Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 5!

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Episode: Season 1 Episode 12

Part: 3


(M/n) = Male Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy stuff, this is Supernatural we're talking about here



The Impala bounced down a badly graveled and potholed road again, passing a sign that said 'Service Today'. They park and exit.

"If Roy's using a spell, there might be a spell book."

"See if you and (M/n) can find it. Hurry up, the service starts in fifteen minutes. I'll try to stall Roy." Dean said before heading to the tent.

(M/n) and Sam waited outside the house for Roy and Sue Ann to leave, before climbing in through a window and started searching the house. They look at bookshelves, Sam found a book that didn't have any dust on it and pulled it out, flipping through the pages, finding nothing. Then he saw a smaller book that was hidden, inside was a picture of a skeleton reaper and a page of the cross he saw, along with pictures of people that have died.

"Find anything?" (M/n) asked, looking over his shoulder.

"We gotta go outside now!" Sam grabbed the smaller males arm and dragged him outside. Calling Dean.

"What have you got?"

"Roy's choosing victims he sees as immortal, and I think I know who's next on his list. Remember that protestor?"

"What, the guy in the parking lot?"

"Yeah. Me and (M/n) are looking for him now, but you can't let Roy heal anyone, alright?"

Dean just hung up.

As the two searched, they suddenly heard  scream for help. "Sam, it's the reaper!"

"You can see him?"

"Yes!" And with that, the boy went running to the two, with Sam following him.

"Help me!" Wright screamed.

"Sam, take him somewhere safe, I'll handle the reaper."

Sam nodded and grabbed Wright, running somewhere else. While Dean was trying to stall Roy.

"You know, your being very pesky (D/n)." The reaper said.

"I know, but that's the point huh?" The reaper grabbed the demon and threw him across the parking lot. Knocking him unconscious.

Sam and Wright stopped running, "I think it's ok."

"No!" The reaper was in front of him.

"Dean, it didn't work and I don't know where (M/n) went." Sam said into his phone.

"I don't think Roy is the one controlling it."

"Then who is?" Dean looked at the side of the stage, to see Sue Ann reciting some words. He ran up to her and spun her around and she stopped reciting.

Outside the reaper stopped its actions and looked around confused.

Sue Ann tucked the cross back into her shirt before yelling help, making Dean let go and back away. Two cops went over and grabbed him roughly, pulling him away.

Outside, the reaper got up and vanished, Sam helped Wright up, "I got you."

"Thank god." He said, soon a hurt (M/n) walked over, holding his side. 

Supernatural x Male!Reader Season 1Where stories live. Discover now