Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 8!

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Episode: Season 1 Episode 13

Part: 3


(M/n) = Male Name

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural we're talking about



~Timeskip to Sam, Dean, and (M/n) standing in a field~

It was starting to snow, Dean walked up to Sam and (M/n) as Sam was talking to a cop.

The cop left, Sam turned to Dean and gave him a half smile.

"Where were you last night? You didn't make it back to the hotel."

"Well..." Dean looked at the ground.

"I'm guessing you guys worked thing out?"

"We'll be working things out when we're ninety. So what happened?"

"Every bone crushed. Internal organ's turned to pudding. The cops are all stumped, it's like something ran him over." (M/n) said.

"Like a truck?"

The demon nodded.



"What was the Mayor doing here anyway?" Dean asked.

"He owned the property. Bought it a few weeks ago." 

"But he's white, he doesn't fit the pattern."

"Killings didn't happen up on the road. That doesn't fit either."

Sam went to the library to find out anything on the case, Dean went to the newspaper place to see what he could find. (M/n) just vanished, said he would be back. The two brothers noticed he was very restless the last few days. Like something was on his mind.

The boy just didn't know if he should come out or not.


It was night and Cassie was walking around her house, then suddenly the lights started to flicker and there was a sound of an engine being reeved((or however the hell you spell it)) and headlights shining into the room.

The girl scurried to close the blinds, the truck moving around the house. Cassie went to her phone and dial Dean's number, when a figure appeared in front of her. 

"Don't worry, I wont let anything happen to you." She recognized it as Dean's friends voice. She just stared at awe as he just stood there, his eyes not leaving the truck. Then she noticed his eyes...they were black...

The truck soon disappeared and (M/n) looked at the terrified girl, his eyes turning back to normal. 

"W-what are you? And how the h-hell did you g-get in here?" She stuttered, backing up.

"Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you. I'll explain everything." He raised his hands in defense.

She thought a moment, before sighing and nodded.

He went through the whole story, of his relationship with Lucifer, him being put in the cage, being an outlaw, how he met the Winchesters, and how now he was worried to tell the brothers the truth.

" should just tell them. They've seen a lot. They'll understand."

He laughed a bit. "Yeah, from what I heard, they've never seen demons before. And that their not on great terms with them. I mean, Dean slammed me into his car when I first met him. I wouldn't blame him, us demons are sneaky S.O.Bs."

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