Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 15!

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Episode: Season 1 Episode 15

Part: 2


(M/n) = Male Name

WARNINGS: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show.

((Sorry I'm not having much of the reader in these parts, it will get better, I promise))



Dean and (M/n) were sitting on a bench outside the County Works Department. Kathleen comes up behind them, holding printouts of the camera footage.

"Greg, (M/n)." Both stood up. "I think we've got something." She handed Dean the papers and he looks through them. "These traffic cams take an image every three seconds, as part of the Amber Alert program. These images were taken around the time that your cousin, Sam, disappeared."

"This really isn't what I'm looking for."

"Just, wait. Look at the next one."

Dean flipped the page and saw an image of a rusty truck driving away, (M/n) peeked at the image.

"This one was taken right after Sam left the bar. Look at the back of the end of that thing. Now look at the plates." Both looked at the license plates. 

"They look new, maybe stolen?" The boy asked.

"So, whoever's driving that rust bucket must be involved." Dean commented. As they stood there, a beat up van drived by, its engine whining loudly.

"Hear that engine?" Dean asked the two in front of him.

"Yeah." Kathleen said.

"Kind of a whining growl, isn't it?"

Kathleen just agreed with him, the demon replied with a, "I'll be damned." And the two males looked at each other.

~Alittle later~

The three were in the sheriff's car. Kathleen in the drivers seat, Dean in the passengers seat and (M/n) in the back.

Kathleen pointed to a traffic camera, "Alright, the next traffic cam is fifty miles from here, and the pickup didn't pass that one, so..."

"Si it must've pulled off somewhere. I didn't see any other roads here." Dean commented.

"Well, a lot of these backwoods properties have their own private roads."

Dean got annoyed, he stared out the window. New information came up on Kathleen's computer. She clicks the highlighted item and it brings up a page about Dean's fake ID. She reads it and looked at Dean, who was still looking at the window. She then looked at the boy in the back, and he was staring back at her. This made her worried.

"So, Gregory." Dean looked at her.


"I ran your badge number. It's routine when we're working a case with state police. For accounting purposes and what have you."

Dean raised an eyebrow.

"They just got back to me." She pulled the car over. "It says your badge was stolen." Dean looked surprised, (M/n) face palmed. "And here's a picture of you."

She turned the computer to Dean, showing a heavy set African-American man.

"I lost some weight....and I got that Michael Jackson skin disease."

The woman started to take off her seatbelt. "Okay, would you step out of the car, please?"

Soon her computer and car started freaking out, the lights and computer screen flickering.

"No ones getting out of the car." The male in the back warned.

"(M/n), stop it." And it all stopped. "Look, If you arrest me, that's fine. I'll corporate, I swear. But, first, please. Let me find Sam." The male next to her begged.

"I don't even know who you are. Or if this Sam person is missing."

"Look into my eyes and tell me if I'm lying about this."

"Identity theft? You're impersonating an officer." Kathleen didn't trust the two at all.

"Look, there's the thing. When we were young, I pretty much pulled him from a fire. And ever since then, I've felt responsible for him. Like its my job to keep him safe. I'm just afraid if we don't find him fast....please." (M/n) could see that the younger Winchester was the eldest world. "He's my family."

"I'm sorry. You've given me no choice. I have to take you in." (M/n) noticed that she looked at a picture of her and another man, smiling. She looked sad and sighed. "After we find Sam Winchester."

She fastened her seatbelt and started to drive.

~Another Time skip~

 Dean and Kathleen were walking back to the car, holding coffee. (M/n) was still in the car.

"Why didn't your cousin want anything to drink?" She asked.

"He's just going through a rough time. He never really drinks...or eats.....or sleeps really."


"Hey, look, I don't mean to press my luck."

"Your luck is so pressed." She replied.

"Right, I was wondering, why are you helping us out? Why don't you just lock us up?"

"My brother, Riley, disappeared three years ago. A lot like Sam. We searched for him, but nothing. I know what its like to feel responsible for someone, and for them. Come on. Lets keep at it." The woman said getting into the car.

After driving for bit, Dean suddenly told Kathleen to pull over and got out of the car. "This was the first turn-off I've seen so far."

"Hey, where's (M/n)?" Kathleen said looking around, not seeing him at all.

"He does that a lot." Dean simply said, used to the demons time of disappearing. 

"Alright, well, you stay here, I'll check it out."

"No way."

"Hey." They stopped walking. "You're a civilian. And a felon, I think. I'm not taking you with me."

"You're not going without me." Kathleen sighed.

"Alright, you promise you won't get involved? You'll let me handle it?"

"Promise." The older Winchester smiled.

"Shake on it." She extended her hand, Dean shakes it. While they shook hands, Kathleen places a set of handcuffs on Dean's wrist.

"Oh, come on." She handcuffs Dean to the car handle and walks away.

"This is ridiculous. Kathleen, I really think you're gonna need my help."

"I'll manage, thank you." She locks the door and walks away.

"I gotta start carrying paper clips."

Supernatural x Male!Reader Season 1Where stories live. Discover now