Forty three 🐚

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May I have your attention now?

Hey... Hey, how ya doing? Great? No? Same
Have you ever wondered what would it be like to be in a kik group chat where I could spoil everything before I even publish a chapter making it not interesting anymore? Yes? Then you're in luck! I present to you... ME. Now you can add me on kik (utterflop) and watch all the fun drain from your soul. 

In all seriousness though, I'd love having a group of people who are as passionate about writing as me anD DONT SKIP PAST MY MESSAGES IN A GROUP CHAT TO REPLY TO ANOTHER PERSON AND MAKE ME FEEL LIKE SHIT BECAUSE I SLOWLY BEGIN TO UNDERSTAND THAT MY FRIENDS AREN'T MY FRIENDS AT ALL!11!!!!!!!!!!11! 


I am alone and uninspired and my best friend is doing homework 24/7

The beach was lively and full of people who had the brightest smiles on their faces. All that rush and excitement made Tyler's stomach turn. He flinched seeing little kids splash water on each other and giggle afterwards. The thought of salty liquid substance hitting his nervous sweat flushed skin made him gag. Today wasn't the day that Tyler was up for a swim. The boy was also embarrassed about himself. He was twenty and still didn't know how to swim. He felt like he's about to pee himself. 

Josh dragged him through the people, the man wasn't at all bothered by that cluster-fuck as Tyler liked to call it, pardon his French, I'm not responsible for him. Tyler tried closing his eyes and letting Josh lead him but every time he felt someone brush past him his eyes shot open. The boy imagined opening his eyes and finding him waist deep in the water as Josh runs off waving goodbye. Tyler had no idea why he didn't trust Josh. Maybe because it wasn't his Josh, it wasn't the Josh he fell in love with. It was just fragments of the old one he once knew. The man Tyler knew loved him and wasn't afraid to say it. The man he loved didn't just say "I appreciate you, Tyler." No... The man that once so adored him would jump into his arms and kiss his whole face whispering how pretty his eyelashes are. 

Now Tyler felt empty. The hollow space in his heart couldn't be filled by this replacement. It's like putting a paper bag on your foot and calling it a sock. Tyler still loved Josh no matter what but his love quickly drained by his poisonous thoughts. Why should he love someone who doesn't love him back? Why should he cling to the past when he can find someone new? Tyler never through that he was doubting his love after all he's been through. Tyler had a chance to finally be happy again, why he was so persistent to ruin it? Maybe Tyler thought that he didn't deserve love, he didn't want to be saved. The boy was unconsciously punishing himself. Alex was a nice guy... Maybe Tyler should...

"Hey!" Tyler's train of thought was interrupted by a gentle nudge to his side "What are you thinking about?"

"What?" Tyler heard Josh's question loud and clear but still had the need to ask 

"You look like you're trying to set the air on fire." Josh chuckled and let go of Tyler's hand

The by immediately clung to the man's forearm. He realized that he was knees deep in the water. Josh wrapped his arm around Tyler's shoulder for comfort and brought him closer. Tyler looked into the sky refusing to look down. 

"Are you that scared?" 

Tyler nodded without looking at the man. He focused on the people swimming in the distance and breathed deeply. His chest felt heavy like snow had filled the insides of his lungs. The brunette licked his dry lips and glanced at Josh. He raised an eyebrow.

"What's wrong?"

"T-too many people." Tyler stuttered looking around "I can't do this."

"Tyler, there's nothing to be afraid of." Josh cooed but Tyler just got more furious

I Saw You In The Water [Joshler]Where stories live. Discover now