Twelve 🐚

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Hints of smut but they're not actually having secsks

Tyler slammed the sandwiches and the fruit back on the counter and ran to his room light speed bumping his limbs on every surface possible. Tyler cringed from the pain but kept going. He stumbled into the bathroom and practically dragged Josh out of the wall. The man let out a loud yelp as Tyler shoved him through the door.

"We gotta go!" Tyler hissed trying to get ahold of Josh "My dad came back home."

Tyler desperately tried to hold onto Josh but the man was all slippery and wet. Josh got out of Tyler's grasp and smacked face first onto Tyler's bed. The boy's knees gave in suddenly and he collapsed on top of Josh. Tyler let out a groan of frustration when he tried to get up but Josh's tail was so slippery that he collapsed back on the man again. Tyler managed to roll off the bed and stand up. Panic coursed through the boy's veins. He heard his dad slowly climbing up the stairs and knowing him he will definitely come to Tyler's room to check on him. An idea popped into Tyler's head. It was stupid and embarrassing but the boy had to do something. Tyler grabbed the curtains and yanked them shut making the room dimly lit. He grabbed a blanket and climbed on Josh's lap straddling the man. Tyler ruffled up his hair and ran his palm over his face before collecting the dampness from Josh's wet hair. Josh laid under Tyler not knowing what the heck was happening. Tyler covered Josh's tail with the blanket and stuffed some pillows under it to make the bed look messy. Tyler threw the blanket over his shoulders covering Josh as well. The merman stared into Tyler's eyes, his own eyes were full of confusion.

"Josh, I need you to do something." Tyler panted


Tyler looked at the door hearing his dad just outside his bedroom. He turned to Josh and slid his hand under the blankets to touch his tail.

"Moan for me." Tyler whispered before running his finger's up the merman's tail earning a soft but loud enough moan from the man

Tyler connected his lips with Josh's with a soft grunt just before the door opened and a confused Chris walked in. The man had no idea what he was walking into. Tyler bit Joh's bottom lip earning a soft gasp from the man. Chris' eyes instantly widened when he witnessed the thing that was happening in front of him in Tyler's bed. The boy softly kissed Josh's neck, grazing his lips over the man's tiny gills. Josh shuddered and grabbed onto Tyler's shoulders. Tyler pretended not to know that his dad was in the room for a few seconds before opening his eyes and glancing sideways for a moment.

The boy acted to look shocked, he didn't need to act too much because blush spread across his cheeks rapidly. Josh was still gasping for air softly because Tyler kissed him too suddenly. The merman stared at Chris not knowing what to do. The man couldn't see much because the shadow that loomed over the room hid both of the males partially.

"Oh my god dad!" Tyler shrieked and started covering up "You can't just enter my room like that!"

"S-sorry." Chris was probably petrified because he stood not moving, staring at the two males wrapped up in sheets, sweaty and panting. The man already knew what was happening without further explanation. Just a few seconds ago Tyler was grinding his hips against the man under him and making all sorts of inappropriate noises.

"You could've at least knocked!" Tyler continued shrieking

"I d-didn't know you were with your boyfriend." Chris stuttered

"Well, you know now." Tyler pointed at the door "Out!"

"Oakyyy..." Chris regained the gift of movement again and quickly exited the room making sure to close the door behind him

Tyler made sure that the door was closed before throwing the sheets off of him and letting out a frustrated sigh. Josh's cheeks were tinted deep crimson as he bit his lip and wiggled his tail to the sides like he was in great discomfort. Tyler glanced over to Josh and his stare immediately got glued to the boy's abdomen where his tail started and torso ended. Tyler knew it was wrong to stare but he just couldn't shift his gaze away because it was so different and fascinating. Josh arched his back slightly as the slit that had opened in the middle lightly pulsated. Tyler had an idea what it was judging by what was above it, resting on Josh's lower tummy. The scales had moved back with the skin, like a fleshy curtain allowing what was hidden to come out and open up. Josh swallowed thickly as his tail twitched making his scales turn pink almost in split second.

"Ty-l-ler." Josh choked out, his cheeks continuing to deepen in colour

The boy's glance brushed over the slit and the thing that was laying across Josh's lower abdomen making not only the merman feel hot and bothered. Tyler managed to slide his gaze up Josh's stomach and stop at the man's eyes that were slightly seductive now. The blue eye had turned pink. Josh bit his lip innocently, his wide tear filled eyes made him look so vulnerable and fragile. Tyler swallowed the lump in his throat and opened his mouth to say something but this time he was left truly speechless.

"D-did I do that?" Tyler finally asked, his voice incredibly shaky

Josh nodded arching his back and throwing his arms over his head. Tyler swallowed thickly, the tacky lump in his throat formed again. Tyler couldn't stop staring so he had to pinch himself lightly to distract himself. Tyler cleared his throat and grabbed a sheet to wrap it around himself.

"Can you fix it?" Tyler glanced at Josh

The man nodded his head.

"G-good... Okay so..." Tyler nodded pressing his lips together "I'm gonna go talk to my dad."

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