Thirty 🐚

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If you don't know this song yet you should definitely listen to it because it fits perfectly ^^

Cold cold water. Darkness. The moon was peeking out of the clouds shyly and Tyler was drowning again. The boy closed his eyes, tears escaping his reddened scorching eyes merged with the water. He let out the remaining air out of his lungs and felt them fill with cold water instead. This time he was sure he was going to die. Finally, he'll find peace. The water enveloped his lungs like a cold, suffocating blanket but the boy felt at peace. As much as it hurt he drew in water into his lungs as hard as he could. Aas much as it hurt Tyler knew it was worth it, it won't hurt soon. Nothing will hurt anymore.

Nausea swirled unrestrained in Tyler's empty stomach. His head swam with half-formed regrets and suppressed painful memories. Tyler let out a choked whimper, no one heard him under the water. The beach was empty, no one saw a lonely skinny boy go into the water who didn't came back again. It hurt so much but it was no point in screaming. The burning regret and empty hopes filled him, he didn't have to do this but here he was, drowning himself yet again and for what?

Tyler has always loved the flowers and the birds, he had loved the sunlight and the clouds that drifted by. He had always loved the way the leaves moved in a breeze and that soft whispering sound they made. Yet the tiredness that begun a while ago remained like a veil over the brunette's skin, grey and cold. And as he watched the petals and the twigs that swayed outside the window, there was only a creeping sorrow where there should be joy. It sat like November rain on Tyler's skin, enough to chill what was once warm inside. It's not possible to die from a broken heart but Tyler sure felt like he was dying inside with every breath. But he won't have to feel the pain soon, it'll all be over and he'll see the one he loved so much again. And they're going to be together forever. Always...

"I'm never coming back..."

Tyler's eyelids lowered, he was feeling the darkness envelop him and the peace was so close he could practically grasp it. Tyler's body slowly sunk down, the water was so calm compared to the surface. The deep was calming and not scary at all.

A low, sorrowful hum reached Tyler's ears. It was so dark, filled with grief yet it sparked hope in Tyler's heart. The boy felt his body being pulled up to the surface, a whirling tornado swirled under his as he was pulled up to the surface with an inhuman strength.

Cool ocean breeze hit Tyler's face and the boy felt a familiar warmth on his lips. The melancholic warmth filled his body and oxygen started flowing into his exhausted lungs. Tyler's eyelashes fluttered open, he smiled, tears were already filling his burning eyes.

"Josh..." he whispered for only one person to hear

The man's face was hidden by the shadow of the night but the boy knew who it was just from the touch. Tyler let out a choked whimper, he tried smiling through the tears.

"I got you." the man whispered softly "I got you..."

Tyler let out a weak chuckle as tears ran down his cheeks uncontrollably. The ocean swayed them both lightly, bringing a fake sense of calmness over Tyler. He was happy. Tyler trailed his fingers around the little scales on Josh's temples. The boy's feather-light touch traced Josh's jawline and ended with his lips.

"Josh, I'm sorry." Tyler whimpered "I didn't mean it... I'm sorry."

"You should've thought about that sooner.' Josh's tone suddenly became cold

Tyler lifted his head up slowly. Josh's face was still hidden but Tyler could see the angry flash in the man's eyes.

"Josh I..."

I Saw You In The Water [Joshler]Where stories live. Discover now