Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 2!

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Episode: Season 1 Episode 11 

Part: 2 

(M/n) = Male Reader

WARNING: Maybe some swearing, boy x boy stuff, its Supernatural what do you expect?



~Back to town~

Dean and (M/n) pulled back up to the store. They both got out, Emily smiled at them.

"Your back."

"Never left." Dean replied. 

"Still looking for your friends?" The older Winchester nodded.  

He looked at her necklace. "Why don't you fill her up, Emily." 

The both made small talk, (M/n) had already knew the girls past. She opened up right to him. Even said she felt comfort in his presence. It made him smile. Someone finding comfort in a demon.

Soon his eyes laid onto a car that was in front of the garage. (M/n) nudged Deans arm.

"What?" His eyes then laid onto the car.

"Is that your aunt and uncles?"

"Costumer. Had some car troubles."

"It's not a couple is it? A guy and a girl?" (M/n)'s voice rose up. And to their dismay, she nodded.

They looked at each other wide eyed.

((Just realized I fucked up the first part...oh well))

Both men walked in Scotty's Café. Finding a couple being served some food.

Scotty stopped and looked at the smaller male, Dean could sense a bit of fear that the man had.

"I thought I told you to get out of town."

"I always come back." (M/n) said, he had a straight face on.

"Get out, before I call the police." Scotty.

"Sure, cuz that's a real threat." He turned around and walked away.

Dean shrugged and sat down next to the couple and started to talk to them.

While (Y/n) was waiting for Dean to finish up in the café, a cop car came up, and two cops came out, one being the sheriff and the boy smirked. "Well, howdy sheriff, nice day huh?"

"Shut up." He walked by the boy and going in, leaving (M/n) with the other cop. "Rude."

~Little time skip~

Dean was on the phone with Sam, (Y/n) was laying in the back, acting to sleep. He heard them talk about the thing in the orchard. Then his heart beat picked up as he heard Dean talk about him.

"Well...I do have someone to help me a bit. But...I don't know...I have a  weird feelin about this kid."

"Like what?"

"The towns people kind of scared of him"

"Do you think he might know about the demon that killed mom and Jess?"

There was a silence. "I'm going to find out now." 

"Dean-" He closed his phone and pulled over, it was enough to startle the boy in the back.

He sat up and watched the man get out and go to the door. "Dean, are you o-" He yelped loudly as he was yanked out of the car and slammed into the side of it.

Supernatural x Male!Reader Season 1Where stories live. Discover now