Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 13!

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Rocking out to Chop Suey, making this because why the fuck not?

Episode:  Season 1 Episode 14

Part: 4


(M/n) = Male Name

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural....Everything happens in this show/fandom. If you dont like it, GO OUT.



As Dean and Sam were going to the door, Dean reached the doorknob. Max saw a butt of a pistol in Dean's waistband in the hall mirror. Soon the door knob is ripped from Dean's hand, slamming shut, so does a wooden window blinds around the room.

"You're not priests!" Max yelled.

"Took you that long to figure it out?" The demon said plainly.

Dean draws his gun, but Max used his powers to pull it away, sliding it across the floor to him, and picked it up. He hold's it to Sam, Dean, and (M/n).

"Really? You brought a gun of all things?" The shorter male stared at Dean, making the male shrug.

"Max, what's happening?" Ms. Miller asked, worried.

"Shut up."

"What are you doing?"

He flung her backwards, she hit her head off a kitchen bench and fell to the ground unconscious.

"I said shut up!"

"Max calm down."  Sam said calmly. (M/n) was getitng mad and his eyes turned black, making Max's attention turn to him, gun pointed at him.

"What are you?!"

"You worst nightmare boy. Shoot anyone here, and that guns going up your ass." The demon growled. It was enough to even make Dean shake a bit.

"Max, we just want to talk."

"Yeah, right. Thats why you brought this!" (M/n) was going to say something, but the stare Sam gave him, stopped him. HIs eyes going back to normal.

"That was a mistake all right? So was lying about who we were. But no more lying, Max, ok? Just please, just hear me out?"

"About what?"

"I saw you do it. I saw you kill your dad, and your uncle before it happened."


"I'm having  visions Max. About you."

"You're crazy."

"And not like you've been killing people?" The demon was getting aggravated with this whole thing.  

"Dean, take him and Alice out of here." Sam told his brother.

"No one leaves this house!" Max screamed, maaking the chandelier shake.

"Nobody's leaving the house, they're just gonna go upstairs."

After convincing Max, Dean and (M/n) went to pick up Ms.Miller and went upstairs.

"Hey, man, what was that all about?" Dean asked the male.


"The whole, eyes going black and growling. I've never seen you do that. And to be honest, its scary."

The younger male just kept tending to her wound.

"Can I tell you something, Dean?"

"Of course. You can tell me anything."

Supernatural x Male!Reader Season 1Where stories live. Discover now