So this is it then huh

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we're some kind of suicide squeeeeeedd

I'm sad to end this fic but I think all good things have to come to an end. I might've cried a bit a  couple of times while writing some parts, who knows. There were a lot of things I wanted to put in this but I tend to change the plot. 

So here's all the things that didn't make it:

Josh originally was gonna be more shark-like

Josh was gonna be a predator

Josh was gonna try to lure Tyler into the water and try to eat him

Tyler was gonna capture Josh and keep him in their abandoned summerhouse in the pool and feed him shrimp

Josh was gonna kill a lot more things in this fic (humans included)

Josh was gonna be more slutty and try to seduce Tyler (and eat him)

After Josh turned human he was gonna run off and leave Tyler

I wanted to make Tyler beat up Brendon bUT NOT IN MY CHRISTIAN BOOK

After the mermaids "killed" Josh, Tyler was gonna turn into the anglerfish thing and go search for him leaving his dad and the rest of his family behind

Tyler was going to find the mermaids and go apeshit on them and kill them all (almost to extinction)

Tyler was gonna forget his human side and start living in the ocean

Josh was gonna find Tyler and treat him the same way as Tyler did Josh

One more version of this was gonna be that Tyler kills a lot of mermaids but doesn't find Josh

Then when Tyler finds Josh, Bill was gonna see Tyler's necklace and almost beat him up and tell him to never talk to his son again

I planned to kill Chris in the storm

Josh was gonna have cooler powers like controlling the waves or the weather in the sea 

One more version was that Tyler was gonna get into music and start singing every evening on the beach and the Josh was gonna hear him and approach him and that's how they met each other after the separation

I made an audio edit for Tyler's mermaid-fish-thingy song when he turns "evil" but I thought that was stupid but here it is anyway

Also, this fic was gonna be a sequel to one chapter long fic called "Fear Of The Water" in which Josh drowned so Tyler became a drug addict and "I saw you in the water" was gonna be just Tyler's hallucinations while he's tripping on drugs :)

So I think that's about it. I might've forgotten some stuff but whatever.

This was my favourite book to write so far. Thank you so much for reading. I usually don't do this kind of stuff but I really wanted to thank you all 💞

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