Fourteen 🐚

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Josh's fists trembled as Tyler cleaned around the hook. It started sizzling with white foam right away and Tyler knew the wound was on its way to being infected. Tyler really didn't want to hurt Josh. He gently held his tail down as he carefully cleaned the hook that was starting to rust. 

"I'm gonna take it out now, okay?" Tyler warned Josh

The man nodded rapidly and bit down on the towel. Tyler noticed how sensitive the man was. The hook wasn't in deep But Tyler wasn't going t judge Josh based on his pain tolerance. 

Tyler carefully gripped the hook and started pulling it out slowly, making sure it doesn't rip the man's skin even more.

"It's out." Tyler gently rubbed Josh's chest as the man let out muffled whimpers

Tyler frowned noticing a lite bit of puss coming out of the wound. Tyler sighed knowing the wound is a little bit serious than he thought it would be. Tyler gritted his teeth and started to clean the wound again. He felt the pain himself because he had a familiar injury once. Josh had tears in his eyes already. He squeezed his damp lashes together allowing his crystal clear tears roll down his rosy cheeks. Tyler patched the wound up neatly and untied the man. Josh curled up into a ball and started whimpering. Tyler laid beside him and whispered soothing words into the man's ear. 

"You're going to heal soon." Tyler whispered brushing his palm over Josh's tail making the scales under his hand turn pink "It's not gonna hurt anymore." 

Josh shuddered, Tyler ran his palm across his scales a few more times earing soft gasps out of Josh. The merman slowly straightened out, he mewled under Tyler's touch. The boy made sure that he doesn't go too far. He stopped just in time before all of Josh's scales had turned pink. Tyler couldn't possibly know that it was more like torture than a pleasure to Josh because Tyler stopped at the last second. The man panted heavily, he pushed his face against Tyler's chest nipping at his bare skin lightly. It started out as soft nipping that soon turned into vicious biting. Tyler gasped as Josh's teeth sunk into his collarbone. Tyler felt Josh's weight on him. The man looked at Tyler with hooded eyes. 

"Josh, what the hell are you doing?" Tyler tried pushing Josh off

The man wiggled his tail.


"Ma- WHAT?!" Tyler jumped up shoving Josh off of him in the process "Josh I don't want to mate with you!"

The merman rolled around in the bed trying to grip Tyler's hand. Tyler backed away and stood just out of Josh's reach. The man whimpered, he couldn't reach Tyler no matter how hard he tried. The boy rubbed his temples and sat down in his chair.

"Josh, I can't mate with you."

The merman tilted his head to the side

"Tyler can mate now. Hu-man alpha."

The boy choked on his own tongue.

"You think that I'm an alpha?" Tyler snorted 

Josh nodded.

"How can you know that?" Tyler scoffed 

"I can smell." Josh reached for Tyler for the last time before he gave up

The boy sat back in his chair and threw his head back. Did that mean that every gay merman in the ocean wanted to bang him? How many mermen there even were? Tyler had so many unanswered questions that he kept putting aside. Tyler let out a groan of frustration. He looked at the merman who sat on the bed staring at him with lustful eyes. Even if Josh had a seductive glimmer in his gaze, he remained innocent. There was something about Josh that made Tyler like the man no matter what. It's not like Tyler had some kind of romantic feelings towards the man. Josh was just... Interesting. Totally platonic. They kissed one time, no big deal. It was just one time, it doesn't mean that it'll happen again. 

Josh fell off the bed forcing Tyler snap out of his thoughts. Tyler helped Joh sit up again and sat on the other end of the bed. Josh looked around the room curiously. His gaze got glued to the keyboard that was stashed away in the corner of Tyler's room. Josh pointed att he instrument.


Tyler looked over where Josh was pointing


"Can play?" Josh asked 

Tyler looked att he dusty keyboard that he hadn't touched in years.

"I used to know how to." Tyler stood up

"Play to Josh." the merman clapped his hands and bounced lightly on the bed "Play music!"

"I dunno." Tyler picked up the keyboard "I'm not that good."

"Play music!" Josh crossed his arms over his chest "Play now." 

Tyler had no other choice than plug the keyboard in. He dusted the instrument off and turned it on. The boy scratched his head trying to remember any kind of melody. He shrugged his shoulders and decided to play something he once heard on the radio. Tyler didn't have any sheets but the boy was confident that he could play it by heart. 

Josh bounced around excitedly, waiting for Tyler to start to play.

"Lover come over..." Tyler pressed one key and smirked "Look what I've done. "

Josh stopped bouncing on the bed and started listening. 

"I've been alone so long I feel like I'm on the run." Tyler continued singing not really happy with his voice "Lover come over, kick up the dust. I've got a secret starting to rust."

Tyler smiled hearing Josh quietly humming along. Tyler paused for a minute trying to remember the words. The boy didn't like his voice but it seemed that Josh loved it so Tyler sang with more confidence.

"She said I'm looking like a bad man, smooth criminal..." the boy cringed when he pressed the wrong key but Josh loved it anyway "She said my spirit doesn't move like it did before. She said that I don't look like me no more no more..."

Tyler closed his eyes and let his fingers find the keys on himself. Those piano lessons didn't go to waste after all. Josh somehow found the melody and now he was humming along.

"I said I'm just tired" Tyler sang softly "She said you're just high..." 

Josh closed his eyes. Tyler glided his fingers over the keys effortlessly. His fingertips kissed each key with so much passion even if it was a simple melody. 

"I said I saw you in the water." Tyler looked over at Josh "I said I saw you in the water..." 

I Saw You In The Water [Joshler]Where stories live. Discover now