy suddenly realized that Josh is much older than him.

"Josh, you can let me go now." Tyler said slipping out of Josh's embrace "You need clothes. "

Tyler opened the closet and started digging through it. Josh sat on the bed silent, he stared at his toes like they were a miracle. Tyler couldn't find much clothing that could fit Josh's build. He handed Josh a white shirt and a pair of black pants. Josh picked the shirt up and stared at it for a few minutes till Tyler realized thay Josh doesn't know how clothes work.

"Extend your arm. " Tyler murmured

Tyler felt like he's dressing up a giant barbie doll. Josh didn't make any effort so Tyler had to lift his arms instead of Josh lifting them. Tyler realized that the pants are too tight around Josh's thighs and would burst if Josh moved his legs. Tyler sighed and exited his room. He knew his dad had some pants that would fit Josh well. Tyler came back to his room as fast as he could.

Josh sat on Tyler's bed with the buttons on his shirt unbuttoned. His toned chest heaved rapidly.

"It's too hot... " Josh murmured, his shirt slowly slipped off his shoulder

"I'll find you a different shirt. " Tyler murmured

"I don't like clothes. " Josh unbuttoned the last button on his shirt

"Well, you need to wear clothes you like it or not. " Tyler rolled his eyes

The boy didn't see what Josh was doing behind him on the bed, all that he heard was a faint shuffling.

"It's too tight... " Josh panted

Tyler turned around and almost screamed. Josh knelt on the bed, his legs spread wide. The man desperately tried to get his arms out of the shirt but ended up being stuck since the shirt was too tight. Josh's chest heaved rapidly as the fabric cut into his biceps. Tyler swallowed thickly. Even if Josh wasn't trying to seduce Tyler all of his actions were incredibly sexual.

Josh's eyelashes fluttered, his mouth hung slightly open as soft frustrated groans came out of his mouth.

"Tyler... " Josh shifted his hazy gaze at Tyler "Help. "

Tyler stared at Josh and felt his cheeks heat up. Josh had a dark tone in his voice, Tyler had an idea that maybe Josh was doing all of this on purpose. The boy shook his head, Josh was too innocent for this, it was he who always had dirty thoughts about the man. It was hard not to because Josh was in front of him naked.

Tyler swallowed the tacky lump in his throat and slowly approached Josh. The man always was incredibly attractive but now Tyler stared into his gorgeous mismatched eyes and couldn't even breathe. Josh was still struggling with the shirt.

"Josh... " Tyler let out a shaky breath

"Yes? " The man lifted his head up and the second his face tilted up Tyler's lips collided with Josh's
Josh's eyes widened for a second but soon closed as Tyler's lips continued moving firmly against his. Tyler didn't care that the kiss was sloppy or that he didn't hold his breath because all he wanted to do was feel Josh's lips on his. Tyler placed his hand on the back of Josh's head to deepen the kiss and pressed the man's lips harder on his. Josh's gentle hand cupped Tyler's cheek while his other one rested on Tyler's shoulder.

Both of them breathed heavily as their lips crashed against each other again and again. It started off as a slow kiss and now Tyler was giving Josh short sloppy kisses repeatedly while his hand wrapped around Josh's waist brought the man closer to him.

The kissing continued for many minutes, it eventually turned into an intense make out and when Tyler finally moved his lips away from Josh's they were reddened and coated with saliva. Heavy breaths came out of Josh's mouth as Tyler stared deep into his eyes with his hands still around the man's waist. Josh's hair stuck to all the sides because Tyler kept running his fingers through it.

Josh's freckled cheeks had painted themselves red, Tyler was blushing too. Even the tips of his ears had a red tint to them.

Tyler drew in shallow ragged breaths, Josh was breathless as well. Tyler kept inhaling air to say something but couldn't find the words to express what he was feeling. Tyler was scared of the warm fuzzy feeling that filled his chest every time he looked at the man.

"I.... " Tyler started

Josh slowly loosened up his grip on Tyler's waist. The boy felt tears choke him, he started crying for no reason. At least he thought so. Josh had a concerned look on his face as Tyler rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand.

"Tyler, I love you. " Josh whispered making the boy on his lap flinch

"Wh-what? " Tyler blinked rapidly

"I... " Josh bit his lip "I l-love you."
"I-" Tyler inhaled sharply, tears swelling his eyes again

"I'm s-sorry, you don't ha-have to l-love me back. " Josh whispered


"I u-understand. Y-you're a h-human and y-y-you like hu-humans. I'm st-stupid and c-can't even s-say m-my words ri-right. "

"Joshua, you're not stupid-"

"A-and you're so p-pretty and I l-look like a b-b-blob f-f-fish.. "

"Josh stop! " Tyler raised his voice

Josh bit his lip and lowered his eyes.

"You're not stupid. " Tyler caressed Josh's freckled cheek "And I'm the one who looks like a blob fish. "

"T-that's n-not true. " Josh murmured

"Joshie, I love you too. " Tyler whispered "I might be too stupid to understand how much I actually love you. "

"Y-you do? " Josh's eyes sparkled

"I do. I love you, Josh. "

I Saw You In The Water [Joshler]Where stories live. Discover now