Thirty nine 🐚

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Tyler trailed his lips down Josh's neck. It was his favourite thing to do, seeing the man shiver and whimper from the touch. Only Tyler knew what made Josh's body shake so much and he abused that power as much as he could. Josh was mumbling something incoherently and quietly gasping, Tyler's kisses threw a spell on him and now all he could do was mumble softly under his breath. The brunette softly moaned against Josh's lips knowing that that would turn him on even more and teasing was just too much fun. The man let out a pathetic whimper and bucked his hips up for some kind of touch but Tyler made sure that there was none. 

"Tyler, please..." Josh panted

"Yes?" Tyler smirked knowing that Josh wouldn't be able to say exactly what he wanted

"Please..." Josh whispered not sure what he wanted yet

"What do you want me to do?" Tyler grinned and tugged at Josh's earlobe with his teeth

"Touch me, please." 

Tyler smirked and dipped his head down. He made sure to tease Josh while his lips littered small kisses down Josh's abs. The brunette went lower and lower biting here and there. Tyler slowly unbuckled Josh's belt and brought the zipper down. Josh was squirming with anticipation, his flaming cheeks glistening in the dim light of light sweat that had coated his skin. Tyler excruciatingly slowly slid Josh's jeans off and threw them somewhere on the floor. Josh was too impatient and wanted to pull his underwear down by himself but the boy slapped his hand and shook his head with a light smirk curving his lips. 

Tyler's fingers slowly gripped the fabric of Josh's briefs and the boy began pulling them off, slowly exposing Josh inch by inch till the man was left naked on the bed, his tip already coated with pre-cum form how excited he had gotten. Tyler teased him too much and now he was almost at his edge. Josh's breath hitched with Tyler's every movement even if the boy hadn't started yet. Josh let out a needy moan and lifted his hips up begging Tyler to touch him. Tyler let out a dark chuckle and finally, the boy popped the bottle cap open and coated his palms with a generous amount of slippery substance. Josh let out a relieved sigh that ended up with a breathy moan when the brunette finally wrapped his fingers around his member and started tugging softly. 

Josh's hips were pushed down when the man tried bucking them up to speed things up a little. Josh couldn't keep his eyes open because of how good it felt. He kept throwing his head back and lowering it over and over again, Josh's soft moans increased in volume each minute, his chest heaved rapidly, glistened in the light. Josh's stomach muscles contracted when he felt Tyler lace his fingers and move up and down with both of his hands. Tyler smirked seeing Josh so desperate, he coated his palms with more lube and continued applying even more pressure than before. His hands worked up and down at a rapid pace, Tyler loved seeing Josh's expression change dramatically. The man swallowed thickly and a choked, pornographic moan escaped his throat. Josh babbled something incoherently, his hips lifted up slightly signalling Tyler that the man was close. It was also a signal for Tyler to stop. Josh lifted his head up almost instantly and gave Tyler a questioning look. 

"Hi." Tyler chuckled

"Please, continue." Josh panted

"My wrists are tired.' Tyler bit his lip slowly with his hands still on Josh's dick

"P-please." Josh pleaded, his eyes as wide as they got

Tyler rubbed his thumbs over the slit making the man jump slightly. Josh swallowed thickly and stared into Tyler's eyes, pleading with no words, asking for the boy to start moving. Tyler started off slow, gentle. He built up Josh's orgasm just to deny it again. The man let out a heavy, shaky sigh and threw his head back. An almost hysterical chuckle escaped his throat. Tyler kept building up and then stopping at the last second. Josh's skin was covered in hot sweat, he bit his chapped lip and clenched his fists, twisting the sheets under him. It was almost like torture but Josh also was into that, he wanted to cum so bad but the brunette was in control, restricting his every hip movement so that Josh wouldn't get any other friction apart from the one the boy was creating. 

Tyler stopped for the last time before Josh came. He slicked Josh's member up and started moving his hands up and down, twisting his wrists, each at opposite direction and Josh felt like howling out of pleasure. His nails dug into the sheets, a wave of euphoria washed over his body when finally, Tyler didn't stop and kept moving. His body trembled, his thigh muscles spasmed as his orgasm ripped through him making Josh see stars behind his eyelids. 

"Tyler, fuck!" Josh yelled out with his eyes squeezed shut.

Tyler moved his hands a few more times to ride out Josh's orgasm. The man couldn't even construct a normal sentence for a few minutes, he had trouble catching his breath and Tyler had to get him a  glass of water. The brunette licked his fingers first, of course. Josh consumed the water hungrily. He was still sprawled out on the bed naked, sweaty. 

Tyler ran his fingers through Josh's hair softly, Josh placed the glass of water on the bedside table and cuddled up against Tyler's pale chest. He let out a sigh, he was hoping that Josh would help him to get rid of the tightness in his jeans but didn't say anything. Josh kissed Tyler's neck softly and let out a sleepy whine accompanied by the yawn itself. Tyler kept threading his fingers through Josh's damp hair and smiling. 

"Iwasgongetsdnn..." Josh mumbled making the boy chuckle


"I was gonna get us a fancy dinner." Josh mumbled and kissed Tyler bellow the collarbone 

"I'm sorry." Tyler chuckled

"It's okay." Josh whispered "I can ask Alex to order us pizza."

"He would to that?" 

"Yeah..." Josh said softly "He's pretty cool." 

"I guess." kissed Josh's hair

The man yawned again and wrapped his arms around Tyler.

"Hey?" Tyler whispered after a few minutes

The man didn't answer, Tyler heard only his calm breathing accompanied by soft, adorable snoring. Tyler smiled to himself and slowly brought a blanket over both of them. He kissed Josh's head before shifting closer and wrapping his arm around the man.

"I love you, Josh." Tyler whispered and let out a shaky breath "I love you." 

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