Sixteen 🐚

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Tyler let out a frustrated groan and woke himself up. He kept his eyes closed for a while trying to realize if he as still dreaming. He moved his hand a bit feeling the wetness between his fingers. Tyer scrunched up his nose feeling something slippery and slimy being squished by his fingers. At first, Tyler thought that he had peed himself but after a moment he realized that his crotch was completely dry. The boy peeled his eyelids open, they were sore and heavy. Tyler inhaled deeply feeling a sweet fishy smell in the room.

"What the hell..." Tyler murmured feeling the damp sheets under him

The boy slowly got up, his eyes open but the boy still couldn't see. The bright sun beaming straight at his face was blinding. Tyer brought his hand up his face and saw red as soon as his fingers touched his forehead. The boy jumped, he stared at his gooey red fingers surprised and a little bit disgusted. Tyler wasn't blinking as he watched the red goo slip off his fingers and fall on his knee. Tyler glanced over to Josh and his body jolted back in shock. Tyler felt his body fall on the floor, the boy grabbed the sheets for support but they were covered in the red sludge. Tyer fell on the floor with a loud thunk waking Josh up. The boy jerked awake and glanced at Tyler who sat on the floor with eyes as wide as saucers. Josh yawned and let out a sleepy whine.

"Tyler?" Josh furrowed his brows in confusion

The boy lifted up his weak hand and pointed at Josh with his bloody shaking finger.

"Y-you tail..." Tyler croaked making Josh immediately look down

The boy gasped in shock, he backed away from the bloody mess but it didn't get away from him because it was a part of the man's body. Josh's tail had split in two, his scales were slipping off, peeling bit by bit making red and white goo ooze out of the cracks in the flesh. Josh's tail looked like a snake who was shedding its old skin. Stripes of scaly skin had fallen off the boy's tail making a bloody mess on the sheets. Chunks of flesh were detached off of Josh's tail in some kind of pattern. The flesh had detached symmetrically, the scales were gone equally from both sides. A weak whimper escaped Josh's chest when he realized that his necklace wasn't on his neck. The man looked around the room with tears in his eyes. He noticed the seashell on the nightstand and his gaze immediately flew onto Tyler. The boy was still sitting on the floor with his bloody hand stretched as far away from him as he could. The both males looked terrified, completely traumatized and shaken fro the view they had woken up to.

"T-Tyler, what d-did you d-do?" Josh said in a hushed voice

"I' s-sorry..." Tyer whispered, his voice breaking even in a whisper form "I d-didn't know..."

Josh moved the remains of his beautiful tail making more chunks of scaly flesh fall off and plop on the reddened sheets. Where the smooth shiny scales been before was torn muscle, a completely raw and red skin darkened around the edges where the scales were still hanging on their dear life. Josh poked his remaining scale, they slowly peeled off leaving yellow slimy strings hanging off of them. Josh didn't look like he as in pain at all or maybe it was the shock.

"Can you move?" Tyler asked wiping his hand on the sheets

Josh shrugged his shoulders and continued staring at his tail. Tyler slowly inched forward, he was grossed out but curious. He reached his hand out and grabbed a piece of flesh that had been hanging onto Josh's thigh for quite a while and Tyler had a strong urge to rip it off. Josh flinched as Tyler ripped the piece off. Josh's mouth hung open as Tyler slowly peeled his remaining scales off with the end of a sharpened pencil.

"Tyler...." Josh was offended "T-that's supposed to b-be there."

"If it's falling off it clearly isn't?" Tyler scoffed "Are you shedding or something?"

The man shrugged his shoulders and slapped Tyler's arm as he tried to scrape off Josh's last remaining scales.

"Does it hurt?" Tyler asked gently poking Josh's raw thigh

It felt kind rubbery but very soft.

"T-the pencil is sh-sharp." Josh frowned

"Does it hurt when I touch it?" Tyler softly caressed Josh's new skin with his fingers

"No." Josh murmured moving away from Tyler's reach "W-will it grow back?"

"Why are you asking me?" Tyler let out a soft chuckle "You're the one who had a tail."

"H-had..." Josh's eyes filled with tears

"Shhh, come on." Tyler cooed when he saw a tear roll down Josh's sparkly cheek "I'm sure it's gonna be okay.

"My t-tail is g-g-gone." Josh sobbed "I don't h-have a t-tail anym-m-more."

Tyler caressed Josh's cheek with his thumb and wiped the man's tears away. Tyler scooped Josh up in his arms and carried the crying man into the bathroom. Tyler placed the crying Josh in the bath and turned warm water on. The boy washed the red slimy goo off of Josh's skin as gently as he could. The tail had split in two, Tyler removed the slimy dead flesh off of Josh. The bloody mess was slowly coming into a shape. Tyler gripped something that felt like a knee. Josh was still sobbing, the tears weren't planning on stopping. Tyler let out a heavy sigh and scrubbed Josh's skin with the soft side of his sponge.

Even though Josh didn't have a majestic tail anymore he got something little more modest. Josh had a pair of legs. The scales had been completely peeled off and Josh was sitting in the bath with a pair of "newborn" legs. The skin was glistening like the skin on Josh's upper body but the mermaid had a more natural glow. Joh rubbed his cheeks and the scales fell off of his temples making the man sob even louder. Tyler changed the water in the tub three times before the red slim was completely off Josh's skin and the man was all clean, looking like a human.

But most importantly, Josh was naked. At least he had all the necessary parts now.

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