Fifteen 🐚

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Would anyone read a science fiction book if I published one? I'm guessing all of you only read band fan fics here so idk

Tyler had sung and played for so long that his throat became sore but Josh was demanding more and more songs that Tyler had to unplug the keyboard and stash it away again. Josh couldn't stop whining but Tyler couldn't even speak at that point. He just shook his head repeatedly as Josh made the biggest puppy eyes the universe had ever seen. Tyler was tempted but stood his ground. It was nearly impossible to resist Josh, Tyler was suprised by himself that he managed to keep a stern tone. Tyler convinced Josh that he should learn proper grammar. The merman agreed because he had no other choice. Tyler was a crappy teacher but he managed to teach Josh a bit about basic grammar that even preschoolers knew. The merman stared at the book curiously, taking in every Tyler's word. He liked the pictures more though. Josh was a quick learner. In two hours he was able to talk like a civilized human being not a caveman. Now, if someone asked Tyler could just say that his friend was a foreigner.

After the short lesson Josh started whining again. He wanted he boy to sing for him and Tyler said no a million times. He would've loved singing to Josh but he felt if he kept singing he couldn't speak tomorrow. The merman behaved like a toddler, he even threw a  tantrum. Tyler didn't know of he should be laughing or crying.

Josh calmed down and now he was sitting on the bed with his arms crossed over his chest, looking out the window. The boy sat on the other edge of the bed eyeing the mad Josh down. He really was perfect. Tyler had to look away a few times so he would snap back to reality. Josh was unreal. Tyler reached his hand out and caressed Josh's sparkly bicep.

The man blinked rapidly as Tyler lightly ran his fingers across his skin. Tyler left out a soft chuckle as Josh squirmed under his touch, clearly uncomfortable with Tyler's hands tickling him everywhere. The brunette ran his fingers down Josh's chest that was littered with tiny scales here and there that looked like small gems. The boy circled his fingers around the shell necklace on the merman's neck. Tyler's hand traveled further down where it stopped at Josh's stomach. Tyler stared at Josh's belly button for a moment and then got his eyes back at the man's face.

"Josh, do you have a mother? "

The merman nodded his head. His blue-green curls had dried completely by now. They cascaded down the backmof the man's neck like tiny tornadoes. Tyler reached for Josh's hair and softly swirled a strand around his finger.

"My momma is very beautiful.  "

"Where is she? " Tyler said gently twirling Josh's hair and tucking it behind his ear

Josh grabbed Tyler's hand and pressed his face against it.

"I dunno.  " Josh purred as he rubbed his face against Tyler's hand

Tyler winced from the slight pain he was feeling. The bigger scales on Josh's temples grazed against his skin causing slight uncomfort.

Tyler got the hint and started massaging Josh's scalp. The man closed his eyes and leaned closer to the boy. Tyler felt the vibrations against his palm that Josh made as he purred like some sort of sea cat. A peaceful smile curved Josh's lips, he closed his eyes and nudged his cheek against Tyler's knuckles.

"What? " Tyler chuckled as Josh kept nudging "What is it? "

"Sleepy... " Josh murmured inching closer to Tyler

Josh let out a low hum and leaned against the boy. Josh yawn ended with a sleepy whine. Tyler had no other option than to wrap his hands around the man's shoulders and hold him tenderly as he slept.

"Josh? " Tyler called softly but the merman was already sleeping

Tyler sighed and kissed Josh's hair without realizing that he did that. It smelt like a salty sea breeze and the boy didn't want to move his face out of Josh's hair in case he never sensed that smell ever again. The man murmured something incoherently as he slept, his eyelids that had a green glossy hue to them lightly twitched. Josh was dreaming something. The merman was dreaming about a certain someone because the boy  noticed Josh's cheeks turn pink. Tyler's own face turned red when he heard his name in the middle of Josh's incoherent muttering.

The boy gently laid Josh on the bed, the man's arms were still around his neck, wrapped around tightly. The boy didn't want to wake the man up so he laid beside Josh and stared at his long sparkly lashes. He would've been jealous if he didn't have dense long fabulous lashes himself.

Tyler's eyelids got heavy, he blinked lazily a few times but his mind didn't let the body sleep. Tyler kept biting his lip and opening his eyes over and over again ater he thought he had closed them for good. Tyler caught his gaze wandering back at the necklace on Josh's neck. It looked like a normal necklace but only Josh knew what kind of power it had. Tyler really wanted to know too.

The boy grabbed the necklace and carefully slid it over Josh's head. He stared at the man for a few minutes. Nothing happened. Tyler wanted to put it back on but if he did that there was a chance that the boy would've woken Josh up. Tyler shrugged his shoulders thinking that maybe the shell pendant didn't have any powers since nothing spectacular happened.

"Ow, god damn it. " Tyler whispered angrily when he noticed that he had cut himself with the sharp edge of the shell

The brunette placed the necklace on the bedside drawer and turned off the lamp. Tyler stuffed his hurting finger into his mouth and slowly drifted off to sleep with Josh's hands around him and his own finger in his mouth.

Tyler didn't notice that the green seashell that slightly radiated green light before suddenly turned red.

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