Six 🐚

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"W-who, m-me?" Tyler felt his cheeks heat up even more

Josh nodded his head and smiled flashing a glimpse of his sharp teeth. Even though the man reminded Tyler of a shark he was an adorable shark. Josh wrapped his arms around Tyler's neck, the boy had to grab onto something so he wouldn't get dragged into the water. Josh wasn't trying to do that but when the man suddenly put his weight on the boy it sure felt like it. 

"Can I take?" Josh whispered looking Tyler into his eyes

"Take what?" Tyler blinked rapidly, fear started growing in his heart again

Josh grabbed onto Tyler's collar gently and slightly tugged him down closer to the water. Tyler held onto the grass that was not going to hold for much longer if he kept pulling. 

"You." Josh said quietly and slowly backed away into the water pulling Tyler with him

The boy slowly leaned forward without thinking. He looked into the merman's eyes not wanting to move his gaze away. He felt how his body rose from the ground and now Tyler was kneeling on the sand with his palms on the ground. Josh had his palms cupping both sides of Tyler's head. Tyler's lips hung slightly open, he could feel Josh's light breathing against his own mouth. The warm air tickled his skin a little. 

Josh was submerged int the water shoulder deep. Tyler tried as hard as he could not fall into the water because god knows what would've happened to him once he's in the ocean with the merman. Josh's eyes sparkled with hope, they weren't the eyes of someone who might've wanted to drown Tyler but the boy wanted to stay cautious and as beautiful as Josh's eyes were he couldn't keep looking into them. Tyler gently gripped Josh's soft hands and removed them from his face. He held them in his own hands and sighed. Josh's eyebrows curled upwards.

"I can't t-take?" Josh whispered with a slight disappointment in his voice

"No, you can't take me, Josh." Tyler shook his head "I live on land."

"Pretty fish." Josh pointed at the ocean "Pretty like Tyler." 

A weak smile curved the boy's lips. He sighed and looked down at Josh's hands that he was still holding.

"Maybe next time?"

Josh nodded and splashed his tail against the surface of the water excitedly.

"N-Next time! Next time!" Josh grabbed Tyler's upper arm "Next time now!" 

"No, Josh." Tyler backed away from the water and sat on the sand "I can't go with you into the water. It's too cold." 

Josh tilted his head to the side like a curious puppy.

"Human like warm?" 

"Yes. Human's like when it's warm, Josh." Tyler patted his jacket "That's why we wear clothes."

Josh rubbed his chin like he was thinking about something deeply.

"F-far away hu-man no clothes. " Josh furrowed his clothes "Not h-hu-man?" 

"They are human, Josh." Tyler let out  a soft chuckle "Maybe it's really warm there so they don't need clothes." 

Josh nodded.


Tyler shivered slightly. His knees were wet from kneeling on the sand, Josh had been splashing the water a lot and Tyler feared that he would get sick again. Tyler still felt like he's in a fairytale. Deep inside the boy believed that this is some crazy fever dream because mermaids didn't exist. If they did scientist would've found out by now. 

I Saw You In The Water [Joshler]Where stories live. Discover now