Eighteen 🐚

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haahgagahsyagah sup squad fam check out my sci-fi book "Dystopia" it's pretty... lit...
I'll go home now

"What do you wanna do now?" Tyler murmured gently caressing Josh's forearm

The man shrugged his shoulders. 

"I d-don't know..."

Tyler shifted in his place and smiled. He gently dragged his index finger down the man's pink lips. He had a mischevious smile on his face but it son turned sweet seeing Josh's giant innocent eyes.

"What d-do you wanna do?" Josh murmured, his breathing getting heavier slightly

"Cuddle." Tyler said softly

"C-cuddle?" Josh stuttered

"Yes, of course, cuddle." Tyler giggled "You don't know what cuddle means?"

The man shook his head making his blue curls bounce in the air. Tyler let out a soft sigh and kissed the man's forehead. 

"It means to hold each other close." Tyler swiped a curl out of Josh's eyes "Do you want to cuddle?"

Josh bit his lips nervously, his cheeks turned red.

"H-hold each o-other l-like..."

"Like lovers do." Tyler finished Josh's sentence making the man blush even deeper

"Are w-we l-lovers?" 

"Yes, Josh." Tyler pecked the man's freckled cheek "We are lovers." 

Josh's face lit up with joy, he let out a heavy breath and wrapped his arms around Tyler so hard that the man had to hold his breath. 

"I wanna cuddle!" Josh bounced around "Teach me!"

"Alright, little fishy." Tyler smirked "Lay down."

Josh stared at him for a  second before laying down on the bed hesitantly. Tyler smiled and crawled up to Josh to place his head on his chest. Tyler closed his eyes and wrapped his arm around Josh's waist. The man got the hint and wrapped his arms around Tyler's skinny frame as well. A heavy sigh escaped Josh's chest and he closed his eyes. They laid still for a couple of minutes.

"Is this it?" Josh asked in a hushed voice

Tyler lifted his heavy eyelids, the boy was getting sleepy

"No." Tyler shifted 

He sat up and dragged Josh on top of him. The man gasped when Tyler grabbed his shoulders and brought him closer for a kiss. 

"Are we cuddling now?" Josh asked in between the kisses

Tyler smiled against Josh's lips and pecked the corner of Josh's mouth.

"Yeah." Tyler murmured

"I like it." Josh blushed and kissed Tyler harder "I like it a lot." 

"Yeah..." Tyler panted "I can feel it." 

Josh pressed his lips against the boy's harder making the boy gasp and moan into the kiss. As much as Tyler enjoyed the kiss his stomach was growling and twisting. It demanded food. The stomach pain became so intense that Tyler couldn't bear it anymore. He gently pushed Josh's face away making the man frown.

"I want to kiss." Josh leaned in again

"Aren't you hungry?" Tyler asked

"I dunno." Josh kissed Tyler again "Don't care."

"But I am." Tyler tried to catch his breath Josh, I'm hungry."

Josh let out an annoyed groan and got off Tyler. The boy managed to find clothing that fit Josh well. Since it was getting hotter and hotter outside Josh wore a simple white shirt and a pair of knee length shorts. Josh frowned looking down at himself. 

I Saw You In The Water [Joshler]Where stories live. Discover now