Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 39!

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When your light in your room stops working and it makes you wanna ball your eyes out.....Even tho you changed it two days ago and it stopped working.....


Episode: Season 1 Episode 20

Part: 3


(M/n) = Male Name

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some trigging stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom.



John was looking in the stalls of the barn, as the other three were making their way through. Dean passed a hammock, kicking a empty bottle on the ground. It clinks, but the vampires don't wake.

Sam and (M/n) find the 911 woman tied up against a pole, sleeping. He began to untie the woman. "Sam, don't." (M/n) warned.

Then there was a noise.

"There's more." Dean whispered, he made his way to a locked metal grid, inside were people tied up, also sleeping. There was a lock on the door, he grabs a metal hook to break the lock. Sam and (M/n) looked up at the noise, looking over to see if the vampires woke up. No movement.

The woman tied up against the pole began to stir.

"Hey. Hey, hey, shh, I'm here to help you." Sam whispered.

The woman roars and unearthly roar. Sam rears back, Dean look around. The vampires wake.

"Nice going." (M/n) said.

"My bad."

Sam, Dean, and (M/n) rum. The brothers calling to their dad and they do. The vampires give chase. Sam and Dean burst out the barn doors into the daylight and run up the slope to the cars before turning to look back. Noticing their father or (M/n) wasn't with them.

"Dad!? (M/n)!?" Dean yelled.

There was a long pause before John came running up the slope. As soon as they saw him, they were relieved.

"They wont follow. They'll wait till tonight. Once a vampire has your scent, it's for life." John said.

"Well, what the hell do we do now?"

"You gotta find the nearest funeral home, that's what."

The boys looked at hi, confused, then at each other.

"Wait. (M/n) hasn't been back yet, he usually is back by now." Dean said.

"He's theirs now."

"We gotta get him!" Dean started back, before his father stopped him.

"We'll get him later." 


The vampires dragged the boy to Luther and Kate.

"I knew I smelled something fowl, demon." Luther said.

"Well....this sucks." He sighed.

"Your a cutie." Kate purred, sitting on his legs. "Let me play with him before we kill him." She got uncomfortably close to his face, he grimaced. "Sorry girly, I'm not into girls."

"Not yet, the three will be looking for him, might come back for him. We'll use him as bait." The male vampire smirked.

~Motel Room~

Sam was pacing, John sitting at the table.

"It shouldn't be taking this long. I should go help."

Supernatural x Male!Reader Season 1Where stories live. Discover now