Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 43!

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The finally of season 1!!!!!!!

I will be continuing to do season 2, but it will be a different story. Same concept, just don't want this to have a million parts to it. So yeah!


Episode: Season 1 Episode 22

Part: 2


(M/n) = Male Name

(D/n) = Demon name

(N/n) = Nick Name

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom.


~Bobby's Place~

"You better hurry up and beat it. Before the paramedics get here."

"What are you going to tell them?"

"You think you guys invented lying to the cops? I'll figure something out." Bobby handed Sam the Key of Solomon book. "Here take this. You might need it."


"Thanks....for everything. Be careful, alright?" The eldest Winchester told Bobby.

"You just go find your dad. And when you do, you bring him around, would you? I wont even try to shoot him this time. Your demon friend is another story."

Dean and Sam left.

~Jefferson City, Missouri~

The Impala is parked by some train tracks. Sam is looking through the Key of Solomon book on the roof of the car, spinning a marker in his hand. Dean is at the back of the car, loading up guns and putting them into his duffel bag. He is very solemn and Sam looks over at him, concerned.

"You've been quiet."

"Just getting ready.

"He's gonna be fine, Dean. They both are." His brother didn't answer and Sam flipped to another page of the book. He sees a symbol and picked up the book to walk to the open trunk lid. He rubs off the dirt and starts to draw on the lid.

"Dude, what are you drawing on my car!"

"It's called a Devil's trap. Demons can't get through it or inside it."


Sam moved to the other end of the trunk. "It basically turns the trunk into a lockbox."


"So, we have a place to hide the Colt while we get dad."

"What are you talking about? We're bringing the Colt with us."

"We can't, Dean. We've only got three bullets left. We can't just use them on any demon, we've got to use them on the demon"

"No, we have to save dad, Sam, okay? We're gonna need all the help we can get."

~Meanwhile, while the boys argue~

A demon was tying (M/n)'s hands behind his back, while he was laying on the floor.

"Their close. Now, your not gonna tell them that their father is possessed by me or I'll cut your tongue off. Ok (N/n)?" The yellow eyed demon had a sickly sweet tone.

"Fuck off, Azazel."

~With the Winchesters~

Sam walks in the front door and goes to a fire alarm on the wall. Just as he's about to pull it, a man comes walking down the hall. Sam moves to the stairs like he's going up them, but what the man leaves through the front door, he quickly goes and pulls the alarm. Sam left the building.

Supernatural x Male!Reader Season 1Where stories live. Discover now