Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 19!

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Episode: Season 1 Episode 16

Part: 2


(M/n) = Male Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom.



"You two know each other?" Sam asked.


"Anyway, Sam, what are you doing here?" Meg asked.

"We're just in town, visiting friends." Meg looked around.

"Where are they?"

"Well, they're not here right now, but what about you? I thought you were going to California."

"Oh, i did. I came, I saw, I conquered. Oh, and I met what's-his-name, Something Micheal Murray at a bar."

"Who?" Sam asked, puzzled.

"Oh, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the whole scene got old, so I'm living here for a while." Dean walked up and cleared his throat, but he was ignored.

"You're from Chicago?"

"No, Massachusetts, Andover. Gosh, Sam, what are the odds we'd run into each other?"

"Yeah, I know, I thought I'd never see you again." (M/n) just rolled his eyes. He knew she was up to something bad. Plus if she was here, this meant his location would be revialed. He'll be caught and god knows what will happen after that!

"Oh, uh, sorry, Meg. This is, uh- This is my brother, Dean." Meg looked surprised.

"This is Dean?"


"So, you've heard of me?" Dean said.

"Oh, yeah. I've heard o you. Nice, the way you treat your brother like luggage." He looked confused.


"Why don't you let him do what he wants to do? Stop draggin him over God's green earth."

"Meg, it's all right." The four of them look around quietly, well, (M/n)'s eyes were on Meg the entire time. Dean whistled.

"Okay, awkward. I'm gonna get a drink now. (M/n), come with me." (M/n) nodded before Dean grabbed his arm ar drug him off.

"Nice seeing you again....(M/n)."

~Across the bar~

(M/n) was downing drinks.

"Easy there tiger, you might drown....Plus i thought demons couldn't drink or eat."

"We can, we just dont need it like you humans do."

"Huh, intersting...How does she know you? That Meg girl."

"I've seen her around....It's a long, long story." Dean nodded. "Your gonna tell me later." ((Reader-chan is a sneaky little bastard *winks* building things up for later parts))

~A timeskip~

The three were walking out to the car.

"How your not shit faced right now, (M/n), I'll never know." Dean said.

"Not the first time I've drank."

"So, Sam. What was she saying? I treat you like luggage? Were bitchin about me to some chick?"

Supernatural x Male!Reader Season 1Where stories live. Discover now