Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 27!

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P.S. Don't dump glitter all over your desk......not a good idea...


Episode: Season 1 Episode 17

Part: 5


(M/n) = Male Name

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom.



~At a café~

The trio were sitting in a booth. (M/n) was sitting next to Dean. Sam was looking at his laptop. Dean reached up to the 3D artwork of a fisherman holding a big fish and pulls the cord. The fisherman's mouth moves up and down, playing an extremely annoying laugh.

Sam pulled the cord to stop it. "If you pull that string one more time, I'm gonna kill you."

Dean deadpanned, while staring at Sam, he pulled the cord again. The younger immediately stopped it, glaring at Dean.

Both Dean and (M/n) were giggling. 

"Come on man, you need more laughter in your life. You know you're way too tense."

Sam gave his brother a dirty look.

"They post it yet?

Sam moved his laptop around so the other two can see, and then stabbed his salad angrily.

(M/n) read it out loud, "We've learned from reputable sources that Mordechai Murdock has a fatal fear of firearms. Ok, so how long do we wait?"

"Long enough for the new story to spread, and the legend to change. I figure by nightfall, iron rounds will work on the sucker."

Sam held his beer out for Dean to tap it. Dean tapped the glass and took a long drink. Sam started grinning. Dean went to put his bottle down, but it was stuck to his hand. Sam cracked up as Dean looked at him.

"You didn't."

The taller was laughing, holding up super glue. "Oh I did."

The older Winchester shook his hand while his brother laughed. Sam pulled the string to set the fisherman laughing again.

~Time skip to the Hell House~

It was night and the two cops where searching around, with their flashlights.

"I'm telling ya, I heard something. Coming from over there." The first cop said.

The noise of the fisherman laughing could be heard.

"See? See? There it is again."

"What is tha..." The second cop began.

The find to fisherman stuck in a tree, laughing.


Dean, Sam, and (M/n) entered the house, on alert, guns drawn. Of course (M/n) didn't have one. They began a methodical search, staying back to back. Dean readjusts his gun hand.

"I barley have any skin left on my palm." He said snarky.

"I'm not touching that line with a ten foot pole."

Dean shined his flashlight in Sam's face until his winces, then moved into the other room. The two other males following.

"So, you think old Mordechai's home?"

Supernatural x Male!Reader Season 1Where stories live. Discover now