Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 32!

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Back at it again with the Supernatural x Male!Reader!!!


Episode: Season 1 Episode 19

Part: 1


(M/n) = Male Reader

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom.



~In a bar~

Dean and (M/n) were sharing a beer.

"So, would you mind telling me why that shtriga was not able to take your life force."

"Demons don't have one."

"Well, then why not your vessels. There's still a person alive in there, (M/n)." (M/n) had stayed quiet. 

"Yeah, about that...." Sam came over to the table and put down papers. 

"I think we got something."

"What is it Sammy?" (M/n) asked, Dean once again disappointed his brother interrupted them.

"Mark and Ann Telesca of New Paltz, New York were bot found dead in their own home, a few day ago. Throats slit. There were no prints, no murder weapons, all...." Sam stopped, seeing his brother wasn't paying attention, just staring at the demon next to them. He's noticed that Dean has become very fond of (M/n) lately.

"Dean!" Dean looked at his little brother. "No prints, no murder weapons, all doors and windows locked from the inside."

"Could just be a garden variety murder you know, not out department." The older said, taking a swig of his beer.

"No. Dad says different."

"What do you mean?"

"Dad noted three murders in the same area of upstate New York. First one here in 1912, second one right here in 1945, and third in 1970, the same M.O. as the Telescas. Their throats slit, doors were locked from the inside. Now so much time had passed between murders that nobody checked the pattern, except dad. He kept his eyes peeled for another one."

"Man, your father really has a lot of time on his hands." (M/n) took Dean's beer and drank some.

"And now we got one, All right, I'm with ya. It's worth checking out. We can't pick this up till first thing, right?"


"Good." Dean had gotten up and grabbed (M/n)'s wrist.

"Dean, what are you doing?"

"Finishing what I started in that motel room." And off the two were off. Sam just face palmed.

~Time skip, will leave a detailed lemon for another time mwhahahaha!~

~Early in the morning~

Dean was sleeping, slouched in the passenger seat of the Impala, sunglasses on, (M/n) was laying in the back, looking at the ceiling of the Impala. Sam walked around the car, leaned forward and honks the horn, making both men in the car jump a foot. Sam sat in the drivers seat, laughing.

"That is not cool, man." Dean said, adjusting his sunglasses.

"I just swept the Telescas with EMF. It's clean. And last night, while you and (M/n) were....well...out..."

Dean smirked. "Good times."

"I checked the history of the house. Nothing strange about the Telescas."

"All right, so if its not the people and it not the house, then maybe its the contents. Cursed object or something." 

"The house is clean."

"Yeah, I know you said that."

"No, I mean its empty. No furniture, nothing."

"Where's all their stuff?" The demon asked.

~Auction House~

The three boys wander around, looking out of place in their casual, rough clothing. Dean took finger food from a tray. One man watched them pass then excused himself from his companion and moved towards them.

"Consignment auctions, estate sales. Looks like a garage sale for wasps if you ask me." The older Winchester commented, the other two nodding in agreement. Dean took more food from the tray on a table as the man moved up behind them.

"Can I help you gentlemen?" The man asked. 

Dean looked him up and down, outing more food in his mouth.

"I'd like some champagne please." He said, putting on a posh voice. (M/n) face palmed.

"He's not a waiter." Sam told his brother.

Dean cocked an eyebrow, Sam held out his hand to the man.

"I'm Sam Connors." The man just looked at him, not moving. Sam moved his hand to point at Dean and then (M/n).

"That's my brother Dean, and our cousin (M/n). We're art dealers, with Connors Limited."

"You. Are.....Art dealers." The man said slowly.

"That's right." The demon smiled.

"I'm Daniel Blake, this is my auction house. Now gentlemen this is a private showing, and I don't remember seeing you on the guest list."

"We're there chuckles, you just need to take another look."

A waiter goes past them with drinks on a tray.

Dean took a glass. "Oh. Finally."

Dean turned back to Blake, sniffs the glass, raises his eyebrows then turns and walks away. Sam hastily follows, shooting Dean dirty looks.

"Cheers." (M/n) said to Blake before following the two.

The three check out the items for auction and are drawn to a painting of a family.

"A fine example of American Primitive, wouldn't you say?"

The three turn to see a sleek, classy, extremely good looking young woman in a black dress, coming down a spiral staircase. They stare at her as she turns her back while taking the final part of the stairs. Sam turned to look at the painting again and Dean, oogling, slaps Sam on the back and kept staring.

"Well, I'd say its more Grant Wood than Grandma Moses. But you knew that, you just wanted to see if I did."

"Guilty. And clumsy. I apologize. I'm Sarah Blake." The she said.

"I'm Sam. This is, Dean. And our cousin, (M/n)."

Dean continued to stuff his face from passing rays, (M/n) shaking his head towards the male.

"Dean. Can we get you some more mini-quiche?"

"I'm good, thanks." The male said, still chewing.

"So, can I help you with something?" Sarah looked at Sam.

"Yeah, actually. What can you tell us about the Telesca estate?"

"The whole thing's pretty grisly if you ask me, selling their things this soon. But dad's right about one thing, sensationalism brings out the crowds. Even the rich ones." 

"Is it possible to see the provenances?"

"I'm afraid there isn't any chance of that." Blake said, coming up behind the boys.

"Why not?" (M/n) asked.

"You're not on the guest list. And I think its time to leave."

"Well, we don't have to be told twice." Dean said, putting on his posh voice again.

"Apparently you do."

"Okay. Its alright. We don't want any trouble. We'll go." Sam said.

Dean raised his eyebrow and walked off, (M/n) following. Sam and Sarah exchange a long look before he follows.

"Dad, that was just rude."


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