Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 26!

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NOTES: Its been a real f**king long time since I made a part and I'm sorry for that. I don't go on my laptop all the time anymore because I'm a lazy f**k. I'm not gonna do the whole 'Oh, life has gotten in the way, so much has happened in the last few weeks' and what not. Cuz if I just didn't wanna do it, I'mma tell you that I didn't wanna do it, plus no one needs to know that my life has been hard lately, its life. Life is meant to be hard, it never gets easier kids.

And this is where everyone calls me a b**ch and tells me to f**k myself, did I ever say I was a nice person? No I did not. Also, I swear I'm not a big a**hole in real life. Alright, enough of hurting peoples feelings for a day and get to what y'all really wanted to read.


Episode: Season 1 Episode 17

Part: 4


(M/n) = Male name

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom.



~At the motel~

Dean entered the room, hearing the shower running, and saw (M/n) looking at their fathers journal.

He walked over to Sam's bed, lifting a packet labelled 'Itching Powder'.

"Hey, I'm back." He called out.

"Hey, where were you?" His little brother asked from the bathroom.

"Oh, I went out."

Dean picked up Sam's underwear from the bed, glanced at (M/n) who was still not paying attention, and shook the contents of the packet into them.

"So, I think I might have a theory about what's going on." Sam said.

"Oh yeah?"

"What if Mordechai is a Tulpa?"


"Yeah, a Tibetan thought form." The taller male said, coming out of the bathroom, a towel around his waist.

The older Winchester turned around, "Ahh, yeah, I know what a Tulpa is. Hey, why don't you get dressed, I wanna go grab something to eat." He said, going into the bathroom, smirking.

~Timeskip to a restaurant~

"There ya go fellas." The server said.

"Thank you." Dean took his and Sam's coffee.

"Is he sure he doesn't want anything?" The server asked, pointing to the demon.

"Nah, he's on a strict diet." Dean replied, the server nodded and walked away.

Sam grimaced and adjusted his jeans.

"Dude, whats your problem?" Dean asked, (M/n) looking at the male weird.

"Nothing, I'm fine."

"You sure?"


"So, all right, keep going. What about these Tulpas?"

"I found there was an incident in Tibet in 1915. Group of monks visualized a golem in their heads. They meditated on it so hard, they brought it to life." (M/n) said.

"So?" Dean asked.

"That was 20 monks. Imagine what 10,000 web surfers could do. I mean, Craig starts the story, then it spreads around. Gets itself online.Now theres countless people that believe he's real."

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