Eight 🐚

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^^I made a stupid thing

Tyler kept his eyes closed as Josh lightly swayed in the water. The boy clung onto the man's shoulder with all his might even though he felt Josh's arms tightly gripping his waist. The ocean was calm. The little boat slowly floated away till it disappeared in the horizon. Josh slowly swam deep into the open water. The shore was long gone from the eyesight. Josh gently caressed Tyler's cheek with his thumb. Tyler let out a small whine and grabbed onto Josh even tighter.

"I hold." Josh whispered against Tyler's wet hair "I hold Tyler."

"R-right. " Tyler stuttered refusing to open his eyes "K-keep doing that. "

"I hold. " Josh repeated

Tyler just nodded and buried his face in the crook of Josh's neck. The feeling of his feet not touching the ground was so horrifying that Tyler felt like he's going to pass out at any moment. The boy's heart pounded rapidly in his chest, Josh could feel Tyler's heart beating too. The merman gripped the undersides of Tyler's thighs making the boy yelp.

"What-" Tyler squealed feeling the man's hands on his butt. He got all sorts of ideas in his head in two seconds and they seemed both unpleasant and exciting.

"Wrap legs. " Josh said calmly confused why Tyler suddenly got so flustered

"Oh... " Tyler murmured feeling blush spread across his cheeks

He wrapped his legs around Josh and looked down at his glistening chest. He softly ran his fingertips across the little scars on Josh's skin. The man shuddered.

"Who did this to you? " Tyler whispered gently caressing the scars

"Humans. " Josh murmured, his voice trembled "B-bad humans. "

Josh paused, Tyler stared Josh into his sparkling eyes.

"Bad like Tyler. "

Tyler inhaled sharply seeing Josh's pointy teeth. He was getting mixed signals from the man. Josh cupped Tyler's cheek with his palm and leaned in. Tyler felt his heartbeat speed up.

"But hu-man not as p-pretty as Tyler. " Josh said softly

"Y-you think that I'm bad? " Tyler whispered, his face slowly coming closer to Josh's

"All human bad. " Josh's gaze flickered "Tyler less."

Tyler stared at Josh's face, his thumb softly caressed Tyler's reddened cheek. Tyler closed his eyes and pushed his face against Josh's palm.

"Hu-man like petting too? " Josh let out a soft chuckle

"Mhm... " Tyler hummed feeling Josh's gentle fingers running through his hair

Josh smiled, Tyler let out a deep sigh and tilted his head to the side. The water didn't seem so scary anymore. The little waves splashing against his skin felt calming, hypnotic even. Tyler let out a soft hum and opened his eyes again no matter how heavy they felt. Josh smiled softly, his face came a bit closer to Tyler's. The boy swallowed thickly, he stared at Josh's lips briefly before shifting his gaze to the merman's eyes.

"Josh, what are you doing? " Tyler whispered feeling Josh's nose brush against his

"I kiss. " Josh murmured

"Wh-" Tyler was cut off by Josh's lips pressing softly against his.

Tyler's eyes widened but soon they closed as Josh gentle lips continued moving against his. Tyler snaked his arm around Josh's waist as his other one grabbed the back of Josh's head deepening the kiss. Tyler felt oxygen flow into his lungs at a rapid rate even if he wasn't breathing. Tyler suddenly felt dizzy, intoxicated from the feeling of the merman's lips. The kiss felt like a light cool breeze that made Tyler shiver in Josh's arms but it was the good kind of breeze. As Tyler kissed Josh his brain filled with oxygen, the boy was in pure bliss that he didn't notice them slowly sinking down into the water. Tyler's mind fogged up, he had never been high but the boy imagined it felt similar to the way he was feeling at that moment. They both slowly disappear uderwater with their lips still connected. The boy felt his nose fill with water but he was able to breathe. Tyler's eyes shot open, he was completely under the water. The boy panicked, he squirmed with Josh's lips on his but as soon as he broke the kiss salty liquid started filling his lungs like it should have three minutes ago.

Josh quickly rose up so Tyler could breathe again. The boy coughed up a bit of water and rubbed his eyes. Tyler panted heavily, he couldn't understand what just happened. A moment ago he was under the water but instead of drowning he was able to breathe.

"What just happened? " Tyler widened his eyes

Josh smiled and kissed the boy again making him feel like he was high for a second.

"I kiss. " Josh smiled allowing a glimpse of his sharp teeth "Human breathe. "

"Y-you..." Tyler blinked rapidly "H-how? "

Josh just shrugged his shoulders. Tyler looked at the sky and his jaw dropped. The sun was slowly sinking down even though it was noon just a couple of minutes ago. Tyler looked around rapidly, his heart sunk to his stomach. They were in the middle of the ocean and the boat was nowhere to be seen.

"I have to go home. " Tyler glanced at Josh

"No. " Josh pouted "Petting. "

"Josh, my dad is probably worried." Tyler bit his lip "Please, take me home. "

Josh lowered his head and slowly nodded. He let out a deep sigh and started swimming forward.

"What about the boat?" Tyler looked around "Where's the boat?"

"I will find the boat." Josh murmured.

The man let go of the boy for a second so he could turn around. Tyler had enough time to start panicking. He pressed his cheek against Josh's freckled back and wrapped his arms around Josh's neck.

"Please, take me home. " Tyler's voice trembled

Josh nodded and started moving. As Josh swam with Tyler clinging onto his back like some sort of monkey the boy realized how strong Josh was. With one swift stir of his tail Josh carried both of them through the water at an incredible speed that was almost as fast as a water bike. Tyler could already see the lights of the city in front of them. Tyler didn't know that they were so far from shore and it made him even more anxious. The boy shivered slightly, he was soaking wet from head to toe.

Josh used the shadows of the night and the waves to hide them both as they swam closer and closer to the docks. Tyler felt sleepy, he squinted his eyelashes and yawned.

Josh grabbed Tyler and helped the boy to get out of the water. Josh stood at the end of the pier staring down at the water where Josh was in. Tyler knelt down on both of his knees, Josh swam closer.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Josh. " Tyler smiled

Josh's two beautiful differently coloured eyes lit up with joy.

"Tomorrow. " Josh nodded and clapped his hands

"It was fun. " Tyler let out a soft chuckle "I had a lot of fun... Even though it was terrifying. "

"I too. " Josh whispered slowly rising out of the water

Tyler grinned and leaned down so Josh could reach his lips. When Tyler opened his eyes again it was already completely dark. The boy jumped up and looked around. The water was calm, the moon illuminated the soft waves making them glitter like the stars above. Josh was long gone. Tyler rubbed his sore knees. He's been kneeling there with his lips puckered like an idiot for god nows how long and he didn't even realize that.

Tyler shook his head to clear his clouded mind. Josh's lips were like a drug but way worse. They made Tyler black out and lose track of time.

Tyler felt that he's already addicted.

I Saw You In The Water [Joshler]Where stories live. Discover now