Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 21!

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Episode: Season 1 Episode 16

Part: 4


(M/n) = Male Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

WARNINGS: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom.



Later, Dean was leaving a voice message on his father's phone. While he was talking, (M/n) was laying on the bed looking up at the ceiling. Sam walked in, bags full of weapons.

"We think we've got a serious lead on the thing that killed mom. So, uh, this warehouse- Its 1435 West Erie. Dad, if you get this, get to Chicago as soon as you can." He hung up.


"Yeah. Jesus, what'd you get?" Sam chuckled.

"I ransacked that trunk. Holy water, every weapon that I could think of, exorcism rituals from about a half dozen religions. I'm not sure what to expect, so I guess we should just expect everything." They started to silently began to load their guns.

"Big night."

"Yeah, You nervous?" Sam asked his big brother.

"No. Why, are you?"

"No. Now way." They stayed silent for a while. "God, could you imagine if we actually found that damn thing? That demon?"

"Lets not get ahead of ourselves, all right?"

"I know. I'm just saying', what if we did? What if this whole thing was over tonight? Man, I'd sleep for a month. Go back to school, be a person again."

The brothers started getting in an argument again.  All (M/n) could think of was, what if this was the end of the line?

This could be the end of him. Meg could kill him, or worse. Capture him and take him back to hell. It scared him to death. He didn't wanna die. Not yet.


Sam, Dean, and (M/n) climbed the elevator gate and reached the top room. Meg was standing at the altar, speaking in an ancient language. Quietly, the three squeeze through the space between the gate and wall. Sam and Dean drew their guns and moved to the other side of the room, hiding behind some crates, the boy following.

"Guys." The three looked at each other, stunned. "Hiding's a little childish, don't you think?"

"Well, that didn't work out like I planned." The boy glared at the man. Meg turn to face them.

"Why don't you come out?" The three come out from behind the crates. "Sam, I have to say, this puts a real crimp in our relationship." Meg said.

"Yeah, tell me about it."

"So, where's your little Daeva friend?"

"Around. You know, that shotgun's not gonna do much good. (M/n)'s the only smart one, for once in his life."

"Oh, don't worry, sweetheart. The shotgun's not for the demon."

"So, who is it, Meg? Who's coming? Who are you waiting for?"

"You." A shadow demon begins to form on the wall. It knocks Sam to the ground and throws Dean and (M/n) into the crates. A claw-like scratch appears on Sam's face.


Sam, Dean, and (M/n) were tied to separate posts. Sam starts to wake up and sees Meg sitting before him.

"Hey, Sam? Don't take this the wrong way, but your a bitch." Dean commented.

"That's nothing new." The demon mumbled to himself.

"This, this while thing, was a trap. Running into you at the bar, following you here, hearin' what you had to say. It was all a set-up, wasn't it?" Meg laughed. "And that the victims were from Lawrence?"

"It doesn't mean anything. It was just to draw you in, that's all.  And I mean, you only have the biggest beacon on earth to give away your position." The woman said, looking at the other demon.

"You killed those two people for nothin'."

"Baby, I've killed a lot more for a lot less."

"You trapped us. Good for you. It's Miller time." He smiles. "But why don't you kill us already?"

"Now very quick on the uptake, are we?" She leaned closer. "This trap isn't for you."

Dean was puzzled, but Sam thought a second and realized something.

"Dad. It's a trap for dad." Dean looked at Meg, who smiles at him.

"Oh, sweetheart, you're dumber than you look. 'Cause even if dad was in town, which he is not, he wouldn't walk into something like this. He's too good."

"I wouldn't be to sure about that." (M/n) mumbled again.

"He is pretty good. I'll give you that." She walks over to Dean and sits down, straddling his legs. "But you see, he has one weakness."

"What's that?"

"You. He lets his guard down around his boys, lets his emotions cloud his judgment. I happen to know he is in town. And he'll come and try to save you. And then the Daevas will kill everybody-nice and slow and messy. Well...almost everyone. I have a special treat for (D/n)."

"Well, I've got news for ya. It's gonna take a lot more than some...shadow to kill him."

"Oh, the Daevas are in the room here, they're invisible. Their shadows are just the only part you can see."

"Why you doin' this, Meg? What kind of deal you got working out here, huh? And with who?" Sam bursted out.

"I'm doing this for the same reason you do what you do, loyalty. Love. Like the love you had for mommy, and Jess."

"Go to hell." 

"Baby, I'm already there."  She smiles and slide over to Sam. "Come on, Sam. There's no need to be nasty." She leaned in to whisper in his ear. "I think we both know how you really feel about me. You know, I saw you watching me, changing in my apartment. Turned you on, didn't it?"

"Get a room, you two." Dean grimaced.

"I didn't mind. I liked that you were watching me. Come on, Sammy. You and I can still have a little dirty fun." She began to kiss his neck.

"You wanna have fun? Go ahead then. I'm a little tied up right now." She continued to kiss him. A noise from (M/n)'s side of the room makes her stop. She got up and walks behind him, she sees the boy had a knife in his hand. She takes it away and tosses it to in a corner. Meg swings and faces (M/n), who chuckles.

"You've always never been sneaky, (D/n)."

"Oh, I don't know about that Meggy." She glared at him for the nick name and went back to Sam.

"Now, were you just trying to distract me while your pathetic friend cuts free?"

"No. No. That's because I have a knife of my own." Meg looked at him confused. Sam broke free from his ropes and grabs her shoulders, knocking his head against hers. She falls to the floor while he groans in pain.

"Sam! Get the altar!" Dean yelled. Sam walked over to the altar and over turns it.

Suddenly the shadow demon appears and grabs Meg. She is dragged across the floor and crashes through the window, falling down to the street below. Sam grabs his knife and cuts Dean free. (M/n) got free on his own and walked over to the window to look at Meg sprawled on the sidewalk. 

"So, I guess the Daevas didn't like being bossed around." Sam commented.

"Apparently not. You need to come up with better come backs. 'Cuz I have a knife of my own.' That was just awful." The demon complained before walking away.

Sam chuckled and followed, Dean following after them.

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