Thirteen 🐚

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Tyler wrapped his lower half in blankets and sucked in a deep breath before opening the door. He crept downstairs to see his dad in the kitchen taking a pack of beer out of the fridge. Tyler tried to act as neutral as possible when he took a glass and filled it with water. Tyler took a big gulp of water and poured what was left into the sink. Chris had an interesting look on his face that Tyler couldn't quite read. The man had a half smirk curving the corners of his mouth. Tyler smacked his lips and acted as cool as possible. Chris opened his mouth to say something but remained silent. Tyler pursed his lips together.

"Aren't you supposed to be on a fishing trip?" Tyler quirked a brow

Chris let out a chuckle.

"I remembered that I have some beer in the fridge. Aren't you supposed to be doing important stuff?" 

"Josh is the important stuff." Tyler said sarcastically making Chris' jaw drop.

The man took a bottle of beer and popped the cap off. He handed it to Tyler who stared at his father confused.

"Come on." Chris gestured "Take it."

"I'm not old enough to drink." The boy shook his head

"I think that you're old enough now." Chris sighed "When did you grow up?"

"Aw, dad, don't get all sappy now." Tyler sighed 

Chris let out a sad chuckle followed by a frown. Tyler took the bottle and took a sip.

"Tastes like a-" Tyler bit his lips because he remembered his current situation "It doesn't taste great."

"I don't drink it for the taste." Chris nudged Tyler's side with his elbow "So, when were you going to introduce me to your boyfriend?" 

Tyler shrugged and took another sip. The bitter liquid ran down his throat before torturing his taste buds. Tyler managed nott o wince. He took another sip, it didn't taste that bad, it was decent. Tyler put the bottle down before he became a raging alcoholic. 

"I didn't know you approved." Tyler shrugged his shoulders

"What made you think like that?" Chris asked "Tyler, you're my son and you will always be. I love you no matter what. I don't care if you have a girlfriend or boyfriend." 

"Thanks, dad." a weak smile curved the boy's lips 

"So, his name is Josh, right?" Chris chuckled "He's pretty buff as I saw... Must be pretty tall too, right? "

"Dad..." Tyler sighed

"And you're skinny like a twig..." Chris trailed off

Tyler knew where this was going.

"Stop while you're ahead, please." Tyler whined

"I just thought-"

"No." Tyler cut him off "Can we talk about something else, please?"

Chris scoffed and glanced at Tyler.

"If we can't talk about it we shouldn't be doing it, am I right?"

Tyler let out a frustrated groan. 

"Okay, just say it. Let it all out, I can take it." Tyler inhaled deeply

"Oh, Okay..." Chris nodded "I mean you should still be using protection because it prevents you from getting STD's."

"Right, I know that." Tyler murmured looking out the window.

The boy knew it's going to be awkward but he didn't think he would be standing in the kitchen half naked, discussing safe sex with his dad. Tyler grabbed two switches and an apple. Josh was still probably hungry. 

"You shouldn't be ashamed to ask me and your mother for anything."

"Can I just go?" Tyler groaned

Chris smirked.

"Sure." he winked "Go do your important stuff."

"Saying 'you can go continue boning Josh' would be simpler." Tyler murmured as he walked out of the kitchen leaving his father speechless again

Tyler practically ran up the stairs once he was out of his father's sight. Hell knows what Josh had done. The merman could've been eating the mattress, who knows. Tyler entered his room to see Josh still laying on his bed... Obviously. The man couldn't walk. The man turned away from the boy the moment he entered the room. Tyler closed the door and approached Josh. The merman slowly curled up into a scaly ball and refused to look at Tyler. His tail still had pink patches here and there but it was mostly blue now. Tyler placed the food on the bedside table

"Are you still hungry?" Tyler asked

Josh nodded his head and glanced at Tyler from the corner of his eyes. His damp curly hair was covering half of his face. Tyler had never seen Josh's hair this dry. He suddenly remembered Josh telling him about the necklace and the leg thing. Tyler placed the sandwiches in front of Josh because he didn't want to turn away. Josh carefully picked up the sandwich.

"Not dead?" he asked

"Nope." Tyler pointed at the lettuce "This is a plant. That's a cucumber. It's also a plant and that one is cheese. That's called cream cheese. Cows make it but they don't die. My aunt actually has a lot of cows and we get cheese from them." 

"Cows live good?" Josh inspected the sandwich

"Yeah." the boy nodded "My aunt's cows have plenty of space they can run around and eat as much grass as they want to." 

Josh smiled before taking a big bite. He chewed slowly taking in the flavour. Josh stared at the sandwich for a few seconds before shoving it whole into his mouth. Tyler flinched from his sudden movement, he wasn't expecting that.

"You're gonna choke." Tyler sat Josh up "You have to chew."

"Sharp teeth." Josh shrugged stuffing his mouth "Chew well." 

"Still." Tyler took the sandwich away from Josh. The boy sounded like a mom "You have to eat slowly. What if you do choke on accident?"

Tyler waited till Josh swallowed the bite he had in his mouth before bringing the food closer to Josh's mouth. The man didn't mind being fed and even started purring. Tyler couldn't help but smile seeing Josh's cheeks turn rosy. Josh ate all of the sandwiched that Tyler had made and ate most of the fruit. Josh avoided bananas. He said that they tasted weird and were shaped inappropriately.Tyler stopped the merman before he got into details. 

Tyler made his messy bed and laid down. Josh placed his head on Tyler's lap. They both just laid there staring at the ceiling, listening to each other's calm breathing. Josh scooted closer and placed his head on Tyler's stomach. The boy softly ran his fingers through the merman's hair that was just a little bit damp now. Josh purred quietly as Tyler's fingers massaged his scalp. Tyler gently ran his fingers across Josh's broad shoulders. He stared at he hook that was still piercing the skin on Josh's stomach and it looked like it's starting to get infected. Tyler got off the bed and went to grab a first aid kit from the garage. 

Josh saw what Tyler was trying to do and tried to run away but didn't go far. He went about two inches across the bed.

"Josh, I have to take it out." Tyler held the merman down "It's gonna get worse if I don't."

"No." Josh shook his head, tears starting to collect in his eyes "Bad, hurt bad." 

"Josh, I have to." Tyler struggled "I have to take the hook out and clean the wound. "

Josh shook his head and wiggled with all of his might trying to get out of Tyler's grasp. Tyler got tired of Josh's crap and tied the merman's arms to the bedframe. Josh started whimpering before Tyler even touched his stomach. Tyler gently stuffed a damp cloth into Josh's mouth. 

"It's gonna be okay, Josh." Tyler cooed as he put on a rubber glove "I've done this before on myself. It's not gonna hurt too bad, I promise." 

I Saw You In The Water [Joshler]Where stories live. Discover now