Forty eight 🐚

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Song: WILD- All My Life

"Josh!" Tyler yelled at the man who was staring at the birds in the sky "Josh, catch!"

"Wh-" the man was cut off by a frisbee smacking into his face

The blue-haired man fell on the soft sand and soon was attacked by a little fluff ball that immediately started licking his face. Josh squirmed and tried to push the furball off of him but the attacker kept jumping onto him. Josh was free only when Tyler ran up to him and helped him to stand up.

"Are you okay?" Tyler chuckled

"Yeah." Josh nodded rubbing his forehead

"Next time don't stare at the birds, fishy." Tyler joked and ruffled Josh's hair

Josh extended his arm out to touch Tyler's fluffy locks but the man slid out of Josh's grasp grinning. Josh squinted his eyes and reached for the man again. Tyler quickly dodged Josh and stuck out his tongue.

"So slow." Tyler mocked

"Stop it!" Josh dove forward hoping to finally catch the boy but the brunette jumped to the side making Josh faceplant into the sand

The ocean-haired man sprung up and started chasing Tyler. Jim ran after Josh barking and wagging his tail. The puppy didn't know what he was barking at but he felt the need to. He was a dog, that's what dogs did. Barked a lot and drooled on people.

Josh jumped over someone's sand castle but Jim who was zooming after him crashed into the sandcastle knocking it down. Josh let out a small laugh but didn't let the dog distract him from his main goal that was cathing Tyler. The man was getting tired but he wasn't giving up that easily. Sure, Tyler was faster than him because the boy lived on land longer but Josh had more stamina and no matter how fast Tyler was he got tired fast. Josh grinned to himself seeing that Tyler had slowed down a bit. They probably looked like idiots chasing after each other across the beach but they couldn't care less. They were having fun and no one could judge them for having fun.

"Tyler!" Josh growled, he was only five steps away from him

Just when Josh thought he caught up Tyler used his squirrel tactics and started running in zig-zags. Josh almost tripped over his own legs trying to match Tyler's pattern. Josh had a bigger build than Tyler and running in zig-zags was almost impossible since he didn't still sometimes forgot what how legs worked.

"Haha!" Tyler mocked "You're too slow!"

Josh huffed and panted, he gritted his teeth. It was stupid but he had to get Tyler back for ruffling his hair. Also, Josh didn't like being mocked even by Tyler. He stuck out the tip of his tongue out of his mouth as he ran through the sand. Finally, Josh got lucky when Tyler tripped over a sandcastle and the curly-headed man was able to catch the boy. They both cashed into the water, their limbs tangled with each others. Tyler started coughing from laughing too hard, he squinted his eyes trying to protect them from the salty water splashing into them.

Josh held Tyler tightly with his right arm while he tickled the boy with his left hand. Tyler squirmed like a worm, choking on his own laughter.

"Stop! Stop!" Tyler shrieked, mouth full of sand "I give up! I give up, please!"

Josh tortured Tyler for a few more seconds before letting him go. Tyler laid down on the sand and the waves crashed against his body. He panted heavily, his long wet hair stuck to his face. He decided not to cut it just to see what he would look like and Josh thought that he looked great even though the boy received some unpleasant comments about his appearance. Tyler didn't care because it was his hair and he could do whatever he liked with it. Josh loved Tyler's long hair and couldn't wait for it to get long enough so he could braid the brown locks.

I Saw You In The Water [Joshler]Where stories live. Discover now