Four 🐚

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^^That's what his teeth look like in this fic btw

Tyler slowly crept back into his room. The window was left open and now the room was cold. Tyler shivered slightly as he took off his clothes. His shoes were wet, the boy stuffed toilet paper in them hoping that maybe it will soak up some of the moisture before his father wakes him up and forces him to go on another fishing adventure. Tyler sniffled a couple of times, the cold made his nose runny. The boy wiggled his cold toes as he searched for fuzzy socks in his drawer. It was the beginning of the summer and the weather wasn't the hottest. The spring wasn't generous with the sunshine either. 

Tyler placed his slightly damp clothes in his chair and turned the heating up. The boy wobbled into the bathroom feeling slightly dizzy. The boy washed his hands and face that he had dirtied while falling. Tyler had a pretty big scrape under his left eye that was starting to swell. That bruise is going to be hard to hide and Chris was extremely suspicious. Tyler left the boat like he found it and prayed to god his dad doesn't notice that the knots that were tethering the ship to the bollards weren't right. 

Tyler slipped back into the bed and laid under the covers staring at the ceiling. His whole body was shivering, no matter how many blankets or socks Tyler had on him the boy couldn't stop shivering. He tried closing his eyes but couldn't keep them closed or open because they hurt so much. Tyler cursed under his breath because he realized that he caught a cold and now he probably had a fever. The boy tried to come up with an explanation of how he got a fever but none of them seemed believable. Tyler decided that he's going to tell his father that he went for a walk at night because he couldn't sleep and forgot his jacket even though his jacket was on the chair dripping with water for some reason. The boy got up and stuffed the jacket into his laundry basket before smearing some dirt over it. 

"This is gonna be so fucking efficient." Tyler murmured stuffing blowdryer into his boot and turning the power on on the highest setting

Tyler held the blowdryer in his boot for about ten seconds enjoying the warmth till he sensed something burning and it smelled like burning old dirty socks. The blowdryer became hotter each second till Tyler dropped it on the floor making the device shatter. Tyler stuffed toilet paper into the boot again and tried to fix the blowdryer but his attempt was unsuccessful.

"Why am I like this." Tyler murmured accidentally knocking everything that was on the bathroom sink

The boy climbed back in his bed and started rubbing his hands together like a maniac. If he could've rubbed his feet together he would've done that too but it was just too much effort. Tyler clattered his teeth from the shivers that shook his body but at least his hands weren't cold anymore. 

The boy heard shuffling downstairs and then slow steps that were coming upstairs. The door quietly creaked and Chris poked his face in. Tyler stopped shuffling under his sheets and looked at his dad. 

"What are you doing in four in the morning?" Chris asked, his voice was still groggy 

"I uh.." Tyler shuffled under the pile of sheets. 

Chris looked at Tyler' sweaty forehead and shifty eyes and nodded.

"Oh... I'm gonna go back to sleep then." Chris slowly inched backwards

"No! Dad, it's not what you think!" Tyler threw the blankets off of him because suddenly it felt like he's a bun being toasted in the oven "I think I have a fever."

"Oh, well then." Chris chuckled softly and re-entered the room "How did you get a fever?" 

Tyler shrugged his shoulders and tried to appear nonchalant as if he was innocent. 

I Saw You In The Water [Joshler]Where stories live. Discover now